Please get the hint

Rhys is cautious and slowly walks behind her. He hasn't walked by her side properly in years, and back then, he always hesitated to do so. Lyn, however, didn't like it and dragged him to her side. This time around, though, she just carefully looked over from time to time and sighed.

"Is it so bad taking a walk with me, you're acting way too cautious," Lyn said, breaking the silence. The two of them approached a clearing and walked down the archway as Lyn spun the umbrella in her hands.

He got it for her when he saw how bright the sun was.

"No, that's not it."

"Ah-huh, so what's the problem? You're not talking." Lyn didn't believe his words.

Why on earth is she even here? No, Rhys knew the reason why. Lyn came here to check on him, that's understandable. Even though her visit is delayed, it's normal for her to visit. However, Rhys thought she would leave right away. He doesn't understand why she is staying. Why does she stay by his side? Back then, he would often question her, and the young her would smile and say it's a secret.

Rhys reached over and took a strand of her hair in his hands as he kissed it.

"You're not talking, but you're doing strange things." Lyn mumbled.

Lyn stopped walking and turned to him, she reached over, and Rhys felt her hand on his cheek. It was the same delicate hand that he held so often in the past. "Do you take me as a fool?"

"I think I do, say, do you really not understand my intention of coming here?"

"I don't."

"Then please get the hint," Lyn sighed.

Huh? Please get the hint? What hint? She hasn't given him any.

Lyn tugged on his hand, "Walk beside me."


Is that the hint she was talking about? He doesn't get it. Still, Rhys followed her along."Should you stay here? Isn't the showdown soon?"

Rhys attempts to divert the topic.

"Why do I feel like this topic is too dangerous?" Lyn said casually reading his thoughts.

Rhys doesn't reply immediately and watches her facial expression as she answers.

"That's why this place is more convenient."

Hmm, he doesn't see any significant changes. But, her behaviour is certainly different now.

"Besides, Kazuya can't do anything when I'm around. He gets distracted and," Lyn sighed, "He seems to have something on mind that he doesn't want me to know."

"Did you find him cheating on you?"

"Just rumors."

Of course, like Kazuya would cheat on Lyn. If he were that type of person, he wouldn't have entrusted his friend with her. Rather, other girls are nonexistent to his friend.

"So, you're only here to kill time?"

"Killing time and spending time with you. Is that an issue?"

Damn, he's speechless.

His thoughts were spiralling out of control, and all the memories from back then. Everything he had been holding back since then, everything was coming rushing down to him almost like a hurricane. It was all coming back, just spending time with her like this was driving him crazy.

Ah as he thought, that person is a fool.

Every single year, he always received a mysterious gift from someone in the post. Every single year on his birthday, he would receive a present from someone without fail. Without fail, it's always the first one he gets.

At first, Rhys couldn't determine who it was from. But after awhile the presents began to link, and he realized something that was said to him before about connecting presents every year. Only one person could have done it and indeed when Rhys pulled out the draw filled with the girl's gifts from him. It all linked up with the ones he gave her.

Every single year, she's always doing something for him, yet he never gives her anything in return. If it's this year, even if it's just this year, he wants to be able to return that kindness that she's always shown him.

"Do you want to go to town with me?"

"I should stay put."

That's true, but he doesn't want to leave her here with Ayah around. He supposes he could do the work from here. Rhys noticed her staring at his clothes, and he sighed, "This is from you, right?"

Lyn smiled. "Not so stupid after all."

"You kept sending me gifts every year, what was the point?" Rhys wondered.

The past five years he thought he was doing a good job hiding from her. But when he realised she was the one sending him the gifts, Rhys understood that Lyn knew where she was.

"You never came to see me," Lyn mumbled. "You didn't even go to the wedding. I guess that's understandable. But I didn't think you would avoid me for so long."

"Sorry," Rhys apologized.

He didn't mean to avoid her for so long, but how could he bear it? The woman he loves being together with another man. How could he attend the wedding? The wedding that was supposed to be his? Images of Lyn being excited for the coronation and second wedding appeared in his mind.



Rhys gaze fell on the woman, his woman who was making arrangements for their second wedding ceremony that would happen after the war with Queen Lethia. The reason for this second ceremony being she was upset that she couldn't do much for the first one.

He didn't mind it, he also wanted to announce to everybody that she belonged to him.

"If I wear a blue dress, would it be strange?" Lyn questioned.

"Why blue?"

Lyn pouted and folded her arms across her chest. She didn't say a word but she was clearly upset with him. This is not the first time something like this has happened. No matter how well they get along, it is difficult to predict her thoughts.

Her choice of dress colour is strange. In the Rain Kingdom, the colour blue represents something borrowed. A supporting role. Just now when she mentioned a blue dress, this is the first thing that came to mind.

'I don't want her to play the supporting role.'

Rhys continues to ponder about her words when Lyn stood on her tip toes and kissed him.

"I will make sure you no longer misunderstand." Lyn declared.

"By doing this?" Rhys said nervously.

"That's right." Lyn beamed happily. "Every time you say something foolish, I shall kiss you."

Rhys could only look at her in disbelief. Doesn't she realise that will backfire on her quickly?


Rhys turned to the girl in front of him. When Luxin told him Lyn's words, a part of him was relieved. He was relieved that he wouldn't have to see her for a while and could sort his own thoughts out. Whenever they are together, he thinks back to their past. He thinks back to what could have been.

He bravely stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, and buries his face in her neck inhaling her scent.

"Rhys quit sniffling."

Rhys laughed."Didn't you want to get close?"

"You're too close." Lyn trailed off. "You know, I don't have time for this. A lot is going on with the Kingdom, no the entire Empire. I'm a candidate for the next empress too."


"But, I also understand better than anyone what it means to leave things unsettled. You and me, I don't remember much about our relationship back then. However, I want to learn about you..."

"Would that change your mind?" Rhys wondered.

If she learns more about him, will she accept his feelings?

"I just want to know," Lyn mumbled. "Just in case something happens."

"Do you think something bad will happen?"

"I'm not too sure; I'm just saying this as a warning. During these times we have to prepare for the worst, what would you do then?" Lyn mumbled, "If something happened to me, tell me, Rhys. What would you do if I died?"

Rhys eyes widened at the girl's words. He was speechless; he didn't know how to respond to her after all. He never considered it at all. What would happen if she died? A world without her, a life without her in this world. Rhys never thought about it. While these last few years have been painful for him, at least Lyn was still alive. At least there was hope for them as long as she was alive. But, what if she died before then?

Did she come here to make memories with him before something happened? Rhys opened his mouth to ask when he felt Lyn place her hand on his lips.

His eyes widened, and he cursed in his head, she is thinking that, isn't she? She's preparing for the worst-case scenario, and that's why she's acting this way. But, this isn't what he wants.