"My sister"

As I remembered the short interaction between Hannibal and I, my face contorted in displeasure as my sharp phoenix eyes gazed at the frozen expression of Sis Eli. She slightly trembled as my whole presence exuded a dark aura.

"I didn't know that you trust Hannibal enough to give him the right to send me home. I wonder what other crucial information you forgot to tell me."

"No! No! I did tell you everything!" Sis Eli's hands flailed as she spoke. "When I was in the middle of instructing our driver to pick you up, Hannibal suddenly visited our house with the intention to see you so I told him that you were at school. My tongue kinda slipped and ended up telling him that you wanted to go home."

'Oh ho~ Do this sister of mine thinks that I'm dumb?'

I scowled at her explanation. "Slip of the tongue? If you're this careless then you should give up on getting in the military."

Sis Eli's face paled.

"It happened because I was too surprised! I had no idea that the old Maria and Hannibal were close. Maria never told me anything!"

"Close? You think that the old Maria and Hannibal are close? You concluded that they're close from just one visit that Hannibal did?" My phoenix eyes narrowed at her.

"According to the game, Hannibal Raven's character is very apathetic and he never cares for anyone else. Since he went out of his way to visit you, surely the old Maria and Hannibal have some kind of connection. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that is."

My eyes went cold and I could feel disappointment gnawing my chest.

'And here I thought I found someone whom I can treat as a sister.'

"Elizabeth, get out."

My voice no longer carried any anger but it was devoid of any emotion. My eyes were now indifferent and frosty. Elizabeth blinked a few times and was clearly puzzled by my sudden change in demeanour.

"Huh? Wait! Tell me what happened between you and Hannibal!"

Looks like she easily brushed off my indifference and she looked at me in excitement.

"Did you agree to his proposal? You should right?! I know you're going to break the engagement between you and Louis." She spoke enthusiastically. "Hannibal might be a little overbearing but his possessiveness can make any woman swoon. You will – "

She stopped when she noticed me open the door of my room.

"Elizabeth, get out." I repeated in the same mannerism.

"Ah… Okay… You're probably tired. Then see you tomorrow, my sister!"

She went out of my room with a smile, failing to notice that I cringed when I heard the two words, my sister.

After changing my school uniform with some comfortable clothes, I sat in front of the computer monitor and hacked into the school's security system. By digging through the school's CCTV database, I found several footages which showed Hannibal and the old Maria talking with each other. The conversations were casual and some were just greetings. There was nothing special at all, much less intimacy.

When I decided to look at some footage where only Hannibal could be seen, I noticed that for almost a month, he would always spend some time at a certain part of the senior high school library. His eyes were gazing outside from the library window. Intrigued by this, I searched for a camera which could show the scenery that Hannibal was looking at.

'What the hell! Talk about cliché!'

It was the clover pavilion.

The pavilion where the old Maria preferred to spend her free time when she wanted to read some books in silence.

'Ugh… Don't tell me that this guy fell in love with Maria after always looking at her!'

Fed up by the discovery, I rose from my working table and went to my bed. I stared at the ceiling as I thought of ways to take advantage of Hannibal's feelings for Maria.

'If I could thoroughly detach Hannibal from Harlot then that's one wing down. I'll definitely rip off all of her wings and drag her down to hell.'

I entertained myself with sinister thoughts of killing the almighty heroine until I fell asleep.



A beautiful woman was down on her knees with tears slowly falling from her alluring silver eyes. This woman's beauty could bring downfall of nations. She had a long lustrous red hair, a bewitching hour-glass shaped body, and a rosy white skin.

Alas, her beauty was shadowed by despair as her face was pale and her body trembling.

She was inside a VIP suite of the best hotel in the nation. Her eyes fell on the two persons sleeping on the wide bed. These two persons were a man and a woman, both were naked. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

The woman was the first to wake up thus when the woman squirmed from the man's embrace, the man also woke up.

"Explain this to me!" The beautiful woman roared.

"Shut up, it's pretty obvious isn't it!" The man's cold voice reverberated.

The naked woman sneered. "Well hello there, my sister."



I shot up from my bed.

'Ah… A nightmare…'