The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 1

Kazuya coughed weakly as he glanced at the window. 'A snow storm.' It's not unusual for it to snow in the Mist Kingdom. However, this snow storm is too severe. It seems Queen Jennifer is silently declaring that the war is starting again. It wouldn't surprise him if he hears about the war flags being raised again.

'She is already out of isolation? I thought I could distract her more, but it seems my body cannot take it anymore.'

The real reason why Queen Jennifer has been in 'isolation' this entire time is because he trapped her soul when she was praying in the temple in another dimension. However, this is a very high level magic that uses a lot of mana. The weaker his body grows, the weaker the magic becomes.

Kazuya weakly stood up. 'I need to see what is going on. I can't just sit around here and wait for the war to start.'

If the war is truly happening, he needs to get ready.


The knights were all gathered in the annex not the throne room, which simply meant that Lyn didn't want anybody to overhear, and there in the center was Lyn with a grim expression.

"Kazuya?" Lyn rushed over.

She always seemed so dignified whenever she walked. Each movement looks so graceful.

"Hey, I thought I'd join the meeting for once." Kazuya jokes.

Lyn sighed. "I was just thinking of sending for you."

"Great minds think a-" Kazuya's sentence fell short as he voughed again.

She frowned and placed her hand on his forehead. "Your burning up, and you look so pale--" Lyn trailed off. "I don't think-"

"No, I have the right to be here. What is it? Do you need me to do something?"

"I wanted you to send a sound wave across the village. Of courae we will use the chime too to signal the start of war. But, just in case. There are elderly, with bad hearing. They won't be able to hear the chime." Lyn explained.

"You don't have to explain, I understand."

'I do feel very weak, but I am the only one who can do this.' Kazuya takes a deep breath before walking over to the windows and opening one of them. He shuts his eyes and focuses his magic to create a single thread of sound, that would be powerful enough to send a chime.

It seems everybody received the message, since minutes later they hear the sound of the war chime. He only briefly used his magic but he immediately felt the huge toll it took on his body, before he could collapse however somebody grabs hold of his wrist, steadying him so he would not fall.

It was Rhys.

"Idiot. You should be in bed." Rhys scolded.

Kazuya laughed seeing the bag in Rhys hands. "Even in a serious situation you want sweets Lyn?"

Lyn blushed. "T-that's not it! Rhys said sweets are good..for me...when I am tired..."

Kazuya immediately understood and Rhys coughed awkwardly.

"Give me your arm for a few minutes, Lyn, keep talking."

Kazuya immediately followed Rhys instructions and he feels a familiar light in his arm.

So the war really is starting again. He thought so, but to have it confirmed like this. Queen Jennifer isn't messing around. The final battle is happening in the Mist Kingdom, that should be good for them since this is their terrain. However, Queen Jennifer is too familiar with the Mist Kingdom lands.

"I am sure you all know by now, but this snow storm is a warning signal that Jen has stepped out of her isolation. Not too long ago there was an incident where goblins raided the village. During the investigation we discovered these goblins were being controlled by people from the Snow Kingdom." Lyn explained.

"But, isn't the beastmaster still locked up in the dungeons?" Kristy pointed out.

At those words he watched Miley flinch. He has been receiving reports from Lan, so of course he was aware that 'Miley accidentally became friends with the Snow Kingdom's beastmaster Cyann. It seems she wasn't aware of the girl's identity until recently.'

"There is another person who is skilled at taming beasts, the Snow Kingdom's head Knight is a talented man. It wouldn't surprise me if he was the one who controlled the goblins. The mind control is certainly an issue. However the main issue here is they found a way to get into the Kingdom, undetected." Lyn trails off. "I am afraid no matter how vigilant we may be. A surprise attack from their side will be inevitable."

A surprise attack, that is a scenario we all want to avoid. Even though everybody in this room is talented enough to survive a surprise attack. It will catch them off guard, and it will take take time for them to focus.

The minute the meeting ended and the nights dispersed Lyn rushed over to him.

"Kazuya, I think I should stay with you today. You look very pale."

"What about your work?" Kazuya asked.

"We are about to go to war again, so I am sure everybody will be busy preparing for it. I don't necessarily have to oversee the war preparations myself. But, if something goes wrong the others will alert me." Lyn grabs hold of his hands. "Will you let me take care of you today?"

Kazuya looks over at Rhys for permission and his friend nods. "I'll drop by too."

"Then, I guess I have to leave it up to you." The second those words escaped his lips, Kazuya felt his body grow weak and his eyelids turn heavy.


When he opens his eyes, he is in a familiar room. It's not his, not the one he has been staying in, but the Queen and King chambers that he is supposed to share with Lyn. Lyn is changing the towel on his forehead with a new one. Noticing that he is awake, and looking confused, Lyn sighs.

"It's warmer in here. Your other room doesn't get much sunlight. Well, since it is snowing there isn't much sun anyway but, it's still better for you to be here."

Kazuya could only weakly nod. He doesn't remember when was the last time he actually came here, or the last time Lyn took care of him like this.
