1. Kid with balls

'Where the f*ck am I?'

All I remember was that I took a nap after formulating a plan to create a fireworks display (AKA bombing) at the headquarters of the new terrorist group that was conceited enough to disrespect me.

"Maria! Maria! Are you even listening to me?"

My train of thoughts were disrupted by the shouts of a handsome blonde kid.

*Witwew~* I impulsively whistled as I admired his good-looking face. A blonde teenager who looks like 5'8" in height, with well-shaped face and attractive blue eyes. Yep! He looks like the stereotype prince from a fairy tale book.

"Maria! Catcalling is inappropriate." The blonde kid was, for some reason, fuming from anger.

I looked around me and noticed that it was only me and him in the room. The room was unfamiliar to me and it looked like an office with a Victorian theme.

'Wait, is this kid talking to me?'

"Maria, look at me properly when I'm talking to you!" His voice was getting louder and started to irritate me.

"Shut up kid!" I snapped and my eyes narrowed at him. "I ain't the Virgin Mary so stop calling me that!"

I stood up from the couch I was sitting then noticed that I was wearing something I have barely worn when I was a teenager.

A white long sleeve blouse with a striped black and white tie, skirt with the same stripes as the tie and a white blazer outlined with black. The final and eye-catching detail was that on the left breast of the blazer, there was a phoenix emblem.

'A school uniform?'

I faced the blonde kid and spoke in a displeased tone. "Enough with this prank! Who hired you for this charade? Malty? Ein? Have they forgotten that kids aren't my type?"

The blonde kid's hand shot out and gripped my wrist. "Me? Play a prank on you? If not for your family's prestige, I wouldn't spare you any second of my time." The blonde kid sneered.

'Applause for this kid's foreplay! Let's give him a GOOD lesson.'

While he was holding the wrist of my right hand, my left hand went towards his lower body and grabbed his treasures with an ample force. I smirked. "You really have BALLS kid, though your third leg isn't that big enough yet."

His face paled then turned green. He looked like a fish out of the water with his mouth opening and closing while looking at me dumbstruck.

"If you still want to pass your genes to the next generation then I suggest that you let go of my hand." I smiled as I spoke in a low but menacing voice.

'Hmm? My voice seems to be different. It sounds... Cute?'

He immediately released me from his grip and so did I with his treasures. In a matter of seconds, he took a few steps away from me and looked at me in fear.

I looked at my wrist and found it was red. My eyes then focused on my hand and used my other hand to feel it.

'My hands are smaller that they are supposed to be.'

No way...

I felt like being splashed by a bucket of cold water when I realized something.

"Mirror! Give me a mirror!" I shouted at the blonde kid.

The blonde kid jumped when he heard my shouts. "The... there's a mirror in the comfort room." He pointed at a nearby door.

I dashed into the comfort room and stood in front of the half-body mirror placed above a sink.

Black hair and eyes, pea-shaped face, alluring eyebrows, and pinkish white skin; a peerless Asian beauty was reflected on the mirror.


'Did the Russians invent a new physical modification machine? Or maybe the US concocted a new drug that can cause body alteration?'

My face paled when I realized something very dreadful. In haste, I lifted my skirt and my blouse.

"My biceps! My abs! My quad muscles! My D-cup boobs!!!!!!"

Then I fainted from that frightening sight.