7. The Minions

"Weak… This body has a very low stamina." I grumbled as I jogged around the large garden of the Burnsworth mansion.

"Maria! Your pace is getting slower! Kick up those feet!" My self-proclaim coach, Sis Eli, was enthusiastically supervising me.

You wonder why I'm exercising? Ha! I also wonder why!

This is probably what they call SISTER POWER.

I was planning to spend my day by creating a financial plan for the 250 million that I got from Emilda. Unfortunately, the cockroach, I mean Sis Eli, barged into my room and roped me in her so-called ADAPTING IN A NEW WORLD PLAN. She also took the initiative to hire an interior designer to redesign my room.

In the morning, she gave me a crash course on history, geography, politics, and technology of this world. I'm relieved to know that the technology doesn't differ that much with my previous world. As for in the afternoon, Sis Eli initially wanted to start a training regimen on a specific martial arts but when I tried to make a kick, I felt something snap on my leg. So rather than learning martial arts, Sis Eli formulated an exercise plan for me to make my body a little more durable.

Honestly, I didn't want to go along with this plan of her but in exchange for my compliance, she would give me access to her information network and she would also give me a list of people classified under the FOF (friend or foe) standards.

It was already 4pm when we finished. After I took a shower, I was leisurely reading the list when Vivian informed me that my minions, I mean friends, had come to visit me. I instructed Vivian to lead them to the rose garden pavilion and serve them tea as I change into an appropriate attire to receive the guests.

When I arrived at the pavilion, I could see two girls who fit the description of my min – err… friends. The cute-looking brunette would be Gwendolyn Blanc, an only daughter of a family managing a textile company. While the girl who looks like a Japanese beauty would be Vladimir Taki Candence, a daughter of a family connected to the military and politics.

"Maria! I was so worried about you!" Gwendolyn jumped from her seat and grabbed unto one of my shoulders.

'Oh really? Then I wonder why I could see envy in your eyes.'

"Gwen, that's rude." Vladimir reprimanded Gwendolyn as she dragged her back to her seat. "Like what Gwen said, I was also worried about you. How are you, Maria?"

'Good, at least one of them isn't a fake.'

I took a seat and smiled at both girls. "I'm happy for the concern. I may not say that I'm perfectly fine but I can manage."

"Of course you won't be fine! How could Louis took the side of that slut!" Gwendolyn looked enrage but I could somehow sense that she was quite happy on the inside.

On the other hand, Vladimir's face was gloomy. "Maria, Louis actually dared to announce in the class that you would publicly apologize to Charlotte once you go back to school."

"Hmm… Louis thinks that I bullied Charlotte, am I right?" I asked in an indifferent voice surprising the two girls. They only nodded in response.

"Did Louis mention any evidence of the bullying that I've supposedly done?"

Gwendolyn and Vladimir felt a little uncomfortable at my questions.

Vladimir took the initiative to reply. "Rather than calling it evidence, Louis had some eye witnesses; two girls from our class, Nigel Astien and Monique Claine."

"Nigel and Monique…" I tapped on the table and my smile turned venomous making the girls subconsciously shiver.

Somehow Gwendolyn couldn't take the discomfort anymore and stood up from her seat. "Now that I know Maria is doing well, I shall now take my leave." She bowed and left the pavilion.

Vladimir also stood up but she took several strides to get near me. "Maria, I did a preliminary investigation and found out that it's not just one but there are several students who are bullying Charlotte. What's vexing is that I can't find concrete evidence and no one is willing to testify."

I reached out and touched the clenched hands of Vladimir. "I am grateful for what you've done, Vlad. Don't worry, I won't allow them to smear my name without a fight."

With a bitter smile, Vladimir left the pavilion. The moment I was left alone, I took my phone from my pocket and called Sis Eli.

"Hey Sis Eli, I need you to acquire some things for me."

"What for, Maria?"

"My first battle is just right around the corner so I better prepare for it." A cold chuckle escaped from my lips.