The Sword Dance of Red and Blue Part 20

"I don't understand why you're so surprised. I thought this is what you wanted."

"Of course I want this." Lyn interjected before he could have any more strange thoughts. "But, it's just strange. Rhys, it feels like you have been planning this for a while."

Rhys lips curved to a smile. "I thought we talked about this already. This is a trap to make you like me."

Lyn pouted. Now he is just teasing her. She extends her hands out and caresses his cheek and a content sigh escapes his lips. She traces his lips slowly.

"I can't see you being good with children." Lyn decided to just voice out her concerns. So I thought you saying that you wanted to have children with me was just formality."

Rhys sighs and lightly flicks her forehead. "I thought your impression of me has improved. But well your somewhat right, it's not like children hate me or anything. Actually I think they are unusually fond of me. However, due to my childhood, I don't actually know how to treat children. My brothers acted as a father figure for me but growing up I didn't have a normal family."


He nuzzled his face against hers. "However, it's your children. When I think about having a child with you, I feel incredibly happy. You are my source of joy, my light, my everything. If it's your child, I am sure I will love it just as much as I do you."

Lyn felt herself cry, oh this fool. Why is he making her emotional? Rhys kisses her eyelids slowly.

"I truly, cannot wait to have a future with you my Lyn."

"Me too."

She wants to be with him forever.

Unfortunately that moment of happiness didn't last long. When they hear the sound of frantic footsteps, both of them got dressed quickly. Pupilliam was there with a report saying the Snow Kingdom had made a move.


An army of the undead.

Although it was what they had predicted, to see it with her own eyes made her shudder.

The remaining faint trace of hope of her friend returning to normal had completely disappeared.

Lyn was very reluctant to leave the castle after seeing the undead army. However, the regular soliders told her to go and to leave everything up to them.

'Everybody is risking their lives. They know that there is a high chance of failure.' Fighting the undead means they won't be able to kill the enemy. They will be constantly fighting against an army who will neither get tired or affected when they are injured.

Brother Andrew, and Gabrielle stayed behind so she is relieved. But, if Jen uses her mind control on the soldiers, it will be just the two of them against thousands of soldiers.

Lyn shakes her head. No, even if it is an army of two thousand, her brother is there. Brother Andrew may have lost to Rhys however, he is still one of the strongest people in the Empire. He won't lose that easily.

The regular soldiers, while she has remained distant with them since she became the Queen. Lyn recalled how kindly they treated her when she was still a Princess. Please goddess, protect them.

She, Rhys and Kazuya were heading to the shrine while her personal knights were scattered in the area nearby. At first she insisted that everybody went around in pairs, but then realised that there were six core locations. So she had them all spread out.

Six core locations and seven knights, she left Lan and Miley together. It was just a precaution. She heard that Miley had become quite close to Cyann the young beastmaster. Just in case her emotions make her behave recklessly, Lan will be there.

"Kazuya, slow down." Rhys said angrily. "Don't you know your body still isn't in a good state? What are you doing using an unnecessary amount of energy?"

Kazuya laughs. "It's fine, it's been a while since I could move my body like this. I feel great."

Lyn looks at him worriedly and Kazuya catches her looking. "Should I slow down?"

"Please do."

Kazuya immediately decreased his pace and Rhys mutters that he was being too sly. Her thoughts break off when she hears an explosion in the distance and the roar of beasts.

That's where Miley and Lan are stationed. It seems like Cyann must have escaped. A few minutes after she saw similar signs of battles starting and clenched her fist. It seems like everybody is entering their respective battles right now. She has to hurry up, the longer they take, the longer those other battles will be.

Her thoughts break off when Rhys holds her hand.

Oh, did he notice that she was uneasy?

"Kazuya, with the way you're walking. I have to wonder, have you been here before?"

"When I was looking around for the jade, yes. But, the area looked unstable so I didn't think much of it. Who would have thought the alter would be here?"

It seems like Kazuya has known about the existence of the alter for a long time now. This person has far too many secrets for her liking.

After walking around for a few minutes, it did not take long before she sees the familiar entrance. Five entire years have passed by since she last came here, but it still looks the same as it did before.

Kazuya whistles as he leans against the entrance. "This place looks like it will fall apart any minute. I am surprised it's still standing."

"It's an area blessed by the goddess, even if parts of it crumble. I don't think it will truly fall apart." Rhys turned to her and squeezed her hands. "As for you, do not let go of my hand. Do you not remember what happened last time?"

What happened last time, the memory of them tumbling on the hill due to her attempt to save Rhys. Right, that did happen. But she was only trying to help.

Kazuya peeks through the entrance. "I don't think we have to worry about the ceiling caving in. Somebody else must have tried to come here since there is a set of stairs leading down."

A staircase near the entrance? That wasn't there before. Could it be, is somebody already here? But no, she doesn't sense Jen's presence.

"Two or maybe a year ago?" Kazuya muttered. "There is a rock wedged at the entrance so this must be why the stairs didn't disappear."

A relieved sigh escapes her lips, with Kazuya's explanation it means that nobody else was here now except for them.

Rhys frowned. "Don't be relieved, what if they did something to the shrine? We should head down quickly and take a look."

Lyn nodded and the three of them headed down the stairs. Kazuya lit a torch, immediately brightening their surroundings. Lyn blinks and then she laughs. Kazuya is being considerate of her because he knows she dislikes dark and narrow spaces.

He truly is a kind and gentle person. How many times has she been saved by this kindness of his? Far too many times for her to count. No matter what she does, she will never be able to repay him. That is the inevitable truth.