The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 3

His thoughts break off when Rhys places his hand on top of his and Lyn's.

"Lyn, use your healing magic." Rhys instructed.

Lyn nodded and a bright glow appeared on Lyn's hands and Rhys did the same. It was slow, but he felt the strength in his body slowly returning to him. Rhys probably didn't want Lyn to try this on her own since it would exhaust her, and the same would go vice versa. If they combine their mana, it will get rid of that problem.

"Rhys, you have a cut on your face. Did you fight with Raven?"

"I wanted to punch him at least once, but I refrained. However, that didn't stop him. Of course, I know how much you like my handsome face so I made sure I didn't sustain much damage."

Lyn sighs. "Why are you still trying to flirt?"

Rhys laughed. "Because I remember how you were staring at my face before I woke up this morning. Did I misunderstand?"

Lyn didn't say a word but Kazuya saw her blushing face. For some reason when he watches them like this, he doesn't feel bitter. It's unusual, he should have bitter emotions. The girl he is in love with is in love with another man, and despite the vague terms it seems they have been sharing the same chambers.

'I don't feel upset. I am no saint, five years ago I was truly jealous of Rhys and Lyn getting close, even before they dated.'

But now it is different, he truly holds no bitter emotions. Instead he feels content watching their reaction. Before he knew it he found himself closing his eyes again.


The next time he opened it he realized both Lyn and Rhys had left, they both left a message saying they had quick business to attend to and would return later.

Shortly after he opened his eyes, there is a knock in the door. Kazuya sits up, trying to look as presentable as he possibly could. In the end, he is still the King. He should at least looked dignified in front of the servants.

His visitor was the young assassin Miley.

Perhaps it was because the girl did not have any family members, and her situation resembled his. But, he was quite fond of the child and treated her like a daughter.

Miley was watching him from the corner of the room when he laughs and tells her to come over. The moment she got close she immediately kneeled on the ground and bowed.

"King Kazuya! I have a request."

Kazuya just stared at her dumbfounded. This is the first time he is seeing her make a request.

"You don't have to bow, sit."

Miley didn't raise her head from the ground. "Please, I beg of you. Don't abdicate the throne. I don't want to serve that man!"

Uh, his sweat fell hearing Miley's obvious disdain for Rhys. Lyn did mention to him earlier that Miley appears to be avoiding her since she summoned her back from the silver palace. So, this was the reason for that.

"I won't be abdicating."

Miley's eyes sparkled looking hopeful.

"There is no need for me to do that, since Rhys is already a King. He married Lyn first, so he is the first King."

"But King Kazuya, I cannot accept that man! How can the Queen do this to you when you're in this condition? When I first heard the rumors, I couldn't believe it. The Queen would never betray you. So I snuck into the castle, when I saw it with my own eyes I felt so betrayed. How could she do that?"

Kazuya understood the girl's words. Miley doesn't remember her family, and must have seen Lyn and him as parent figures. It's only natural for her to be upset. But thinking about everything Lyn and Rhys went through, he didnt say any comforting words.

"The one Lyn has always loved is Rhys, ever since they were younger and even before she met me. You see Rhys as an outsider, but the real outsider and third party is me."

The one who is getting in the way of their happiness is him.

'When Rhys returns, I will leave.' How many times did he repeat that in his head? If his body hadn't deteriorated to such a state, he would have left a long time ago. This Kingdom has no need for a false King.

Miley did not speak for a while and when she did she shifted the topic.

"There is another reason why I have been avoiding the Queen. I know she has been going around speaking with everyone to confirm what their plans are after the war. But, I don't know what to say. I don't know where to go."

Kazuya frowns. Miley is only fourteen, certainly it didn't seem right to leave the girl alone. But, he knew Lyn would not change her mind.

"Do I truly have to leave? Even if I'm not part of the Knights anymore, can I not stay?"


"Queen Lyn is strong, brave, beautiful and kind. But, I worry about leaving her alone in a court composed of nobles from the other Kingdoms. They don't know her as well as we do, and they won't bother learning about her either. They only care about her doing her job as the Empress properly. In a court like that, she will feel isolated. I don't want her to experience that."

Nobody does, in fact Miley isn't the first person to bring this up to him. The other knights have come to him with similar concerns and asked him if he could persuade Lyn. However, Kazuya never bothered asking. How could he change her mind? Once Lyn is determined to do something she won't change her mind.

Besides she- 'If possible, one day I'd like to free them all, free them from the shackles of a blood stained fate.' Back then, she said those words mainly for Pupilliam and Teo. But then the others came along and he knew she became even more determined to stick to those words.
