
「 Wildcard 」

Biography: Wildcard lived most of her life as a child of the Consortium and was one of the first living specimens that survived their experiments. The group has tried multiple times to create an artificial hybrid and none have survived but a few unknown and Wildcard is one. Wildcard's real name is Anabelle Hawkins and both of parents are currently scientists, working for the consortium. Anabelle's childhood was filled with tons of needles, blood samples and more to see what exactly it takes to make the perfect hybrid and she was supposed to be that, unfortunately, her abilities were defective and so they cast her aside, locking her in a room with a monotone colored wall as if she were an animal. This caused the child to go insane and learn to harness her power to change the story in which she did. Anabelle vaporized the entirety of her home town, along with the people in it although the consortium survived and found a way to continue their experiments. She then left and was to never be called Anabelle again, she decided at that point to toss away her old life and start anew as a new person with a clear goal. She became Wildcard.

Height: Wildcard is 163 centimeters tall and often doesn't pay too much attention to how tall or short she gets.

Birthday and Age: She was born on the 11th day of October and hates when people bring up her birthday, even as a subject.

Favorite Food: Mostly Seafood. Anabelle enjoys sitting under the moonlight enjoying a nice warm batch of shrimp while she skips rocks across a large body of water.

Favorite Colour: Wildcard's favorite colors, if it wasn't obvious, are black, white and red. Her favorite colors are one of the main reason she deiced to go by Wildcard from then on.

Fun Fact: Wildcard has a split personality, one being serious and the other being described as happy or jolly. She split her names among them and called the jolly one Anabelle, while the more serious one, Wildcard.

Hybrid Abilities: Wildcard has a unique ability called [Mutare Insidias] to change the story to her will, but her powers are somewhat limited in certain cases. Most of the time things will always play in her favor regardless if the story has written it or not.