The Promised Flower (4)

Realization dawned on Rhys when he realized he was the one who mentioned Kazuya.

"Do you remember Luxin?" Rhys changed the topic swiftly.

"Ah, your shady friend."

"He will drop by here and stay from time to time. Do you mind?"

Lyn shook her head, "Unlike you, I know he won't try anything."

His eyes twitched in annoyance at the girl's words. But he knew he couldn't refuse her; she only spoke the truth. Though he has yet to do anything, on more than one occasion, he's almost done it. The whole time they were fast asleep next to each other. Rhys noticed the magic barrier around the girl. He could get close, but if he overstepped it, it would send out an electric wave. Keeping that up must be harsh on her body. But if he tells her he's on to her; then Lyn would change it.


Rhys pulled out some new clothes and let out a relieved sigh when he realized Run wasn't floating around. He made his way towards the baths and quietly entered. After that talk with Lyn, he wanted to relax a bit. In the end, however, for some reason, he ended up watching her archery practice. Quite some time has passed since he last used the bow. Back then, he only used it a lot because he was teaching her. It wasn't a weapon he particularly liked to use in the battlefield. However, it was a skill that was drilled into his head as a kid.

It was a convenient skill for long-range attacks. A skill used when one can't pull out their sword or use magic. Like every other person, Lyn sucked badly at the bow before. Rather, an amused smile appeared on his lips as he recalled how badly she sucked at it. But now she's become an expert. It amused him further how earlier she was trying to show off.

On the other side of the baths, Rhys hears soft and beautiful laughter. He became fully aware that Lyn was on the other side naked - and all sort of things appeared in his head. Rhys shook his head, quit it. The moment he tries anything, she will hate him for good. If she doesn't already dislike him, then she will for real. He can't overstep any boundaries, at least this.

What was he going to do with her? Since he met her again, Rhys had frequently asked this question to himself but has yet to come up with an answer. His talk with Luxin made him realize exactly how badly he still loved Lyn. The past few years, he tried to return to his playboy ways and sleep around with random women. But that only lasted two months, and barely too. He couldn't get Lyn's image out of his mind.

If he were, to be honest, in the beginning, he treated the mission like a game. Seduce a Princess? Seems simple enough. He played around with the idea several times in his head how seducing a Princess would be like. Somebody strong and domineering, how would it feel to get somebody like that to submit to him? However, the girl wasn't like that at all. She was fragile and delicate, yet she had a strong side too. But it was more like a stubborn type of strength than the strength he pictured a Princess to have.

He hears Lyn's laughter, and a warm feeling emerged in his stomach, "Damn," he muttered. Rhys knew this was a bad idea from the start. But when he saw how badly she was bleeding due to her injuries, and how pale she had become - he panicked and took her to the first place he thought of. The idea of the safe houses with guards completely slipped his mind.

Rhys didn't even know when he started to feel strongly towards Lyn. Was it because he spent so long investigating her? But even then he treated the idea as a game, so when did it begin? Did it begin when he realised that Lyn was the girl from his memories? Back when they first met in the Mist Kingdom, he still didn't recall who she was. His own memories were scattered. However, Master Ralph helped him with that.

When he realised that Lyn was the young girl from his memories, he understood why he immediately fell for her. Why it was love at first sight, it's because she is the one he has been waiting for. At first he thought he only had these feelings because of their past memories and his past feelings for her. However, he slowly learned to realize that he liked the present her just as much as he did the past.

'I like you, Lyn.'

A deep sigh passed his lips, so he liked her. He still loved her a lot. Forget trying to analyze when it happened; he's never going to pinpoint that exact moment. Rhys wasn't stupid enough to try something, though.


When he left the bath after soaking for a few hours. Rhys discovered that Lyn was already in the room, Lyn, who was perched on the bed, seemed to be in a daze. Noticing her wet hair, he walked over to her and took a tower from the side, "Dry your hair," Rhys instructed.

Lyn nodded, "Ah-huh."

Why is she spacing out for? Rhys looked around, trying to spot if there was anything interesting. However, other than some old books and random things scattered on the ground, there was nothing. She's acting oddly, Rhys reached over and caressed her face, "Lyn?" he called out.

"Say, Rhys, won't you take me to Kazuya?" Lyn asked.

Rhys looked at the girl puzzled; he thought they already spoke about this. Why is she bringing this up again? Rhys examined the girl and noticed it; her face was a ghostly shade of white, "Lyn?!!"

"Kazuya, I want to see him."

He rolled up the girl's sleeve and saw bright red. Pain flashed through his eyes. She would go this far? She would hurt herself rather than be apart from him for a moment longer? Is Kazuya really that important to her?

Rhys scooped the girl up in his arms and pulled out a brush; he paused - this probably won't work. Her body will reject anything from him; he needs a regular medic. Rhys pulled out the small orb for communication and left Luxin an urgent message before he turned back to the girl.

Lyn, even if he's here for her, it's not enough. She only wants Kazuya. It pained him greatly, Rhys thought he already understood the extent of the girl's feelings for Kazuya. But it turns out that's not the case here. She needs water at least.

Rhys picked up a cup from the side and brought it to his lips before he bent down and pried the girl's mouth open. Lyn, he won't let her die even if she doesn't love him.