The Kidnapped Queen (6)

Year 4019 Mist Kingdom Location XX -

A young female with long, black hair and jewel-like eyes sat on a bed in a dark, empty room. The curtains shut, and the only source of light came from the ball of magic in her hand. Her face was ghostly pale, though her skin was fair, it looked paler than usual. An unhealthy pale. Dark circles formed under each of her eyes, indicating that she had not been sleeping well.

The pain in her stomach implied that she desperately needed food, but Lyn shook her head. Food is the last thing she needs.. She focused on the letter she pulled out of her robes. It was a letter from her beloved person. The moment she woke up, she read the message over and over again. Lyn read the message over and over again in a trance.

The last thing she expected was to wake up no longer in the dungeon. Did Rhys find a way out and carried her? Lyn scanned the room; certainly this is no longer the dungeon area. But is it a safe place? Lyn deeply sighed, as she looked at the letter again. She doesn't know why she kept re-reading it over and over. It's not like it will bring herself closer to him. But whenever she re-read it, it brought her some comfort and helped calm her turbulent heart.

Love can be an amazing thing, huh?

Even now, she still doesn't understand it all too well. Will people go that far for another person? How much will endure for a person you claim to care about? And if you do go far, what drives you to that extent? It's something she really cannot comprehend.

"So you're awake now," a familiar voice disrupted her thoughts.

Lyn's gaze flickered on to the owner of the voice, who stood in the doorway with a tray in his hands, "Rhys."

"Claiming another person's bed for hours. I see you have no shame."

" I—I don't even know how I got here," Lyn stammered.

Realistically thinking, even if she collapsed. She should have at least been brought back to one of the safe houses. Or even at home... Her heart clenched as she said that word. Home?

What place is home?

Right now the castle is the last place she would call her home and the safe houses? They'd remind her of Kazuya too much.

"As if I could bring you back there. You wouldn't like it either."

Ah... He noticed it.

"I contacted King Allen. He seemed rather frantic, but it seems like he can't leave to get you. You'll have to spend the night here."

Did he go through all that trouble of contacting Allen? Huh, so he has a sense of responsibility when he wants too. Lyn suddenly felt him pinch her cheeks.

"Oi, quit thinking strange things," Rhys said irritated.

She chuckles lightly, "My bad. But I think it's cute," Lyn nodded to herself. In the past, Rhys couldn't stand Allen at all.

"Even now at a time like this....." he trails off as he reached over and placed his hand on her cheeks, "You've become so frail. I shouldn't have left your side."

Lyn understood what he was getting at. In the past, he would often nag her about her meals and getting rest. While Kazuya was more casual on the matter, Rhys, on the other hand, would bother her always.

"That isn't an option. You guys all have your own goals now. I can't hold you back here, just for my sake."

Rhys grabbed hold of her wrist then, "You're still saying these foolish things. I'm sure you get it already, or do you want me to spell it out for you? You know I wasn't kidding, when I said I'd take you away from here and help you escape all the suffering".

That's right, that's something she knew. That this person like herself told no lies at all, that everything he said from day 1 was the truth and those feelings of love too.

"Your condition will carry on growing worse. What Kazuya did was a temporary stall. But if you keep pushing yourself to this degree, then even that temporary measure will disappear. Why do you wish to keep on punishing yourself like this?"

"I should get going," Lyn needed to assess what their current circumstances were. Judging from Rhys behavior, they weren't entirely safe yet. There was so much that needed to be done. Just thinking about it gave her a headache.


Lyn was confused. "What do you mean, no?"

"Just that, no."

Lyn sat up on the bed and looked at him. Rhys looked the same as ever, with his sharp features and the intense look in his eyes. But something was different now; he looked worn out - dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept well. His eyes bothered her greatly; there was a lonely and guarded look in them. Something she had never seen before. After all these years, Lyn thought she knew everything about the man named Rhys. Even when they first met each other, Rhys was never like this - he was never cautious towards her. Unlike Kazuya, who seemed wary and uneasy at times. Rhys was always laid back, though he was strict at times he always trusted her.

Something flashed in her mind, a memory? Lyn isn't sure, but she has seen him like this before.

"Rhys," Lyn drawled, she was unsure of what to say. She slowly reached over and touched his face. Lyn wondered when things went wrong. When she lost her memories? When she woke up in the Sound Kingdom, completely confused and lost?

"No," Rhys muttered before he pulled her into his arms. He had long put the tray down on the bedside table - as to when he did. Lyn didn't notice, "No more of this. I already told you back in the Town of Lions. But you're done with this too. You're coming with me; I'll take you away from here. Or are you telling me that even after everything you still think you're indestructible?"

"I'm okay, Rhys," Lyn started. Sure she got injured when she surrendered. But other than that she's okay.

But Rhys was no longer listening.

"You're done, and so am I," he repeated. "I love you," His gaze turned back onto her... "And I know you love me too."

Lyn said nothing to those words; she no longer wants to repeat herself.

"I'm sorry I worried you. But, I won't stop," Lyn muttered, "I need to see this war through."

"And what if I keep you here?"

"Rhys," Lyn trailed off. It's true he could probably keep her here. Though a lot has changed, he is a man of his word. Lyn didn't doubt that he would keep her here considering his present state, "Where are we?" she still asks despite knowing full well that he won't answer.

Rhys appeared hesitant to disclose the location. Lyn wondered if it was because he knew that once she held the knowledge on their whereabouts, she would find a way to escape. Rhys spoke slowly, "For now somewhere safe temporarily, but we're still playing this game with her."

Based on what he just said, this is the place Ayah has jurisdiction over?