
A Welcome Surprise

"Steady..", Noah said to himself. The boy continued to crawl, slowly making his way across the pavement as the Guards began to turn back around.

Eventually, he had made it into the inside of the hall, where Amelia and Carter awaited him. As he stood up, the three of their bodies began to flicker back to visibility; the effects of Kinetic Freeze were beginning to diminish before they became fully visible again.

"Well," Amelia started. "Let's go, we have to hurry, we might be missing something."

Looking at one another, both Noah and Carter nodded and followed Amelia as she ran forward. However, they found themselves approaching a corner of a doorway, leading into a massive room before stopping.

The trio pinned themselves against the wall before Amelia peeked her head around the corner, peering into the room.

Amelia caught sight of a tremendous table, approximately the size of a house with similarly sized chairs to accompany it. Not only that, but the girl also spotted a group of deities while all three of them - Amelia's group - overheard what the deities were saying as a deep voice echoed the halls.

"Council of Fortitudo: Apollo, Death, Space, Time and Fate. I Omnideus, head of the Heavenly Council, along with Omnidium and Omnidea have called you all here to the hall to address the following issues that have appeared recently." he voiced.

"What is it, father?" Space asked. "Yes, speak your thoughts, great one." Fate added.

"As of late," Omnideus started, " a planet from the eleventh star-system has been emitting unusual waves throughout space. I have also called you all here to address the multiple Star Quakes that have been happening throughout our world."

"Star quakes?" Amelia thought. "is that what that shaking was earlier?"

Omnideus continued, "It seems that the essence of our world is beginning to destabilize as a result of the Star Quakes. As you all should know, the instability of the universe's essence, if it becomes too great, would cause the world to begin imploding under its spatial mass. Omnidium, Omnidea, and I have gathered you all here to unearth a solution to this critical issue."

Omnidea started to speak as her brother finished his explanation. "Yes, we cannot apprehend this issue due to our source of life being directly linked to the essence of the Universe, which is why we have called upon the lower gods, such as yourselves, to ask for assistance."

The moment Omnidea finished her sentence, Amelia called out, "Hey!"

Both Carter and Noah began thinking that Amelia had lost her mind and decided not to reveal themselves before Amelia walked out into the open.

"Well, maybe we can help." Amelia echoed!

Before she could take another step, she, Noah, and Carter - Even though they hadn't intentionally come out - had hastily been surrounded by tens of guards who aimed at their heads with spears of pure condensed Energia.

The trio's hands went up into the sky to show that they meant no harm and weren't of ill intent.

"Wait, wait, we're not assassins I promise! I'm a student of Apollo!" Amelia shouted.

Omnidea and her siblings look at Apollo, who glances over at Amelia and sighs before a very strong cough.

"She's telling the truth," Apollo started, "Amelia is the child with the Ghost Witch that I spoke of previously. Noah is also a student of mine, although I'm not sure if you remember his presence here in Fortitudo. The other child is the sibling of the girl."

Amelia cut in, "The waves you're talking about, they're probably coming from my planet, from Earth!"

The three Deities - Omnidea, Omnidium, and Omnideus - all exchange looks briefly with one another.

"AH-MEE-LEE-UH," Omnidea began, "Is that how it is vocalized? Is it true that you hold a portion of my soul, the Ghost Witch as it has been nicknamed?"

"It's true, your highness," Amelia answered. "However, I've been with her for so long, that our souls have completely merged."

Omnidea looks at Omnidium before the latter claps her hands, causing the guards to lower their weapons while Noah and Carter exhale out of relief.

"Come to me, child," Omnidea commands.

Amelia gulps down the unease she had in her throat and began to pace herself towards Omnidea, her steps echoing in the halls. The giant deity let down her hand, which was large enough to house a building, as Amelia stepped onto it, before finally being lifted to Omnidea's face where they were face-to-face.

Omnidea could sense her energy that Amelia was unconsciously exerting, she could tell that the Ghost Witch had given Amelia unexpected power as a result of being correlated with the divine being herself. However, the power that the Ghost Witch had Amelia access to was nigh-infinitely weaker than its true potential.

"Amelia," Omnidea said to the child, "My sibling had told of the fate of a child who would one day be worthy to house part of my soul. She had already written your story, however, this is the first time we have met you're physical presence. Tell me, what do you plan to do to stop the origin of these waves and why do you want to help? What is your motivation? "

Amelia looked down, she began to feel dispirited again at the thought of saying her name, "Olivia," Amelia said. "Even though she might not be the cause of the waves, she very much could also be. It's because of who she is; I don't believe there's truly an 'evil' person, she's misguided. This act, this new persona that she's putting on. The look I saw in her eyes, I know that back then, it couldn't have been an act. I just want to show my friend that life has meaning and if I can help people along the way, then that's even better."

The deity gave a slight smile and slightly raised her head as she looked at Amelia; Omnidea was impressed. It had been quite some time since they had found one of their physical reincarnations that were so selfless and caring for others.