
The Book of Gods: Missing Excerpt

First ARC:

At the beginning of the world, there were only three beings, only three entities to ever have existed before everything in our world was conceived. Omnidea, Omnideus, and Omnidium, these three divine gods together created an infinite world for where they chose to create and raise their children. Their father, whose real name is unknown by mortals, gave his children the gift of one of The Book of Creation's unending amount of pages to create their world upon. He gave this gift to his children as a sign of love and told them to do with it as they wished, and so they did.

Section: Omnidea

Omnidea, creator of Life and Death herself stands as the friendliest and accepting of her siblings. Omnidea shows the most "human-like" qualities and emotions, she shows empathy for all things and loves all life in existence but does not favor life; she gives both of her children equal affection. All the time she spent in her father's domain, his "library" he calls it, made her realize how she loved to create, she loved to breathe life into nothing and show it love. However, just as quickly as she loved to breathe life into nothing, she would be just as quickly to snatch the breath of life away from those who oppose her wishes with ease. Omnidea is a loving, but powerful goddess and only wishes that her children do as she wishes when she wishes so.

Omnidea created all things that have life flowing through them whether it be man, animal, or thing, she is their predecessor, their absolute. Because of these reasons, the concept of war, violence, and infertility infuriates her; the idea of two of her kids fighting upsets her to no end causing her to damn all who oppose her views to eternity in hell. Omnidea believes that violence should be never condoned unless it's in the act of punishing blasphemy against the gods.

Section: Omnidium

Omnidium, creator of Fate and Change believes all things should have a predetermined path and is the most strict of her siblings. The ignorance of man infuriates her, mostly because of humans' inability to see the future, to see fate. It is because of her that the fate of the world has already been "decided" by her, she has already decided the path that the world will follow and knows when it will and how it will end. Upon Omnidium's creation, she was always a rebellious "child", trying to leave her father's library because of her curiosity, trying to go to ᵀʰᵉ ᴳʳᵉᵃᵗ ᴮᵉʸᵒⁿᵈ where her grandparent rests. Not knowing what lies in ᵀʰᵉ ᴳʳᵉᵃᵗ ᴮᵉʸᵒⁿᵈ causes her to feel inferior to man due to her supposedly knowing the fate of everything, even the fate of ᵀʰᵉ ᴳʳᵉᵃᵗ ᴮᵉʸᵒⁿᵈ. However, she may now never get this opportunity, but this thought still rattles in the back of the goddesses psyche.

Section: Omnideus

Creator of Space and Time, Omnideus cares about his children but chooses not to share his affection in the same way as his sibling, Omnidea. He would rather let them roam the infinity of the world and explore for themselves, while he watches from the scenes. Being a nonchalant God, Omnideus is rather difficult to upset and only reacts to blasphemy usually. Still, even as ignorant as he believes man is, Omnideus, unlike his siblings, is still looking for someone worthy of being his reincarnation; someone who could soon reach his level of power and join the council of Fortitudo.

Section: The Book of Creation (Dara)

Pet of the three great Deities Omnidea, Omnideus, and Omnidium, Dara (labeled as "The Book of Creation" by others) is a masterpiece created by the deities' father. It is a sentient being containing endless worlds within its endless pages that embodies the will of its author. Having a googolplex of siblings, they all exist to tell the stories of different persons, they all exist to entertain the author while he puppeteers their fate from the infinity of his library.

Section: ℵ-Yurashimatsuomni-0

Existing beyond the infinity of the Library and being one with ᵀʰᵉ ᴳʳᵉᵃᵗ ᴮᵉʸᵒⁿᵈ, ℵ-Yurashimatsuomni-0 is all there is, ever will be, and is not. She IS ᵀʰᵉ ᴳʳᵉᵃᵗ ᴮᵉʸᵒⁿᵈ, resting above conventional understanding while the existence of all lies within her being, being embodied within all she is. Everything that has happened or hasn't happened will happen or is impossible is because of her. Her origin is often pondered on, not even being known by her direct offspring, and is often assumed to have birthed herself. ℵ-Yurashimatsuomni-0 is the mother, she is the beginning of all and is the end of endlessness.