Marshaling of Force

Emmanuel nursed a growing headache as he watched the airship descend a second time. Using Space Magic quickly, like he did earlier, always left him with a sharp pain at the back of his head, for some reason. Having to hastily deflect the shots from the airship's cannons, and dealing with the subsequent waves of enemy soldiers had been straining. Quite frankly, it was all a bit much for an old man like himself.

"It seems we have escaped disaster this time, old friend. Although, it could have gone better." The Headmaster spoke up, having arrived silently, as was his custom outside of meetings. Emmanuel glanced at him, and took in Alexander's torn and bloody clothes. It looked like he had been fighting on the front lines.

"How bad was it?" He felt himself asking, despite not truly wanting to know.

"Ten instructors, 32 students, and roughly 153 staff members were killed over the last couple of days. We are still tallying the injured."

"Gods…the fight looked rough from my vantage, but I didn't think we would be losing so many." The mage replied while shaking his head, and then immediately regretting it, as his head throbbed in response.

"Most of the staff casualties were caused earlier, as the enemy's agents killed and replaced whole sections of the guard without anyone noticing."

"Is that possible?" Emmanuel replied in disbelief.

"It shouldn't be, but they evidently found a weak spot in our security." Alexander shook his head, as if dispelling the dark thoughts. "Anyway, most of the remaining deaths were actually caused by the monsters that were released shortly after the enemy's arrival. Even as we speak, there are still a few which have apparently gone to ground somewhere on campus. Since we don't know exactly how many were released, the guards will be combing the University for the next few days."

Emmanuel swallowed hard. It felt like his headache was only getting worse now. "I can have a few of the Magic Department instructors sweep the campus as well. There are a couple that are skilled sensor type magic. They should at least be able to narrow down the monsters' locations."

The Headmaster patted him on the shoulder. "Thank you. That would be most helpful. In the meantime, I want to issue a curfew. No student should be outside after ten bells. Additionally, I'm going to issue a recommendation that all personnel should travel in groups until the situation is resolved."

The mage frowned, "So we aren't closing the University until the danger has passed? The student's families won't like that. Although, they'll probably be furious about this whole situation to begin with."

Alexander hesitated, before shaking his head with a sad smile. "Under ordinary circumstances, I would agree, but considering recent developments, we can't afford to let the student body disperse."

A cold chill started creeping up Emmanuel's spine. "What happened?"

Looking around to check for eavesdroppers, Alexander continued. "I've received word that the Northern Army was wiped out."

"What?! How?"

"Keep your voice down. The last thing we need right now is a panic. They were apparently ambushed at a river crossing by a combined force of Tennundians and orcs from the Ash Mountains. Preliminary reports list their numbers at close to twenty thousand. With the force laying siege to Kadin Citadel, we looking at nearly thirty thousand taking part in the invasion."

It was a sobering thought. Even though Almir could field a force of well over one hundred thousand under the right circumstances, doing so in the middle of an undeclared civil war, was impossible. With the Western Army still in disarray, the Northern Army effectively destroyed, and the Central Army still in process of mobilization, there was little they could do to halt the Tennundian advance.

The Headmaster continued. "The only good news to come of this, is that Marshal Jurien was delayed on the road by an assassination attempt on Prince Johnathan, who was riding with them."

"That's good news? What happened to the prince?"

"It meant she avoided sharing Marshal Forint's fate, at the very least. According to the last report I received, the prince was still in critical condition. There is some uncertainty about whether he will live."

"I see…" Emmanuel had no particular affection for the prince, since, by all accounts the man was a bit of a meathead. However, his death would alter the balance of power among the royal heirs. It would likely mean the ascension of the Second Prince, who would have the best claim to the throne. This, in turn would cause problems for the University, which was currently seen as tacitly supporting the Third Prince and Princess, even though they tried hard to remain neutral in the matter.

"In any event, Marshall Jurien is now attempting to rally the Western Army, no doubt seeing it as the best chance of resisting the invasion. They will need to assemble from their garrisons and fall back to the Ophon River, or risk being flanked and crushed against the ocean."

Emmanuel was stunned as he realized the implications of Alexander's words. "She's abandoning the Western Marches…."

The Headmaster sighed, suddenly looking much older than he already was. "Yes. Although, I doubt she has much choice in the matter. If Jurien can't get them moving in time, we are looking at the potential destruction of over half of the country's regular fighting force, as well as the loss of three Marshals."

A sudden realization struck the mage. "You've been asked to return to service, haven't you?"

Alexander Potrarian, once known as the Hammer of Almir, met his old friend's gaze. "The Prime Minster has asked me to take charge of the Central Army, and all auxiliary forces in the capital region."

"Did you accept?"

