The Cursed Love (4)

"Husband? What's wrong?" Lyn asked.

Kazuya's lips curve to a smile, he's always liked it when Lyn calls him 'husband' it reminds him that they are married. Nobody can take her away anymore; nobody can separate them, "I'm thinking now that you're here; I'll probably slack off."

Lyn laughed, "Don't be silly, come here and tell me your plans. I'm only familiar with the terrain and stuff, not your team or what's been going on here."

"My team, well, I just gathered the basic skills needed for a team to gather the jade."

"Hubby, that's over vague."

"It's hubby now?"

"My dear, honey." Lyn corrected.

Kazuya laughed more; what is she doing? What a cutie. He made his way over, and he hugged her from behind, "So, are these red areas the dangerous zones?"

"No, it's the areas where the magic is concentrated the most."

Her response relieved him, that's good. "Huh, what about if it's changed?"

Lyn shook her head, "It won't. In the first place, the demon we are dealing with isn't very smart. All he has is revenge on his mind, and as for J,"

"Did you hear about how she returns to normal sometimes?" Kazuya asked.

'-and yet I hear rumors that Queen J disliked Lyn.' He didn't know how the two met, he didn't see how the two interacted in the academy. So, all he can do is make a random guess based on what he has seen of their relationship when they both became the Queen's of their Kingdom.

Lyn nodded, "Yes, but even J knows better than to change the magic concentration points."

Kazuya's eyes widened, realizing what she meant. So she hid it there? What they found in the mines during the battle three years ago. It's no wonder the defences around the Kingdom have gotten stronger.

"And over here are where the hidden traps are," Lyn pointed to the blue lines on the map.


"Here are the areas where hidden towns are most likely to be, this point in the map cuts of but there is a concealed town. These concealed towns are used to provide the armies rations and hide weapons," Lyn explained. Kazuya has always liked listening to his wife explain things. Maybe because of her voice, it's not too boring to listen to, nor does she use any unnecessary words and gets to the point.

Kazuya buried his face in her hair, "Mm," she smells good like always. When he recalled the question, she asked him earlier; a deep sigh passed his lips. This woman has no shame whatsoever, does she? Then again, even back when she was a Princess, she was very vocal about things like this though she used to blush all the time.

"Kazuya, are you even listening to me?" Lyn said.

"I'm listening very carefully to my wife's pretty voice."

Lyn put the brush down, "Kazuya, why do I get this feeling that your drunk?" she turned around and looked him up and down.

"I only drank a little." Kazuya admitted.

"Ah-huh, so what's a little to you?"

'A few bottles,' but Kazuya wouldn't tell her that. He can't possibly tell her that he's conflicted about telling her the news regarding Rhys. Rhys condition isn't getting better. Princess Kaede is doing her best, but it's just a matter of time. He's conflicted. Does he tell her about it or not? Even though Lyn coldly left Rhys behind like that. That's because she trusted Princess Kaede to save him, however, if Lyn were to find out then she would certainly leave.

Not too long ago when Luxin delivered the news, Lyn made her feelings towards Rhys clear and yet Kazuya couldn't hide his unease. He has never seen Lyn behave so coldly before. The only times she acts like an ice Queen is when she is desperately trying to hide something.

"Kazuya?" Lyn said snapping him out of his trance.

"I do want to touch you," Kazuya muttered against her neck.

"But your drunk, it won't be romantic."

A chuckle passed his lips; why is his wife so cute? Kazuya pushed her gently until she was laying down. His face felt like it was burning, earlier he doused himself in cold water, so it didn't show on his face. But now the heat was returning.

"I can do anything for you," he said, "Anything, just name it."

"Are you starting to feel bad for leaving me?"

"Lyn, I'm sorry. You really must have been lonely. But please understand,"

"I understood, that's why I didn't kick up a fuss," Lyn trailed off as she brushed her hand gently across his cheek, "But, you have to understand why I did what I did."

"I'm flattered to know you love me so much Lyn, but value your own life."

"My life is yours Kazuya."

These words shouldn't be said so easily, but once again, she is saying the impossible. Kazuya inter winded their hands together, and gently kissed her delicate fingers, "And I will give you my life too. But, I'd rather we both get through these obstacles without dying," they still have many things they can do together.

"Kazuya, don't talk about serious matters when we are like this."

Whatever self-control, he had seemed to break at his wife's words. His lips are on hers, and he's kissing her passionately, hands trailed on her sides as he lifted her robes... But that's all he managed to do when somebody entered the room. Spotting grey hair Kazuya sighed. Heisuke better have a good reason for interrupting his time with Lyn.

"Oi, you two both have a guest---" Heisuke trailed off, he pushed the frame of his glasses to the bridge of his nose, "Seems like I interrupted something. But that General said if you don't come down in five seconds, he will march up here."

'General,' with that behaviour. Damn, what's with his bad timing? Normally he would resume and send the one who interrupted away. Since they became King and Queen, people have often interrupted their alone time together. So this situation wasn't new. But it just had to be the General. If he did ignore him, the man would march up here.

At that comment, Lyn quickly got up, "Uncle Adrien is here?"

'And she looks so happy,' Kazuya thought. Well, at least she isn't pulling that expression for Rhys. Kazuya shakes his head. What is he doing being so bitter? Rhys is the one suffering right now.

"Yeah, it seems like he found us. Let's get going."

"Okay!" Lyn said.

"Hey, Lyn,"

"Yes?" Lyn turned around, and in that spilt moment, he used it to kiss her cheek, "Kazuya?"

"We can continue later." Kazuya muttered.

Lyn's cheeks reddened as she lets out a burst of soft laughter that sounded like pearls, "I didn't know you were a horny idiot."

"I'm your idiot dearest, and do you know how many months we were apart from each other?" When he saw how weak she looked, Kazuya focused on her getting better. But she doesn't make things easier for him. "Do you mind?"

"You're so stupid. Let's hurry and meet Uncle Adrien; I want to see if he has news regarding my brother too."

Kazuya ran his hand through his hair and sighed. Well, he supposes that's the one thing that doesn't change about her — work over getting affectionate.