
Her gaze landed on her surroundings. Despite this place being out in the country, Ayah can't help but notice how lively it is. What a festive place. One does not have to look down to know that every single person down there is smiling. Ayah could see exactly why they sent her to this place, even if it's slightly chilly - she understands why they'd send her here. The atmosphere truly is peaceful, and despite the attacks in this place; the villagers can still smile and live their lives every day. It's somewhat amazing.

When Lyn said the name, 'Kazuya,' she turned her gaze back on to her companion. Lyn had a messenger crystal in her hands.

It started as an argument from the sounds of it, but Ayah watched as a warm-hearted expression appeared on the girl's face. It's really like that after all, huh? Love fuels and drives the individual. Indeed, it was after she had those thoughts earlier that she confessed to him. She has to say it before it's too late. Before he finds out, she was to be the one to tell him.

Her thoughts broke off when Lyn appeared directly in front of her, "Making that sort of face is not good at all! Since you came all this way, you ought to have fun. Okay?"

Ayah could only stare at the girl speechless.

"Where's my response?"

"Yes?" Ayah said puzzled.

Lyn smiles, "Very--" she paused and suddenly rushed over to a stall. "Look look aren't these hats cute? Tada! " Lyn said, putting one on. Why is it a lion she wonders? Yet despite the silly-looking hat, it looked strangely good on Lyn.

She took out another one, "Then I shall take this one."

. . a crocodile?

But this sort of pattern can only mean one thing. Ayah turned away when she feels Lyn place something on her hair.

"For you! Here."

When Ayah opened her eyes though, she sees her reflection in the mirror to find a cute panda hairpin. Ayah blinked, ah? "This..."

"It's adorable. I knew something like this would suit Renna the best."

Why is it, that even now this persons eyes remains gaze remains so very gentle?

"Indeed. We should get her several others too," Rhys agreed.

"That's a great id---" Lyn's sentence fell short when a grumbling sound was heard, she laughs lightly, " Um, maybe we could stop by somewhere and eat? I brought some food."

"If you're hungry, just say so. Well, that's 65 points for holding out."

Lyn pouted, "That score is way too low."

Such a gentle gaze, even now it seems to be pulling her along.


The lilac hair girl glanced down at the box that clearly contained a pendant inside with wonder. Lyn had just placed it before her, but even then Ayah wasn't sure if it was her for at first. It wasn't until Lyn placed the box in her hands.

"For me?" Ayah was very confused. She didn't do anything to receive a gift.

Lyn nodded, "Rhys and I were talking about it earlier. Ayah, I missed your birthday, after all, I've been feeling bad about it the entire time…"

"My birthday?"

"Ah? I didn't make a mistake, did I?"

Ayah shook her head; she didn't. But how does she know that? Ayah lifted the box up to see a gorgeous stone necklace. Oh.

"I know you already have a necklace on, but I wanted to give you ---" Lyn trails of and suddenly leaned forward, staring at her necklace eyes sparkling, "Quartz and Flourite."

Ayah was not familiar with the terms but considering how Lyn kept looking over, "Are you talking about the stones on my necklace?"

"Ah, huh. Fluorite is a colorful mineral, both in visible and ultraviolet light. And the stone has deco rational and lapidary uses." Lyn explained.

Ayah could only look at the girl with confusion, but Rhys shook his head, "Don't bother trying to decipher her words."

Lyn laughed, "I really do like stuff like this; it goes to show rocks are treasured in this world."

What a bright smile and those innocent looking eyes. Despite having being exposed to such danger, to the horrors of the world. This person will always view the world as being beautiful.

Ah, that's right. Even when she heard those rumors a few years back about Kazuya and that woman. Although Lyn was upset for a short while she regained her strength right away, ' I believe in him.' Even with the present situation with that young girl, she is still able to smile. Ayah doesn't have to ask her why she already knows. Even if she's angry and frustrated, she will once again say those words. She's sure that this time her smile will be even brighter than before.

To believe, huh?


Year XX Snow Kingdom

"So, then what's your idea of the real her? " Leo trails off, " If you seriously like this girl. I don't mind helping you out," Leo said.

Ayah didn't think she would walk into this type of conversation. She was simply packing the remains of her belongings before she headed off to the Mist Kingdom.

"Hey, Lady Ayah. Sir Leo is implying that Sir Luke has feelings for you," her assistant said.

Why does this girl, feel the need to comment now? There's no way that can be true. She watches as a soft expression appears on Luke's face, "The real her, she's so weak and fragile ...if I touch her, she collapses like snow. When I'm kind to her, she gets all confused, and I think it's kind of cute."

Ayah felt her heart beating. Is it possible? Are they talking about her?

"Are you sure she isn't around?"

"I'm sure," but right as Leo said that he looked over and grinned.

That liar!

"Anyway, I'll talk with the others eventually...and I'll settle anything remaining I have with that woman."




To believe in the one you love, to believe in those words.

Even though it happened a long time ago, Ayah knows fully well that even now, Luke still thinks of her in the same way.

She is too scared to believe it. If it turned out to be a joke, or if she got betrayed, she would not know what to think...

What if Luke tells her that all those kind words he said were a mere bluff to get Leo to stop bothering him? Ayah wouldn't know what to do if it was all a lie, that's how much she likes him.