Sword of Lycoris Part 13

But even a Queen is a human being, Pupilliam informed him that 'the Queen has moments where she would disappear.'

He doesn't say anything as he strolled across, her gaze meet his but she says nothing. Rhys sat behind her. The warmth of her back transmitted against his own.


For a moment she didn't speak but he heard her sigh.

"If you, go back to how you used to be like. I will be very upset."

"Did you not like how I was before?"

"No, I liked you too much regardless of whether you did stupid stuff."

She liked him too much huh? Silly girl, she is basically admitting that she remembers everything.

"Before we go to the North, I think you should know." Lyn takes a deep breath. "I have regained my memories of our time together Rhys."

Lyn chose her words carefully but he could tell how afraid she sounded. So, she decided to just tell him. He thought it would be a much grander event than this. Then again after that talk with Pupilliam the other day, he realised that eventually he would have to confront Lyn about it. The sooner the better, right now they are in the middle of war, anything could happen.

He reached over and interlaced their hands together and Lyn squeezed his hands.

"You're not going to run away are you?"


Lyn sighed deeply. "I should have just told you immediately. I feel like an idiot."

"It's fine, if you told me right away I would have felt overwhelmed and we probably wouldn't have been able to spend all that time together."

It's because he got to spend all those moments with her again that Rhys realised that he couldn't let her go. Had she told him immediately, there would have been a higher chance of him avoiding her.

"Then you're the idiot Rhys not me."

His sweat dropped at her cold and blunt words.

"The past five years were difficult. Did you, leave because of what Kosame did to you?"

So she even knows about that. He supposes it was stupid of them both to think that they could hide anything from each other. Even before they got into a relationship, they seemed to naturally understand each other.

"I didn't think having a half-blind King on the throne was ideal."

"Rhys, I don't care about that."

"I know you don't, I know you would never judge me Lyn. But-"

"I wouldn't let anybody else judge you either Rhys." Lyn's voice is firm and he could imagine the determination on her face. "I do understand your concerns, but I feel frustrated that you just left without speaking to me about it."

"Would you have let me go if I talked to you about it?"

"No. But, telling me is better than disappearing."

She is so stubborn but he always found that side of her cute

Rhys lets go of her hand and stood up until he was directly in front of her. Their eyes meet briefly again but this time she looked straight at him without looking away. He pulls her to her feet and the girl wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hey, what are you doing?"


Rhys laughed at her honest words. "I see your not holding yourself back anymore. It seems that grain of sand has grown."

"It was always more than a grain." Lyn mumbled quietly but he hears her clearly. "You should have told me Rhys. When you disappeared, I thought I did something wrong. Even when I learned what Kosame did to you. I thought maybe that was just an excuse and I did something to anger you instead."

"No, that's not it-"

"Rhys, I missed you." Lyn mumbled.

It was just four words and yet Rhys could feel the pain and longing in her tone. 'Lyn is right, I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have left without saying anything that would look bad to anyone.'

Leaving the way he did was the same as rejecting her feelings.

"I'm sorry. I know apologising won't do much, but I promise from now on I will remain by your side."

"Until we are old?"

"That too." Rhys gently kissed her forehead. "I won't run away from you anymore. I will honestly tell you my thoughts."

"I think you have been doing that since we met again anyway." Lyn muttered. "The dates were all part of your plan to weaken my heart."

Rhys laughed. She has such interesting ideas.

"You should know that those dates were actually unplanned-"

"Says the one making arrangements on the tenth date-"

He interrupts her sentence by bringing her fingers to his lips and placing gentle kisses there.

"J-ju-just because I remember now, doesn't mean you can take advantage of me and tease me like you did before."

"I am aware of my position, you can tell me whenever I do anything you don't like."

"Your position, but your my husband aren't you?" Lyn mumbled.

"One step at a time." Rhys kissed her fingers again. "Should we get going? We are late already."

"Yes, oh one second." Lyn let's go of his hands and walked to the center towards the large tree. She places her hands there and in the next second the tree emits a silver coloured glow.

"It feels like it is calling out to you."

"It would be nice if that was true, unlike my mother I cannot hear the voices from this tree."

The 'silver' tree. It's a special tree that contains a portion of all the magic in the Mist Kingdom. It is the duty of Queen's to maintain the magic in this tre. A magic concentration point, there are several more in the Mist Kingdom. But, this must be the direct source.

It would explain why Lyn never renovated the buildings in this area, and why nobody else comes here.

After a few minutes the light vanishes and Lyn turns to him. "Don't pick a fight with Allen, okay?"

Rhys sighed hearing her words. "Do you truly think I will? That's something Kazuya would do. I personally don't care about that guy."

"Hmm, it's true that you never openly showed your hostility. But," Lyn appears directly in front of him with a bright smile on her face. "-you were secretly jealous weren't you?"

It seems like now that she remembers everything she isn't holding herself back. He bends down and lightly bites her ear.

"I was burning with envy." Rhys admitted.

Lyn has always treated King Allen differently, even when she stopped having feelings for him.

At those words Lyn laughed and grabbed hold of her hands. "Okay, understood. Let's go Rhys."
