
「 Hades 」

Biography: Ruler of the underworld known as hell, Hades is feared by many and is infamous for the amount of power he wields literally and politically. He was cast down to the underworld by the gods and after getting an improvement in his strength, they respect him and try not to interfere with his activities.

Height: Hades stands at six feet and seven inches and considers himself a giant compared to others that he has encountered

Birthday and Age: Hades has existed before time meaning his age is uncountably uncountable or just complicated.

Favorite Food: Hades hates food and never wishes to consume anything of the sort but he does have a niche for drinking tea

Favorite Colour: Black. He likes to color black because he feels it resembles his soul the closest.

Fun Fact: His daughter once tried to kill him and in fact, incinerated his body leaving him as a wandering soul. Unfortunately for her, his soul is a stubborn one and birthed him a new body.

Hybrid Abilities: Hades mostly relies on his ability to stop time but has his other hellish abilities like his infamous necromancy.