What she only needs

*bzzt* *bzzt*

Before taking a look at the message on my phone, I glanced at the time. It was already 11pm.

[I understand, I will be there.]

I giggled after I read the content of the message. Then I *hit the sack the moment I was done with all the necessary preparations for the show tomorrow.

'Fufufu~ Tomorrow will be fun.'

It was already 9am when I woke up thus I expected to eat my breakfast alone. However, looks like somebody was eager to have a chat with me.

"Good morning, Maria." Elizabeth greeted me with a pleasant smile on her face.

According to Vivian, Elizabeth was waiting for me to wake up because she wanted to eat breakfast together with me. Unfortunately, I won't spare any appreciation on this gesture.

Our breakfast for today was English theme with the bacon, stewed prunes, vegetable salad, and an earl grey tea. Despite my displeasure due to Elizabeth's presence, the food managed to appease me.

"Good morning, Elizabeth. It's nice of you to accompany me for breakfast." I also smiled but this smile of mine was void of any emotion.

As we started to eat, Elizabeth started a conversation that I was highly expecting.

"I heard that you're going to have a dinner with Louis and his family." Elizabeth spoke with excitement in her voice.

"Yes, the dinner is scheduled by 5:30pm but I plan to go to the spa first then visit a boutique before going to the designated hotel."

"Hmph! You should really cancel your engagement with Louis. He's nothing but a cheating bastard and very conceited to boot!" Animosity was evident in Elizabeth's voice as her face slightly contorted in disgust. Her expression smoothed out when she talked about a certain someone.

"Maria, you should choose Hannibal instead! He's handsome, brave and financially capable. A very good catch so to say."

I shook my head and chuckled at this distasteful attitude of her. I lowered the fork and bread knife that I was using. My lips were curved into a smile but my eyes showed no trace of happiness at all.

I turned to the maids who were standing not too far from us. "Leave us alone."

The maids immediately complied as they bowed and went out of the dining room. Elizabeth showed a puzzled look as she stopped eating and put her cutlery down.

"Is there any problem Maria?"

A frosty chuckle escaped my lips.

"A problem? Ah yes…" I took the bread knife on the table and used it to point at her. "YOU are the problem here."

Elizabeth's eyes blinked.

"Elizabeth, is it so fun watching the drama upon Maria's life? Or should I say now as, MY life?"

Her body froze while her eyes quivered at my question.

"I also noticed something that you failed to understand, Elizabeth." Using my finger, I played with the sharp part of the bread knife.

In a matter of seconds, red liquid blemished the neat white table cloth.

It was blood. My blood...

Elizabeth panicked when she saw my bleeding finger. She motioned to stand up but stopped when I gave her a sharp gaze.

"This may be a world of otome game but let me remind you, Elizabeth, this is still a world. We are all living in this world. Each life has a will of its own."

My gaze slowly dropped to the blood stains on the table cloth.

"This may not be originally my body but now it is my soul that resides. Thus, Maria's life is now MY life." I once again looked at her.

"From what I've observed, you're trying to dictate my actions. You're pushing me to the decisions that you like, as if you're still a player playing an otome game with me as the heroine."

With the hand having the bleeding finger, I slammed on the dining table.


Elizabeth flinched at my action.

"Elizabeth…" My voice turned darker and darker at each passing moment. "I am not someone you can control and my life isn't some kind of a circus show for you to enjoy."

"No…" Elizabeth finally garnered her courage to speak.

"Maria… It isn't my intention to control your actions. It's just that… I thought that the reason I exist on this world is to guide the villainess to a better future like those in the novels."

She stood up and walked towards me. When she was in front of me, she took my bloody hands and wrapped it with her own hands.

"I want to be a sister that can help you, Maria. Help you in saving yourself from your destruction."


I slapped her with my free hand.

"Too late Elizabeth, the fact that I am now Maria means that Maria was ALREADY destroyed. The condemnation still came!" I sneered. "You don't want to help Maria… You just wanted to watch the drama. Or maybe you want to be a messiah that can lead the poor soul to salvation."

With an enough force, I shook off the hands that were holding my bloody hand.

"How ridiculous it is to call yourself my sister but sorry, I can only see you as an audience."

Elizabeth was still in a dazed state as I left the dining room.

The maids who were waiting outside the dining room probably heard what happened inside since their heads were lowered and had no signs of looking up.

I erased the dark expression on my face and plastered a cold smile. Then I made my way back to my room.

'I don't need a sister… I don't need anybody… I only need myself…'