

Two and a half hours later

He believed her like an idiot. Not a lot? Now that he thought about it, Luxin brought a large parcel over. He didn't think much about it at the time. Lyn came here unexpectedly after all. It's normal for her to lack some items. Dammed, she tricked him. Or maybe to Lyn this amount is nothing? She is the Queen, it would make sense.

Rhys glanced over at her, 'Well there is something good about this situation.' He can watch her properly now. The sound of her pen, the light brush strokes against the paper. The light that entered the room sweeper across her face. Rhys could not keep his eyes of her. Lyn is so very beautiful right now. A mature Lyn? He still isn't used to this.

The last time he saw Lyn back then, well it wasn't a pleasant sight. While he reunited with her for quite some time now. Rhys has not had the pleasure of looking at her properly. So much has happened since he reunited with her.

He debated for a few minutes before he stood up and walked over. He quietly sat beside her.

"What's the matter?" Lyn asked.

"Nothing," he muttered. It's nothing at all, he just wants to sit next to her. He wants to ensure that this moment is real, that she won't vanish before his very eyes again.

When Rhys travelled around the Empire, he missed her a lot. Those long days he spent in agony without her, even now he clearly remembered it.

Lyn turned to him, "Is that so?" she gently caressed his cheeks and then brushed their forehead together. "I think you have a fever."

"I do feel light headed."

"Then, do you want to rest on my lap?"

"Huh?" Rhys said surprised. What did she just say there?

Lyn quickly replied, "I mean your tired, and I know you won't return to the room unless I do."

Lyn probably thinks he is doing that for her safety. Sure that's partly the reason, but it is certainly not the main one. The main reason is, he wants to remain by her side for a bit longer. Three days, that isn't a lot of time. He should have asked for more. But Rhys didn't want to be too shameless.

Kazuya clearly had a hard time agreeing. His friend has not spent proper time with Lyn in a long time either. Rhys didn't want to intervene with the couple too much. Lyn and Kazuya are the Queen and King of the Mist Kingdom. With the current situation, it would be and if Lyn and Kazuya had a falling out.

"Tell me something Lyn," Rhys started


"Did you know my whereabouts this whole time?"

Lyn nodded, "Ah, you got my letter."


It surprised him when he saw that familiar handwriting. Rhys recalled how he treasured and carried it around. He didn't open it right away, he was afraid that she would convince him to return. Indeed when he opened that letter, Rhys wanted to return to her side immediately. Lyn told him that she missed him and wanted to see him.

"At first I had no idea where you were," Lyn trailed off. "But then brother Zepher told me."

"Wait, he was the one who saw me?"

"Yes, he said you looked very chummy with the Princess there and people praised your relationship."

Damn that guy spreading lies! Rhys sighed, " Listen I was never ---"

Lyn immediately cut him off, "You weren't close to her right?"

How does Lyn know that?

"She sent me a letter back and told me to stay away from you," Lyn explained. Rhys immediately saw her expression darkening. Judging from her expression, that's not all that was written. However, he knew better than to do that now.

Rhys squeezed her hands, "But you wouldn't right?"

"Of course not, I was so angry!" Lyn exclaimed. "She was acting like you're fiancée or something. Based on what she wrote though, I could tell you weren't close. I mean if you were, she wouldn't treat me that way..."

Indeed, most girls he befriended treat Lyn very well. Even if they end up falling for him, they knew better than to cross that line.

"Did you tell her you were my first and only love?" Rhys asked as he recalled something. Now that he thought about it, there was that day wasn't there? The day where she barged into his room and ranted about how unreasonable Lyn is.

Ever since that woman learned who he liked. She went through all that trouble to investigate what happened with him and Lyn. Sure enough the girl learned the details and started to criticise Lyn. She recalled him a fool for getting tricked.

Rhys remembered how angry he was with her that day. For investigating him like that, no for investigating Lyn. Sure to outsiders it may look like Lyn used and then threw him away. However, for those who know the full story they would never say such a thing.

"Well maybe it was like that," Lyn mumbled.

He moved closer to her, "You know for someone so composed most of the time, you sure do turn red easily," Rhys commented. Currently the girl's entire face burned red, his hands turned hot just briefly touching her cheeks.


"Are you done working?" he played with her hair, causing Lyn to avert her gaze onto the ground. It was futile because of the small distance between them.

Still Lyn tried, "I have more things to read and sign, so," Lyn trailed off. "You should let me go."

They both knew he wouldn't let her go.

"Stop for now."

Lyn placed her documents onto the table. She turned to him, and brought her hands to his cheek. She traced his lips with her thumb. Her every action slowly drove him crazy. "Rhys," Lyn mumbled softly.


A content sigh escaped his lips. This is nice, her touching him like this. Lyn was already a real beauty back then, but now she is an adult. 'There is something sensual about these actions...' Rhys kept looking at her. Indeed, she's become a beauty.