This is all I can do for you


During the morning, Rhys already noticed Kazuyas condition. He pulled him aside and had a word with him before they entered the carriage. But the fool replied to him and said he was fine. Rhys hated how stubborn he was but kept watch of his condition. Just when he thought Kazuya was fine, the moment they left the carriage he collapsed. Thankfully the inn was nearby and seldom anybody was around. No matter how much they disguised themselves, their group stood out. Even the inn keeper looked at them suspiciously.

Master said he would take care of Kazuya, and Melissa went of because she saw an old friend. But his gaze fell on Lyn who was awkwardly standing at the door. Why are they suddenly sharing a room? Master did this deliberately. "Take a bath first."


Rhys could not miss how she flinched at the words bath. Rhys understood what she was thinking.

"Queen Lyn, I am not unreasonable. I wont do anything to you."

"But you did before."

Her logic is normal but Rhys ran his hands through his hair. "The situation has changed now, your husband has come back."

Now that Kazuya was around again. Rhys could not bare to do something to Lyn. He does not want to put her in the same situation as before. In the past something like that would not stop him but a lot has happened over the past few years.

"You can go first."


Lyn quickly went past him and headed to the other room. He slumped to the ground and ran his hands through his hair. 'What is even happening right now?' Rhys didn't understand the current situation at all. But one thing was clear to him, tonight he will be left alone with Lyn.

This is very bad, he needs to keep his emotions in check. Where did Melissa go? Rhys shook his head. He can't do that to her. Things are no longer the same as they were before. He can't use Melissa as a substitute for Lyn.

….Rhys ended up taking a shower using the fountain. When they passed by earlier, he saw a small garden area and a large fountain in the center. "Lyn." He mumbled.

He wants everything to return to norm between them. But the more time that passes by, the more awkward things become. Still, if he continues this way then--

'I will come for you.'

Recalling how Lyn brought up the letter recently, he knew that woman would eventually come here and cause problems. Rhys was afraid that she would even do something dumb as join hands with Queen J. He shook his head, 'it can't be..' But some of Queen J's movements lately remind him of her tactics. That person wouldn't do something stupid would she?

The girl's eldest brother is smart, and he is the King. Surely he wouldn't allow something like that to happen. Rhys didn't know what it was though, but he got a very bad feeling.

He heard a rustling sound. "Lyn?"

"Your change of clothes."

His lips curve to a smile. "Why dont you join me here?"

"No thank you."

In the past he tricked her into washing his back though. Well he supposes he cant do that with the current situation. Just having her close by is enough. The water felt refreshing. He hears her quiet footsteps and Rhys turned around. Lyn held up a cloth. "Helping?"

"Turn around."

Rhys laughed. "Don't force yourself stupid. Wait for me outside."

He hears her footsteps fade and a relieved sigh passes his lips. That girl needs to stop acting so carelessly.

Rhys did not bother staying long after that scene and walked away. He picked up the clothes Lyn gave him and sloppily slipped it on. He did not bother putting it on properly and left the fountain area. Lyn waited for him right by the large cherry blossom tree. He had to stop to stare, she looked stunning. Is it because of the background contrast? There seems to be something different about Lyn today.

It felt like an eternity before he reached her, when it was only a few minutes. Lyn extended her hand out and Rhys immediately pulled her into his arms. The girl smelled very sweet, 'maybe it was because she just took a bath.' He didn't have a strange scent fetish or anything, but he unknowingly inhaled her scent.

"You didn't dry properly."


"Sorry." Lyn apologized. "But please don't do this. I already feel bad and don't know what to do."

"Lyn." All he could do was say her name. His thoughts broke off when she lightly pressed her lips against his. It was light and brief, their lips barely made contact. But there was something special about it.

"This is all I can do for you. Please do not ask me for anything else."

"I understand."

Actually he didn't, but that brief kiss just now cheered him up. The sensation of her lips, something forbidden. Lyn will never do anything with him as long as she is married to Kazuya. It was the same back then too. The only reason they shared such intimate moments was because she broke up with Kazuya. It was only then when Lyn broke the wall between them.

His thoughts broke off when he saw the bottle of alcohol, and cups. 'It seems like Lyn prepared for this.' He pulled away from her and sat down. Rhys couldn't help but notice the bruises in her hands.