Why did he wait?

It felt like something similar happened like this in the past. But she wondered what that was. She does not recall it at all. Ever since she became the Queen, things were no longer the same as before. Lyn glanced over at him, and on his face showed traces of age. Yet he regained features she was very familiar with. Rhys is different now but at the same time, he is still the same person he once was.

"What?" Rhys noticed her staring and immediately asked.

"Say, why did you wait for me?"

Why would he wait when she is already married? No matter how much Lyn thought about it, it made little sense to her.

"I believe I told you before, I'm very loyal. I will not accept anyone but you."

"But I-" Lyn started.

'I don't think it's right for us to be in a relationship.' Lyn however knew she couldn't say those words. If she truly cuts him off, he will certainly leave and never appear before her again.

"Lyn, ssh, it's alright. You don't have to make considerations for me." Rhys suddenly said.


"Do not be a fool. You said the reason yourself just a few minutes ago."

That's right, it's because she is married. There can be no other reason than that. She is married, so she can't let him love her. 'Don't think about his feelings Lyn.' Ever since she became the Queen, Lyn hardened her resolve and emotions. While she isn't as brutal as her mother, she isn't as kind and naive as she once was.

"Why do I feel so bad?"

Rhys chuckled and cupped her cheeks, "You said the same thing back then."

"Rhys?" Lyn called out when she saw his expression changed.

"Let's go out for a walk Lyn."

Lyn noticed it on the way to the town from the mansion, but the streets were very busy. A sea of heads, and people bustling around. But, that wasn't the only thing she noticed. It felt like everybody was more dressed up than usual.

"Is something going on today?"


She pointed to somebody nearby's clothing and Rhys nodded. "It's the water festival."

"Water festival?"

"The people on this side of the Mist Kingdom have always had bad crops. It makes it difficult for them to grow anything, they've lived like this even long before the war and famine. Occasionally, they celebrate the one time in the year where they can grow crops. The lands suddenly become rich and fertile, when that happens - everybody works. Everybody makes sure they can farm enough to last until the next time. Nobody can guess when the next time will happen."

So the people here live to fight for survival. Every single day, they are fighting - and yet..her gaze softened. "I like this town, it's very peaceful."

Rhys squeezed her hands and buried his face in her neck. "Then, do you want to live here with me?"

Lyn blinked when she hears his words. Live here? Is he seriously asking that? Rhys suddenly drew back, "You like cold food right?"

She nodded and blinked at his sudden change of question. "There are stands over there, let's grab a bite to eat. Aren't you hungry?"

Now that Rhys mentioned it she was very hungry. Lyn nodded and Rhys bent down and kissed her lips. "Wait for me here, don't move."


Two hours later - Dragon Inn-

Lyn entered the room and found that Rhys had gotten up. He sat by the window and seemed to be looking around. 'He suddenly started a fight like that and got in trouble..' It surprised her, one second he was complimenting her and acting like a fool. Then the next second he was longer by her side anymore.

She wanted to look around for a bit longer, however they could just go back out again. So Lyn found a nearby inn and booked them a room. Unfortunately, since it was very busy, only two rooms were available.

She walked over to him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. Rhys buried his face in her arms and for the next few minutes they remained that way.

"Do you have regrets, Lyn?" Rhys suddenly asked.

"I've never had any regrets."

"Even regarding me?"

"I regret not telling you my feelings before I went out with Kazuya." Lyn admitted.

Even though she couldn't recall the times they officially dated. She does recall having feelings for him before Kazuya and her went out. If she told him sooner, then Kazuya and her would never have become a couple. They would not have found themselves in this mess.


Rhys struggled to remain calm when he heard Lyn say such things. It made him feel overwhelmed. Right now what kind of face is he making? He doesn't understand these events very well. His thoughts broke off when he felt Lyn caress his cheeks. He didn't know what it was, but he felt so content with this situation.

Lyn, she looks so beautiful and unlike before she's treating him more affectionately. Ever since they met again, Lyn maintained a distance between them. However, now? Those walls aren't around. Rhys looked at her, 'she's really beautiful.' She blossomed into quite the beauty. Rhys didn't think that he could touch her like this or have Lyn touch him willingly again.

"There is something I must know, Rhys." Lyn suddenly breaks the silence between them.

"What is it?"

"Will you tell me anything?"

"Yes," Rhys mumbled. From the very start, he never wanted to hide anything from this girl. "What would you like to know?"

"The last few years, did you ever go to thee Sun Kingdom?"

His eyes widened when he heard her say that.

"How did you know?" Rhys asked.

'I figured that she was indeed the person sending me gifts. But, it's unusual that she found my exact location. After all I was travelling around different Kingdoms before ending up in the Sun Kingdom.'

"Someone saw you there."

"I see."

"The Princess fell in love with you."

She even knows about that. For Lyn to know this much information only means one thing.

"She sent a letter stating that she would help us, only if you returned to your position."

The girl traced his lips with her fingers and Rhys grunted. He wanted nothing more than to have Lyn take the initative. He wants her to destroy this gap between them. The remaining gap and distance, please get rid of it.

His former position huh? That stupid Princess. Rhys knew he shouldn't have blabbed. During his travels. Rhys kept it all to himself, why would he blab about it to a stranger? What if she told people and Lyn ended up getting in trouble. He kept it all to himself, he hid it away - all his feelings for her. But that didn't stop him from getting helplessly drunk around the Sun Kingdom Princess that one time. Not only did he sleep with her, he ended up calling Lyn's name.

It was a foolish mistake, and Rhys regretted it terribly. He regretted it more when the girl confessed to him. He had to turn her down and push away any responsibility.