
Olivia and Amelia

"So Olivia, why'd you bring me here. More importantly, what made me more important than those guys who got crushed underneath that mansion. I also don't remember you ever explaining to me what a hybrid actually is."

I had many questions and they were all coming at a fast rate, so fast I began to stumble over words. She looked at me with a weird smile and told me to calm down.

"I guess I do owe you some answers so here you go. Millions of years ago global disasters started happening around the world, paranormal ones at that. Stuff like space reaching hurricanes and quicksand earthquakes started to affect many people in different ways. What I mean by this is one day a man was struck with lightning and to his surprise, he didn't die, in fact, the overcharged particles flowing through his body allowed him to discharge lightning from his body at will, most call him the first hybrid. He wasn't the last hybrid by far though, more supernatural events had started to create more 'hybrids' or people with abilities and everyone obtains their powers in a different way."

I started to think to myself back when I got my abilities.

"My event, it must've been when that ghost girl possessed me. Now we share a body and a soul."

I had put my hand over my stomach and clenched the fibers of my dress, making a fist of frustration. I was thinking about all the things I had done up until now. "

I killed people that I didn't want to and it's all because of my demons. The monster that inhabits me."

Olivia saw that I was on the verge of crying and asked was I okay. I let go of my dress and wiped the tear droplets that had built up in corners of my eyes, trying to seem as if I was okay.

"I'm fine, I just spaced out..that's all,"

I asked her more questions since my curiosity got the best of me.

"Why are you guys here, don't you all have families?"

Noah cut in the conversation.

"Not really, you see, we're all orphans. The consortium took our parents when we were small and put us in a Foster Home. Eventually, when we became of age, the three of us decided to run away and keep one another close as possible. We're family to each other."

I looked with a puzzled expression.


Still reading his book, Aaron also cut in on the conversation. His monotonous voice dulled the mood.

" The consortium is a group of scientists who take Hybrids against their will. They study their subjects and use them for various fatal experiments, even word has gone around that they're trying to create an artificial hybrid. What's the purpose of it, we don't know, but that's another purpose of ours that Olivia didn't mention to you. We're asking for your assistance to stop the consortium and their wicked ways."

I looked back at Olivia.


She nodded with a sad expression. " So, will you help us?"

I thought about it and honestly, I didn't have a reason to say no. The only place I was living got destroyed and I'd only imagine what would happen if the consortium found me alone. I sighed.

" Fine, I'm down."

Everyone, but Aaron had a huge smile on their face, almost like they'd never been happier. Both of them cave over and hugged me so tightly to the point I could barely breathe.


They let go and looked embarrassed.

"Sorry, maybe we were just a little excited. Now you get to spar with us."

Once again I had a look of confusion on my face as I tiled my head a bit.


Olivia patted my shoulder.

" You'll see in the morning, you should get some shut eye."

Later on that day we all went to our sections, we each had a separate room and to my surprise, mine already had a bed inside. I did wonder though, what was I going to wear? I couldn't keep wearing the same dress forever, but I figured I could get that addressed tomorrow. For the time being, I lay my head to rest, closed my eyes and dozed off before letting off a quick yawn.

"Nighty Night, Amelia.."

It was the voice of my other half, but I ignored her.


It was dark and I could barely see. I was trying to make out what was in front of me. I was in a place, devoid of anything or anyone and then everything appeared. I was on a lonely street, it was night and a mysterious figure dressed in colors I couldn't comprehend stood on the opposite side of the street. I couldn't realize why but wanted I had to chase them, I needed to. As I ran the road began to get colder with each step, I sheet of ice forming under each foot as I ran. The figures walked so far I couldn't catch up to them and eventually became hazy and unseeable as I stumbled over something. I looked down and saw two bodies who laid their stomachs of the ground so I slowly squatted down and attempted to turn them over. Aaron and Noah, the two guys who'd I just met were dead, but the black figure appeared again only this time she was behind me. I quickly stood up and jerked the cloth off of her to see it was Olivia....and then I woke up.


The sun's light shone brightly through the window that was directly across the room from my bed and I was groggy and tired, not wanting to get up from the bed.

