Fate and destiny

Fate and destiny – people often see these words as synonymous. However, there is a thin line between the two. They can control the former while the latter is something beyond one's grasp. In the case of Lyn, Rhys always saw the crossroad is beyond the concept of fate.

Rather than 'fate,' it has become beyond that. It wasn't like him to be looking up information in the city archives of all places. However, there was something about all of these events that didn't add up to him.

He lets out a massive sigh as he leaned back on the chair, moving his hands away from the computer keyboard in front of him. To the temple of his forehead. How long has he been doing this for anyway? Even time was something he was starting to lose track of now. But he thinks back to what he heard recently. There's something else about that story that she purposely left out.

Beth is not the kind of woman who would uphold information. But if she is, it's for a just cause.

Even if those guys are de secretive and all that with their tracks. Even they, even they will leave a record behind somewhere. Rhys had debated about which areas to search until he recalled something Lyn told him the past. To think she dropped him a hint. Then again, Lyn always had a bad habit of doing everything indirectly.

His thoughts broke off when he saw steaming cup coffee. The person who placed it on the table was a certain lilac hair wearing a white hat and fur coat. "Investigating is fine. But I believe that taking a break is also important."

"Lady Kiara."

Kiara, one of Lyn's former Knights. He really was surprised when the girl agreed to help him out. Rather,' It appears you've become somewhat trustworthy now, so I'll tell you my real surname.' The fact that she hid her real surname though, he supposed that there really were people who did that.

"I'm all right. It's only been 4 hours."

Kiara shook her head, "No, it's been 8. We came here at 7 am exactly. It's three now."

His gaze landed on his watch, indeed to see that she was right. "I guess I can take a break now," now that she mentioned it. He felt tired.

The lilac hair girl smiles, "That's good. Because I also brought this," she said, holding up a bag of what looked like pastries. The fresh smell instantly hit his nose, and he sighs and stands up. He grabbed the cup of coffee.

"I'll take you up on that offer."


In the end, they remained near his earlier workspace. But he pulled out the spare table and sat down on the couch area. It wasn't the first time he had gone here to the public affairs government building. Yet Rhys had to admit this was the first time he had gone to the archives area. Having private areas like this really was convenient; he had been able to do his research in peace without anyone else knowing.

Kiara took off her hat and placed it on the side, the girls straight and wavy - yet curly locks fell down. That color hair really is unusual; he always did wonder if it was dyed.

"Did you find anything out yet?"

Rhys shook his head, "It's not as simple as I thought it would be."

"Of course, it isn't. But that's precisely why we have to keep up the search. That guy hasn't told anyone except Lyn. That's a given and all that. Yet I always get the feeling that there's something from her that he's hidden too," Kiara trails of, "Not too long ago he told me' But that's precisely why I'm doing this. I didn't think I'd be able to love again after her death, and honestly, right now, I do still have my moments when I think about her a lot.

However, it's not so much anymore, and I'm able to deal with the pain now because of Lyn. Those guys understand it full well that the closer they get to her wish, the more painful it will become for them. There all resolved now but the more they find out, the more they find out, the more that resolve will shatter.'"

The more that they'll...find out, huh? Rhys was well aware that this whole situation was risky in more ways than one. After all, even if he sorted things out with Lyn. Some things can still go wrong and break this momentum they all have. He knew that factor all too well to the point that it really did leave him with a sickly feeling.

"Kiara, how long have you been with those two?"

Kiara fiddled with a strand of her hair, "As for the exact time, it's been six years, yet truthfully speaking. I didn't get involved with them up until four years ago."

Three years ago....but that time was when that happened.

"From your expression, it seems like you get it. Even though I had nothing to do with her then. Seeing that expression on her face and that empty gaze. It made me really want to reach out and help her, which is why I had personally requested from that person that I take care of her even though I had been a member of the frac for a long time.

I never once spoke to him directly, since I always felt as though it wasn't my place to do so. I'll admit back then I didn't want to interact, let alone get involved with anyone. I believed that as long as I was true to myself, I'd be fine, yet that was wrong.

When I saw Lyn that day, I realized that 'being alone is lonely. A girl who had everything taken away from her - someone who completely broke — seeing her then...seeing that it made me think that I want to help her. Help her start all over; that's why I helped her. "

So that's the story. Yeah, Rhys figured there was something about Kiara that differed from all the others. There seemed to be an aura of loneliness around her. His sweatdropped, well with that cold tone and responses at times, it should have been obvious to him.

Rhys played with the cup in his hands; this was why he was surprised when she agreed to help him out. Rather she was the one who said it,' Didn't she..at least mention a clue to you? Think back to the conversations you've had with her.'

If she didn't give him such a hint, then there's no chance of him being able to figure it out.