Who do I kiss?

'I feel a bit jealous after all. It's partially my fault that Rhys decided to leave. If I hadn't asked Rhys to fight the dragon then his vision would not have degraded. Kazuya wouldn't have been affected by Kosame's attack due to the nature of his magic.'

If Rhys never left, Melissa would not have had that chance.

A deep sigh passed her lips. What is she saying now after everything that has happened? Rhys goes into some more details about how they gradually got closer and entered a relationship. The entire time Lyn tried her best to maintain a straight face. But this was very difficult to listen to.

"She told me quote, 'I will help you forget her. I will make sure you fall in love with me. But even then I will not leave your side.' The latter half turned into a lie. Although I know the circumstances now, back then I didn't know so I felt betrayed."

"S-so, when you were with her. Did-did you forget me?" Lyn wondered.

Rhys shakes his head. "Not at all. I lost count of how many times I said Lyn instead of Melissa. Each time I mistook her, Melissa smiled like usual. But I would feel very awkward." Rhys trailed off and cupped her cheeks. "Your a very difficult person to forget you know?"

"W-why does it sound like your blaming me?"

"I am blaming you." Rhys mumbled. "I'm blaming you for being so cute and irresistible."

Lyn didn't know how to react to those words. But she somehow managed to ask.

"Then, what do you plan to do now about Melissa?"

"I told her to wait for me." Rhys admitted.

Rhys answer was exactly what she expected to hear and what she feared to hear. It makes sense for him to say those words. When Melissa met up with Rhys not too long ago during their journey, she was still pushing Rhys away. Although she wasn't behaving as coldly, it would be enough to turn anybody away.

"I thought this was my second chance. If I make things right with Melissa again. Then you can be happy with Kazuya and the same goes vice versa. However," He trailed off. "The situation has changed, since we returned."

"It has?"

Rhys grabs hold of her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "It has, I can now see a future where the two of us are together again."

For a moment her heart felt warm but something clicked in her head that caused her to pull her hand away.

Lyn looked at him sceptically. "But didn't you tell her that a few days before we returned? It's hard to believe that you change your mind."

"I see." Rhys looked troubled. "My feelings for you are indeed sincere. But after hearing something like that it's normal for you to doubt me."

Seeing his dejected expression Lyn quickly shakes her head. "N-no, it's not like that. I just-I feel bad for Melissa."

"I am sure she has heard the news by now. If so you don't have to worry. I do owe her an explanation however, so first we announce it officially to people and then we can go see her. What do you think?"

Her eyes widened hearing those words. Eh? This wasn't what she was expecting.

"After saying something like that and agreeing to her request for a kiss. I may have given her some hope so I do feel bad but your the one I want."

Her gaze dimmed hearing the words kiss. "So, you kissed her?"

"Does that bother you?"

"Well it probably happened during our fight, before you went to the forest. So it makes sense. But there I was thinking desperately how to apologise to you."

'Although, I was thinking at the same time how I have no time to fool around with feelings I had in the past.'

Rhys expression clouded and he stands up. "I need to think of a way to make it up to you. Just saying this won't work. Wait, I will coldly reject melissa now."

H-huh? How did he come to that conclusion? Seeing him seriously walk away, she extended her hand out and tugged on his clothing.

"H-hold on!"

But Rhys still didn't stop and she stands up. The moment she gets up however she looses her footing. Instead of falling forwards, Rhys catches her.

"How can you still be so clumsy when your the Queen now."

"U-hand me."

Rhys lips gently fell on her forehead. "Why are you trying to stop me? I thought you were angry."

"No. I was just, I just didn't like the idea of you kissing her." Lyn mumbled that last part quietly and Rhys suddenly lets her go.

He slumped to the ground and she looked over at him puzzled. When Lyn looked closer, she could only see his red-stained face. Ah-is he embarrassed?

Rhys stood up again and hugged her tightly. "Damn. I almost forgot how good you are at making me speechless. You don't like me kissing other women?"

"I don't."

"Then, who do I kiss?"

Ah, he must be teasing her again. But, it's certainly different from before. Lyn wrapped her arms around his neck. "Me, kiss only me."

"Then, I will do that."


At the Queen's audience chamber. Four hours later.

Lyn finishes up listening to the knights reports and stretched her arms the moment they left the room. The Queen's chair is comfortable since it's made out of the best materials, but after sitting for nearly half the day, her shoulders are starting to hurt.

"I thought your head would be in the clouds after all that kissing you did with sir Rhys. But, you handled each request well." Teo commented.

At those words her cheeks burned red. "H-hold on, you should have said something if you were there."

"If I did, you would just feel more embarrassed. I would pity sir Rhys who would end up getting hit."

Lyn sighed. "You know too much about me sir Teo, it's unfair."

"You are the Queen I have served since you were a Princess. Naturally I know more about you than the others. But your not only my superior but also a close friend."

Her gaze softened when she heard those words. "To think you can admit that so easily now. Before you were so stubborn saying something like 'that would go against my conduct as a Knight.'"

"Certainly if I think about values, it is wrong. However, more than that. Being your companion is quite fun, it has brought a new perspective in my life. So I will not disregard that."

Her sweat fell. A new perspective? Isn't he indirectly saying she is strange?
