4. Death Routes

I only smiled at Elizabeth.

"Don't tell me, you're an assassin?" Elizabeth asked with those irritating sparkling eyes of hers as if the fright never existed in the first place.

"Assassins take on killing jobs but I'm the type who gives them those jobs," I replied as I crossed my hands across my humble chest.

Elizabeth's head tilted to the side, clearly unable to comprehend what I said. She shook her head and continued to ask, "Is there a need to kill the heroine and the capture targets?"

"Bah! It's a waste of brain cells to think of other methods." I shrugged.

"You're just a little girl, can you even kill them?" Elizabeth's endless stream of questions pestered me. Her face suddenly lit up and she held my hands. "Are you going to train your body so you'll be super strong like those female protagonists in transmigration stories? So which martial arts do you plan to learn? Karate? Judo? Savate? Don't tell me, you can do cultivation?!"

'What the heck's cultivation? Like farming or something?'

My mouth twitched at her creative imagination. I blurted out, "Is physical assault the only method you think of?"

Elizabeth's mouth made an O shape, she seemingly notice her stupidity.

"There are many ways to kill a cat, especially a thieving cat." I snickered.

Elizabeth then filled me in with the other details concerning my death flags; looks like this game was the last game that Elizabeth played in her previous life.

As of the moment, I'm 16 years old and studying at the most prestigious school in the country called the Celestial Kingdom. Honestly, I think the name of the school sucks. Despite being an illegitimate daughter and hated by the legal wife, Maria's life was actually good; she was provided with everything and enjoyed a life of being rich with the perks of getting bullied by some jealous hoes. The game is Birth of the Pheonix, wherein the name of the heroine is Charlotte Logan. She is a daughter of a family who manages a famous five star restaurant. There are five capture targets in the game and all of those capture targets came from wealthy and influential families.

First of all the targets would be Louis Hamilton, who according to Elizabeth is the ore-sama type. His family is the only family that could stand on par with the Burnsworth family in the business industry. Due to this and since the he is on the same age as Maria, Louis became Maria's fiancée. Maria was overjoyed because she had feelings for Louis. Unfortunately, Louis had fallen love at first sight with the heroine when he met her in a party when he was still 14 years old. Driven by jealousy, Maria resorted to petty methods of bullying the heroine. If the heroine manages to capture him, Louis would break the engagement because he sees Maria as a vicious and scheming woman. Maria couldn't handle being hated by Louis so she committed suicide.

In the next routes, Maria was labelled as a villainess because of one scenario where she would scold the heroine in front of many students.

Second would be Erick Deckheim, whom according to Elizabeth is the big brother type. He is the son of the current Prime Minister. He is 2 years older than the heroine and a precious childhood friend. He is an affectionate person and gentle. If the heroine could capture him, Maria would be condemned as a bully even though the real bullies were actually Maria's friends. She would then 'accidentally' fall from the stairs which would lead to her death.

Third would be Cross Vertcrime who's considered as playboy-type. His family manages the biggest hotels in the country. He is a frivolous person but actually sincere in the inside. If he gets captured by the heroine, Maria's end was horrifying. Several girls where scheming to ruin Charlotte by letting her drink an aphrodisiac but due to unknown reason, Maria ended up drinking the aphrodisiac and got raped to death by some gangsters.

Fourth would be Blue Pennhone, whom according to Elizabeth was the shota type. He is a son of a well-known actor and actress and at a young age, he had already ventured into the entertainment business. He is an outgoing and childish type of person. If the heroine captures him, Charlotte would be attacked by one of Blue's stalkers but with sheer dumb luck, Maria who was wearing a similar dress was the one who got stabbed to death by the stalker.

Lastly, Hannibal Raven who is considered the mysterious type. He is a son of a well-known major general and his older brother is a prominent figure in the air force. His aloof and cold personality made him unapproachable. If the heroine manages to capture him, some enemies of the Raven family would aim to hurt Charlotte. The car of the Logan family was bombed but Charlotte was saved by Hannibal while as for Maria, she was near the area when the bombing happened thus she got hit by a shrapnel leading to her death.

'My head hurts… Miserable? Nah, the word isn't enough to describe how tragic this girl's life is.'

"Is she really a villainess?" I shouted in frustration. "The fact that Maria and Louis are engaged is enough grounds for her to be jealous. Har! If it was I, I would've sent that Charlotte woman to a brothel house. What's up with the other routes?! Maria is ALWAYS a collateral damage in this godforsaken game."

Elizabeth perked up when she heard me, "I know right! Actually, I regained my consciousness of this world since I was a baby and from what I've observed, Maria is actually quite timid and meek too far from the qualities of a villainess. Ah~ my poor little sister~"

I patted Elizabeth's back and vaunted, "Ease your worries! I am now Maria, people who dare to ridicule my great self shall be given a punishment they will never forget. I will definitely kill that despicable heroine so Maria may live with no worries."

"But if you kill the heroine, the Burnsworth family might be implicated." Elizabeth's voice was low and her face showed conflict.

'So as long as the Burnsworth family won't be implicated you're basically ok with the murder?' (=_= )

I snorted. "Dear sister, you underestimate my intelligence and skills. I can even kill a country's president under nobody's suspicion."

Elizabeth was dumbfounded on my confidence. "You can speak of killing comfortably, what really are you?"

"You'll know in due time," I gave her a mischievous smile.