The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 11

"If you do not, your throne will be consumed and everybody dear to you will die. Do you want to see the Mist Kingdom, no the entire Empire in flames? Do you want to see another tyrant take control? I guarantee that if Queen Jennifer becomes the Empress, everybody who is still alive will be turned into slaves."

Andrew's words were harsh but she knew her brother was only telling the truth. After saying those words, Lyn couldn't erase the scenario in her mind. If Jen stays alive and she wins the war, what brother described will certainly happen. Can she allow that?

'I don't want to kill Jen, but in order to fulfil her objectives. Jen will kill me without hesitating.'

Even if the demon wasn't inside her, Lyn already knew that Jen disliked her. Their friendship was doomed to fail from the very beginning and yet she still insisted. She insisted that if they spend more time with one another, Jen would change. But, it wasn't like that.

There were plenty of occasions where she caught Jen looking at her with cold eyes.


When brother knocked her sword over, he sighs. "Let's take a break. I do not think you can concentrate in this current state of yours."

Lyn nodded. Right about now, Rhys would usually give her a gentle kiss and hug her. Oh, how she so wants to return to the room and just have him spoil her. However, her gaze fell on the man taking a seat beside her. They need to talk.

"Did you see mother and father?"

Andrew sighs and nods. "I lectured them both, especially mother and she laughed and said that she wouldn't do it again and that she may have gotten carried away."

Her sweat dropped hearing that explanation. It actually wasn't too difficult for her to imagine mother saying those words.

"She told me that initially she intended to return immediately, and just wanted to confirm if father was truly alive. But, not only did she confirm the rumors about seeing father alive, she actually met with him. When she saw his current state, she couldn't possibly leave him. Father, he-" Andrew pauses and choses his words carefully. "-is unable to walk. He is bound to a wheelchair, and even sitting on that chair is difficult. He spends most of his days laying down."

Lyn bit her lip and clenched her fist as she listened to Andrew's story.

It was exactly like she predicted. Mother, didn't intend to leave for a long time and the reason she did was because there was a problem with father.

This must be why they asked for her to come to them, it must be difficult for them to come here.

"Do you think I could use my healing ability on father?"

"If you have better control of it, it's worth the shot. Father already explained to me what happened the last few years, and while I can tell you. I think it's better if you hear it from him." Andrew pauses. "The town they are living in now isn't a bad one. I actually think that maybe they should remain there."

"I want them to come home." Lyn mumbled. "I know father's incident may have caused a scar in his heart. But, I want them to see it. The current Mist Kingdom."

She has already rooted out the bad seeds five years ago, and while there are some nobles who annoy her, they are not evil.

"Father misses you a great deal. When he first saw me, he simply said. 'Is Lyn not with you?' No greeting to the son he hasn't seen in years, but asking where his daughter is."

Lyn chuckled. "Brother, you sound jealous?"

"While I am not the best person at expressing their emotions. I did feel bitter when my own father didn't ask about my well being."

"That's because you've always been strong and independent. I was the one who caused trouble at a young age, so of course he asked about me." Lyn trails off. "Actually, did father ask about anyone else?"

She recalled Rhys expression when Gabrielle mentioned that her father was alive. If she thinks back to her memories of their childhood in the Rain Kingdom, Rhys was quite close to her father. He must want to see him too.

"He asked about Rhys, and asked if you two were married yet."

Lyn felt her cheeks colour. "Uh, so did you tell him?"

"When I said yes, he seemed delighted and said he is glad that his prediction came true." Andrew seemed very troubled. "I still have mixed feelings about this. I have heard the rumors that he has changed, but all I can remember is how he used to behave."

"Rhys treats me very well brother, you don't have to worry."

"I remember you telling me those exact same words five years ago too." Andrew sighs. "I suppose I will have to have a chat with him. So, what are you going to do about Kazuya?"

"My priority right now is to make sure Kazuya is healthy. His current condition isn't very good, and I do not want to leave him when he is like that."

"Only you would feel troubled about this. I am sure the elders are telling you to just have multiple husbands, and that there is no need to discard Kazuya."

"Indeed, but brother you should know that five years ago I got rid of all the corrupted nobles. So, the ones who remain, even though they behave like that truly have my best interest. No, they care for the Kingdom." Lyn trailed off. "Even now, there are people who think that you would make a better ruler than me."

Even though she has tried not to let their words get to her. Occasionally she would see the looks of disapproval on their faces. Her little running away stunt and leaving the Kingdom in the control of another King, probably gave them another reason to believe she is not suited for the throne.

"I shall be honest with you Lyn. I never once thought I suited the throne."

Lyn blinks surprised at his words. She never thought she would hear him say those words. After all, ever since brother was younger, he has been given lessons to become the next King.