I meant it

Mist Kingdom main palace, a few days later.

The next few days, Lyn did her best to avoid Rhys. After spending the night together, she was the first to wake up. When she realized what they did, she felt flustered, and confused. She headed back to the castle without waiting for him and immediately informed the servants that she would return to working. But this game of hide and seek only lasted five days, on the sixth day Rhys caught her and dragged her to the kitchen.

Upon seeing him the servants immediately left but Lyn could already hear their whispering. So much for preventing rumors about them. Then again, since she not only returned with Kazuya but Rhys, people have been talking.

It seems like only a few people knew that she had married Rhys. But plenty of people knew that they were in a relationship before.

"Is it fun messing with my emotions, Queen?" Rhys looked furious and he had every right to be.

She was the one who responded to his kiss, she was the one who took it further.

'If I pushed him away and told him to stop, he would have.'

But instead she felt emotional cried, and responded to his advances.

'I did such a bold thing. I don't know what got into me, but when I heard him say those words I couldn't hold back anymore.'

"I-I'm sorry." Lyn looked down at the ground trying to avoid looking at his eyes.

Rhys sighed frustrated. "So, was it due to the alcohol? You didn't mean any of it?"

Lyn's eyes widened realising what he meant. "No!" Lyn exclaimed. "I meant it!"

At those words Rhys looked at her surprised. He grabbed hold of her hands and brought it to his lips.

"I am relieved." Rhys whispered as he kissed her fingers. "When I woke up without you by my side, I thought I had messed up. I thought you were furious with me and wouldn't speak to me anymore."

"I-I was just nervous, and doing a bit of self-reflection."

This would be the perfect timing to tell him that she has regained her memories. But, it feels like if she does tell him then Rhys will be the one running away.


"What we are supposed to do from now." Lyn trailed off. "It's not like I stopped liking Kazuya."

"That's true." Rhys stopped kissing her fingers. "Honestly, I wasn't planning on touching you until the tenth date. But, I got lost in the moment. Seeing your after bath look turned me on-"

At those words she stepped on his foot and Rhys yelped. "I almost forgot how violent you were."

"Be serious." Lyn said sharply.

Surely he didn't plan to seduce her without a plan?

"Before I ask, you tried to get the rule regarding multiple husbands abolished right? That's the reason why you didn't take on another husband the past five years."

"You heard about that?"

"It was hard not to, the news made the local papers. Everybody was talking about it for awhile."

This is embarrassing to hear, she knew the public made a fuss about it. But she didn't pay too much attention to the rumors since she had to deal with the disapprovement from the elders, and the other nobles.

"W-what did they say?"

"There were mixed reactions, some of the younger women were saying 'That is so romantic.' But the elder women were disapproving saying 'for the sake of the Kingdom she must bear more children. The current King is sick, she needs to find somebody healthier.'"

Lyn frowned hearing that last part. If Kazuya didn't pass out right after the wedding, the townsfolk wouldn't have found out that he was sick. They don't know about his illness, but there were those who said it was a bad omen. She managed to clear up those rumors but she couldn't completely dismiss their unease.

"So, why are you asking this?"

"You don't remember anything yet, so I wasn't going to say this. But I am relieved you didn't succeed in abolishing the rule. After all it would mean you divorcing me."

At those words her eyes widened. She didn't think he would reveal it.

"I know this may come across as surprising to you but five years ago when we escaped the castle together, we got married in a small village."

'I-I should act surprised.' Lyn took a deep breath and tugged on his sleeves.

"So, you are my husband?"

Rhys responded to that by kissing her and she looked at him surprised.


"You need to stop behaving so cutely." Rhys mumbled against her lips. "It must be a crime for you to be so cute just asking a simple question."

"R-hys, I-" Lyn paused hearing the sound of footsteps. "T-the maids-"

"Since that night, I officially decided to court you. So I don't mind who sees." Rhys kissed her again.

She didn't understand why she was even allowing him to do this. With her strength it should be easy to pull away from him. But like a fool she is allowing him to kiss her. Yes this is foolish, it's exactly like what happened that night.

The past few days she has repeated those words in her mind, so she doesn't get caught up in the flow again. But, it seems like her resistance towards him is low.

"Honestly, when I heard you'd be nearby I ditched my breakfast and rushed over."

"T-then you should go back and eat."

"I have other ways of satisfying my appetite." Rhys mumbled against her lips. "You look tasty."

He lifted her shirt and ran his hands along her back, and breasts. "R-Rhys? This is no time to be fooling around."

"Who says I am fooling around?"

"I did!" She trailed off.

The servants whose footsteps she heard were in clear view now. Instead of leaving, they stood there at the end of the hall watching with great interest. There were some who were blushing and looking away but some who continued to stare.

"Ahh." Lyn held back her voice as Rhys rained kisses and sucked on her neck. "Y-your so mean."

"Who is the mean one? Should I remind you how you left me alone after spending the night with me?"

"Didn't I just apologise for that?"

"I don't know if words are enough."

Lyn wrapped her arms around his neck and mumbled in his ear.

"Don't sulk anymore, I'm sorry okay?"

"That apology, should we finish it in the bedroom?"

"No." Lyn refused. "I want to take this slowly."

Both of them got caught up in the flow that night. But, she spent the last few days thinking about it. While she doesn't regret it, she feels that they are taking things too quickly.

It was only recently where she regained her memories, only recently where she rediscovered these feelings.
