The Head Knight Part 2

After the exhaustion of getting the sword, they were given a week of peace from all their work and other responsibilities. It seemed the elders of the Mist Kingdom were satisfied with Lyn not only obtaining a weapon that would help end the war but settled the problems in the north.

His gaze fell on the girl fast asleep in his arms. 'This is becoming a problem, I am getting far too used to this.' He gently caressed her cheek and then brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

"Mmm, Rhys?" Lyn stirred awake and mumbles his name.

"Hey, sorry for waking you. But, you have a meeting this morning."

"I know." Lyn sighs deeply. "I don't want to go."

Rhys chuckled hearing her reply and he kissed her forehead. "I know, but isn't your head knight coming back? You said you wanted to introduce me right?"

"Mm, you spoke to him briefly five years ago. But you don't know him well so I'd like you to speak to him. He is a good person."

Rhys extended his hand out towards the bedside table and takes out a comb as he brushes her hair for her.

"I will be with you today."

Lyn laughed. "Right, then maybe I can sneakily hold your hand and get closer?"

At those words his eyes widened. This isn't the first time he is hearing her say such words. No, ever since they returned from obtaining the sword. Lyn has become more honest and expressive with her feelings for him. Although she still blushes and gets embarrassed, something is different now.

It reminds him of her behaviour from the past, no there is something different about her now.

Rhys gaze is gentle as Lyn pressed her lips against his again. "It's unfortunate that I can't confine you to this bed."

"If you do that, you will have to answer to my head aide."

He shuddered recalling Pupilliam's scary expression and her warning from a few days ago. After they returned, they were given a break and he cleared up his schedule to spend time with Lyn. Pupilliam had pulled him aside and strictly warned him.

'You two can work on making children, after the war.'

That dammed woman, it seems they will never see eye to eye with one another. His thoughts break off when Lyn suddenly hugged him and brushed her lips against his ear. He is momentarily stunned at her words before he felt his entire face turn red.

W-what on earth did she just suggest there? Why does she keep doing these things that surprise him. Rhys didn't get a chance to voice his thoughts when he felt Lyn's lips on his neck. He ran his fingers through her hair. This little devil, she is truly trying to break his self-control?

"Rhys." Lyn muttered. "Kazuya came to see me the other day and told me about the jade."

"Yeah, it seems we have to hold another ceremony after we find it."

"That jade is with Jen. I don't feel too good about leaving it with her. So, I was thinking maybe I should take a trip to the Snow Kingdom and sneak in and get it." Lyn said calmly.

Rhys didn't know how to react to this. "Lyn, it's not a matter of sneaking in and getting it. Even if you do succeed, what if they have already done something to the jade? It's too risky."

"But, leaving it with them isn't good."

Rhys sighs. He understood what she was trying to say. Even before Lyn became more open regarding her feelings for him. This girl has always wanted to protect him and keep him safe.

He places a gentle kiss on her forehead. "It's alright, I will be fine."

Lyn didn't seem satisfied with his response and moves away from his hold, and stands up. He watches her walk over to the closest and take out some clothes. Rhys knew it wasn't enough to say he would be fine, after all anybody could lie and say those words. However, it's too risky for Lyn to go to the Snow Kingdom again.

If Queen Jennifer discovers that Lyn isn't in the Mist Kingdom again, he is afraid that woman would truly do something. She may go on the attack again. Right now the current situation with Queen Jennifer secluding herself is for the best. They have to ensure that Lyn

Rhys stands up and hugs her from the back. "Your training with the new sword, do you need help?"

"Kazuya has been helping me."

So that's why there are occasions where she would sneak off at night. So, Kazuya is the one training her huh? It doesn't bother him as much as it would have done in the past.

"Can I help too?" Rhys offered.

At those words Lyn laughed softly and her icy exterior immediately melted. "Are you jealous?"

"A little." Rhys admitted. While he doesn't mind the two spending time together. A part of him still feels bitter.

"That's a normal reaction. I know you care a lot for Kazuya, but considering my relationship with him, it's normal for you to worry. However, you do understand, right?"

Rhys nodded. Of course he understood, who the one she loves and wants to be with is. If he didn't understand by now, he would be a fool.

He turns her around and brushes his forehead against hers.

"I understand. So, that's a yes isn't it?"

"Mmm, we train when the night shift guards come on." Lyn trails off. "The past few days we have been together anyway, but today it maybe different-"

"I mentioned to you already that I cleared my schedule so I could be in the castle with you today."

"Then, we can go to the meeting spot together." Lyn trails off and brushes her hands against his cheek. "I think we have a few extra minutes before the morning assembly starts."

Rhys blinks and then chuckles. "Alright, my Queen."
