The Head Knight Part 4

After the meeting officially ended, Ark could only find a quiet spot in the training grounds and sighs. He didn't think the Queen would volunteer like that. He was trying to help sir Rhys out, by not placing him in an awkward situation. But, letting the Queen spend time with Raven is just as dangerous.

His thoughts break off when somebody slapped his back.

"Kristy." Ark said with a sigh. "Do you have to greet people so violently?"

The purple haired magician only grinned. "Now, now. I didn't think you would cause trouble on your first day back."

"That wasn't my intention."

"Since your plan failed. I think you should tell sir Rhys directly about Raven before he finds out. I mean, since Lyn is assisting. They will be spending a lot of time together."

A dark gaze flashes through his eyes hearing Kristy suggestive tone. Although he understood that Kristy was only telling the truth. The image of the time he first witnessed Raven making that drug and then giving it to the Queen flashed through his mind.

He was under the impression that the Queen didn't know what Raven had been doing. She must think that she consented to sleep with him.

"Is there something wrong with your magic?" Kristy suddenly asked. "Raven is right, there is something weird about your sword."

Realizing that there would be no use hiding it, Ark pulls out his sword but what he pulled out was only half the blade. The blade had been sliced in half.

Kristy's eyes widened shocked. "Who did you fig-" She pauses. "Jen."

Ark nodded. "I didn't think I'd run into her, I never imagined she would personally go to the border."

"How long has it been?"

"A few months now. The reports Raven heard about my last battle was because the sword I have been using as a substitute cannot contain my magic." Ark trails off and sighs. "It's only natural, a normal sword is no match against a legendary one."

"If you want another legendary weapon, you could just ask the Queen. The royal treasury has many legendary weapons."

"But not even the Queen herself, uses it. I would be shameless to take something there. I'll try to get my sword fixed first, until then I'll have no choice but just to rely on my magic."

"Then, you should tell Lyn to remove the seal." Kristy pointed to the mark on his forehead. "You can't use much magic with that on you."

The seal Kristy is referring to was a seal Queen Lyn placed on him when she realized how strong his magic was. 'Do not mistaken this as an act of me keeping you in line. It's just, if others discover how large your mana is, they will use it for their own means.'

At the time Ark didn't understand what she meant. But, after being promoted to the position of the Head Knight. He finally understood her words. There are not many powerful mages in the Kingdom, no there are not many individuals who have such a large capacity of magic. While everybody is born with at least a drop of magic, the amount of individuals who could use such powerful magic was very low.

This is the real reason why there is a low number of mages. Others think that mages are in low demand because they are the weakest. But, the reality was completely different.

His thoughts break off when the familiar smell of pastries filled the air and Lyn cheerfully appears from behind them. "Mind if I join you?"

Kristy grinned. "As sharp as ever. Well, I will leave you two alone to talk."

Lyn nodded. "Please do so."

The moment Kristy left, Lyn places the bag of pastries down and picks up his broken sword.

"Queen be carefu-" Ark stops in mid-sentence seeing the sword glow, and small fragments start to scatter in the air.

Is she trying to fix it? But isn't this magic her healing magic? Naturally as Shaaraya's childhood friend he was aware of the special characteristic magic of the other royals. But, this is the first time he is actually seeing it. Moreover, to think she would be using it on an item and not a person.

Her healing ability isn't limited to healing people. She can even reverse the damage on broken items. It's no wonder the Queen wants to keep it a secret. If others learned about this, then they would certainly use her until she can no longer walk. She wouldn't be able to live a peaceful life.

After a few minutes of watching, the other half of the sword eventually returned to normal. Lyn's entire face seemed pale and Ark looked at her worriedly. "Queen Lyn, that was too reckless."

"If you do not have your sword, many more lives will be taken." Lyn muttered. "Why did you not return sooner? No, why didn't you return first before Kristy? Kristy would have managed on the border."

"It's because of the dark magic in the border. I noticed how badly the normal mages were being affected. So, I told her to go back." Ark sighs and glances at his now reformed sword. "But, legendary items are truly amazing. I have used other swords as a substitute, but I can't use my magic at all."

"That's because you have an abnormal amount of mana. If it was any regular person then they would have managed."

"Your the one who told me that I couldnt handle a regular legendary weapon, so you forged one for me."

This was one of the main reasons why he didn't want to search for a different legendary weapon. The Queen had actually made this sword for him from scratch using very rare materials. She worked so hard on it even though she was the busiest during that time. Even now Ark could still remember the blisters on her fingers.

Lyn nodded. "Indeed, this sword has many memories." She trails off. "When you fought with Jen, did she seemed possessed to you?"

Ark recalls the frightening look on her face and evil cries. "Yes."

"I see."

'I didn't report it to the Queen, because I was afraid it would hurt her. But, it seems like she already knew about it.'

"After the war with the Snow Kingdom. I will prepare for the Empress campaign. Although there are not that many other candidates, and I stand a high chance of winning. I cannot let my guard down."

Ark immediately understood what she was trying to say. "Do you wish for me to leave?"

"Yes." Lyn said softly. "But, it's not because I am ashamed of you. From the very start when I gathered the seven of you, I knew our time together would be short. I knew it wouldn't last forever."

Of course he understood. No matter how many rules the Queen changes, it's unheard of having so many commoners in her group of personal knights. He has already fulfilled his dream of serving a good ruler. The past five years have truly felt like a dream to him.