"Uhhgh, I think it was just a dream. That's a relief."

A jolly soul burst to open my door with good vibes, it was Olivia.

"Good Morning, did ya sleep well?!"

I wiped my eyes and gave a nonchalant grin.

"You seem overly excited this morning."

"That's right! We actually get to spar today and I can see what you're made of. You can't be ready to Battle the consortium without any prior training so let's go."

Olivia grabbed my hand and tugged me out of bed.

"Hold on. I don't, exactly, have anything to wear."

She stopped and looked me up & down.

" I guess you're right, hold on. I blinked and she had zipped out of the room and back in with some clothes for me.

"Here try these, you'll like em."

She left the room and I changed into the outfit she had given me and as she said, I actually did like it. It was white top, sort of like a dress but as a separate shirt with one sleeve missing as part of the style. The bottom was a shining white battle skirt with black leggings.

"Nice. I didn't think she'd captured my style."

Olivia knocked on the door.

"Are you decent."


She opened it and seemed rather stunned from my point of view. I couldn't be sure, but I had thought I'd seen her face turn red.

"So how do I look."

I wanted to get an answer from her to see what she thought about my appearance.

"You, I mean like, you look nice. Anyways miss pretty, let's get going, Aaron and Noah are waiting for us. Cmon!"

We both walked down the rather short hall and she led out of the front door while I followed. "So where do we go now?"

I questioned her.

"I'm gonna perform a Teleportation ritual."

"A Teleportation ritual? I thought your powers were based around fire?"

She dug through her pockets, looking for something while explaining what it was to me.

"Oh, they are. Anyone can do rituals, even normal people. Noah and Aaron know how to do a few rituals but you have to learn the symbol and the chant, I just so happen to know how to use the [Ritual: Teleportation]"

She had pulled out a clear bottle with some black liquid inside and poured some on her finger. She then drew a circle on the ground with a symbol in it that looked like pi, then began to chant.

"Ot su ekat, haoN dna noraA fo sluos, etavitca tropeleT fo lautiR."

The circle began to glow a bright white and she stepped into it, before pulling me in and within a flash of light, everything went white, I felt like I was disembodied from the world of reality. Like a lone star spinning throughout the unending volume of space and then I was there.

I repetitively blinked my eyes since I was stringing to keep my balance, I was dizzy.

"Olivia, is this the place?"

I was talking while looking down trying to catch my breath, it seemed that the ritual took a lot out of me.

"Yea look up. Also, for future reference, if you don't want to be so tired next time when performing a ritual, you should build up your stamina. A rituals Potency depends on your physical prowess and since my stamina is greater than yours, that's why you became tired."

I looked up from the ground to see Aaron and Noah sparring. In all honesty, it looked pretty cool, I saw things I had never seen before and I thought my powers weren't even that impressive until I got a gauge at the two before me. I had seen a portion of their battle but not enough to decipher what abilities either of them had since when I began to watch, they were just now finishing.

"I think we should stop now, don't ya think?"

Noah screamed over at Aaron.


Aaron walked over to where Olivia an I had appeared, Noah did the same.

"Are you two next or are you just going to stand and look pretty?"

That energy, I could feel the sarcasm leaking from his words. Aaron was as charming as buck tooth squirrel with acne. I looked over at Olivia and she looked back at me, smiling happily.

"Well, we're next Amelia! Cmon, don't keep me waiting!"

She grabbed my hand and led me over to the open area where Aaron and Noah had their sparring match and we got a distance of at least 5 meters between us. This was the first time I was actually going to willingly use this specter's Powers. I took a weird stance because frankly, I'm not much of a fighter, but I'll do what I have, to defend myself, if need be. I took a deep breath and gave Olivia a serious glare and she did the same to me, except she actually looks like she knew what she was doing. It was so quiet I could hear the rustling of grass parts rubbing against one another, I could feel the gentle and warming breeze of the wind as it blew through my hair and I swallowed my spit. A leaf blew from a tree and twirled in the wind, slowly falling between the two of us before kissing the ground. It was time...