"I did. You know me, Emmanuel, I could never turn my back on my country in its time of need." The Headmaster, and soon to be Marshal replied.

The mage nodded. "I know. When will you be issuing the Call to Arms?"

"Soon. Probably in the middle of next week. There are a few administrative niceties I must undergo, before I can exercise my full authority. Until that time, we should do everything we can to prepare the students. With the lion's share of the Central Army's experienced fighters following Marshal Jurien, the University may very well be our best hope."

Emmanuel shuddered slightly at the thought. Looking over at physically and emotionally battered group of students who were still recovering from the rigors of battle, he couldn't help but mourn.

[Why do they all look so young?]

Alexander followed his gaze, a momentary despair present in his features, before resumed his usual stony façade. "Do you anything about the Dragonknight that intervened here today? No one seems to be aware of his identity. If we can count on their aid...."

Emmanuel thought back to his mystery student, who saved him from death with a display of skill that was astounding to behold. He wasn't sure, but he suspected that the young man even used Healing Magic at some point during the fight. That he disappeared into the heat of the conflict, shortly before the dragon's arrival, seemed too much of a coincidence.

"I have a suspicion that he might actually be one of my students, although I have no proof." He replied after considering the quandary for a while.

Alexander paused thoughtfully, "That would make sense, considering the timeline. Are you willing to share this individual's name?"

"A new student, by the name of Michael Rasmussen, who has already been causing a stir amongst the faculty because of his abilities. He was admitted under the recommendation of Count Graveston. Considering his general lack of background, I had identified him as a possible planted agent for some faction."

"Do you believe that an actual Dragonknight would consent to being the Serpent's pawn?"

"It's hard to say. Who knows what they have been up to over the last few centuries? Perhaps they have fallen to the ranks of mere mercenaries. Nevertheless, I have spoken to the student on multiple occasions, and I have a hard time believing him capable of being a hardened agent, or a member of an ancient military order for that matter. He is amazingly talented, but ignorant and ill-trained. As such, I'm not quite sure how to categorize him."

The Headmaster sighed, "Since he seems inclined to aid us, but wishes to keep his identity hidden, I'll leave it to you. Proceed as you see fit, but be careful. It sounds like this student, if he is trustworthy, will be a major asset in battle. Especially if he and the Dragonknight are one and the same. It would be shame to drive him away with untoward questioning."

"I'll take care of it." Emmanuel replied. It seems like, in addition to planning for a war that was looking grimmer by the day, he would have one more problem to give him a headache.


The princess's safe return, and subsequent reuniting with her twin brother was a major ordeal, as multiple layers of security were enacted as soon as she touched ground. Mike watched the proceedings from a safe distance, glad that Matthew had been alright. He'd realized after the fact, that it may not have been the most responsible of actions to leave the young man simple lying in the middle of a battlefield, but it had seemed like a good idea at the time.

Soon, it was announced that the royal twins were safe, and the assault on the University was defeated. The students were told to return to their homes and resume normal activities. Additional information would be put out during their usual classes next week. In the meantime, the Headmaster ordered a curfew, and recommended that they travel in groups for the foreseeable future.

Not seeing any reason to remain, Mike and the crew started walking back to the dorms. He quickly noticed that, in addition to the mildly disgruntled Oracle, Brenden was in a sour mood as well.

Moving alongside the beastman and speaking quietly, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Brenden glanced at him briefly, before grumbling, "This whole situation bothers me. I don't know how you managed it, but if it wasn't for you, everyone there would have been butchered in their sleep. All because of some pointless political game. I nearly died because I happened to attend the same event as a princess."

Mike noticed Sera nodding along with the sentiment. Tal looked neutral, but it was clear from her body posture, that she didn't disagree with Brenden's assessment.

"I get what you're saying. No one likes being dragged into other people's messes against their will." He commented tentatively.

Brenden snorted. "That's a little ironic coming from you."

"Hey! I don't do it intentionally."

The beastman chuckled slightly. "Whatever. Anyway, it looks like you've gotten stronger again. What do you say to a rematch?"

"Maybe later. Right now I have an appointment with my bed, which I need to keep." Mike replied, sagging a little bit under the mental fatigue.

"Come on. I've been preparing for this ever since our last match." Brenden complained while taking up a combat stance.

Feeling a little mischievous, Mike turned towards the beastman. "That may be, but have you prepared for.....Pocket Dragon!"

Audra launched herself out of her usual pocket and affixed herself to Brenden's face, claw first.

"Ah! She's trying to eat my eyes! Get her off!" He yelled, rolling around on the ground and futilely trying to catch the offender.

Laughing at his friend's misfortune, he started walking away, but was stopped by Sera who faced him with a look of determination.

"We need to talk."