Chapter 103: Evaluation Tests II


After spending two days in the Fresia castle with Luther, it was time to return to the academy. Ivery was given a new uniform the other day by Luther since he had ripped her original one...

Ivery's body felt fully recovered after relaxing and getting an apologetic oil massage from Luther. She still didn't forgive him for the library incident yet, so he was still being forced to abstain. She and Luther were both dressed in their uniforms.

"The academy is going to be having breakfast offered in the mornings starting today, so let's leave out now." Luther adjusted the cuffs on his black frock coat

"Okay." Ivery nodded

"I'm sure you already know this but the others will be riding in the carriage with us, I understand that you all don't know each other well and they were quite fond of Juliana so it's easy to notice the tension." Luther sighed

"With Juliana gone and with you entering our class, they only see you as her replacement, but just remember that you're not in any way her replacement, I had wanted you to enter our class ever since you were admitted into the academy, but they were all too hostile towards you since they thought you were no different than my previous fiances, I didn't want you to be uncomfortable so I just kept you in class A." Luther explained to her

"So why did you demote Juliana after all this time?" Ivery asked

"She was getting too arrogant, thinking she could speak ill of you as she did about the other girls since I hadn't cared whenever she did, and since I already knew about her feelings for me, keeping her around me for too long won't be ideal." Luther answered

"I was beginning to think you kind of liked her, since you handled her so leniently." Ivery sarcastically said with a sly smile, knowing Luther didn't like Juliana in the slightest way

"Of course not, I've only been lenient with her because she's a princess of an ally country." Luther's expression showed utter disgust as he spoke

"You sure that's all it is?" Ivery asked as she picked up a hairbrush, still retaining her ever so present smile

"....." Luther glanced at her and saw her run the brush through her hair

He walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What would you do if I said that I do like her?" Luther leaned down and said near her ear

"I guess I'd have to make you forget her." Ivery stopped brushing her hair

"And how would you manage to do that?" He smirked and took the brush from her hand

"You'll only be able to find that out after daring to like someone else when you already have me." Ivery told him

"Aw, then I'll never find out..." Luther pouted and began brushing her hair for her

"Nope." Ivery smiled

"Just remember to try to get along with them, even they thought that I would eventually marry Juliana." Luther held her tighter

"They liked her that much?" Ivery asked

"I wouldn't say they necessarily liked her, they were just used to her and they all got along well, Stewell, Piere, and Sariell are people who don't see light, they only see and want darkness, that is why they idolized me when I first met them, they like seeing the misery and death of others, four years ago we spilled a lot of blood." He explained

"So what exactly are you saying?" Ivery questioned

"I'm saying that those three have no concept of 'like', even if they were fond of someone like Juliana, they'd still kill without hesitation the moment they are displeased, even her, and you who's full of only generosity, empathy and light won't be able to fully appeal to them, since you're the exact opposite of their interests so that's why I say try to get along with them, just to make yourself more comfortable." Luther answered her question

"You say it like they'll try to kill me some day." Ivery said

"They wouldn't dare to, especially not with me there." Luther laughed at the thought

"They couldn't even if they wanted to." He moved her hair over and kissed the back of her neck

"Okay...we should go now.." Ivery blushed and tried to get out of his arms

"I don't want to anymore..." Luther rested his head on her shoulder

"Come on, so we can get breakfast." Ivery pried his arms open

She managed to break free from his arms and picked up her bag. She walked to the door and waited for Luther.

"How mean." Luther smiled and sighed


They walked down the steps and saw the large black golden lined carriage not too far away.

The coachman got down from his seat and opened the carriage door. Ivery and Luther walked up to the carriage, Luther held Ivery's hand and helped her inside the carriage, and stepped inside after her.

The coachman closed the carriage door and went back to his seat in front of the carriage.

Ivery and Luther sat on the opposite side of Sariell, Piere, and Stewell. There was only silence, very awkward silence.

Ivery looked out of the window and the carriage started moving.

"Something about you two seems different." Piere broke the silence to say

"Like what?" Luther asked

"I'm not sure, did something happen?" Piere asked with a shrug

"Yes, we-" Luther was about to answer Piere until Ivery covered his mouth

"N-Nothing happened!" Ivery answered with a bright blush

Piere narrowed his eyes, "Is that so..?" He didn't pry any further, easily figuring out what happened due to her flustered reaction

Sariell and Stewell even picked up on it and commended Luther in their heads.

"Oh, about the evaluation tests, is it true that your father got rid of the executions?" Stewell asked Luther

"Yes it is true, he wants to see if the failed students can improve their weaknesses, but he added in that if they fail two evaluations in a row, they'll have to be executed." Luther nodded

Ivery silently listened, she didn't hear of this until now, Erdel was truly a cruel man...but it's not like she didn't know that already.

Stewell sucked his teeth and Piere and Sariell had displeased expressions.

"Inanna will take the role as the time keeper, and you three will keep the same roles you've always had." Luther informed them

"Alright, but since you're not the executioner anymore, what will you be doing then?" Sariell asked

"I'll mainly be deciding who gets promoted, demoted, or remains in the same class, people who barely passed the last evaluation tests and fail this semester's evaluation tests also have to be executed according to my father." Luther put his elbow on the armrest and rested his head on his hand

"Really?" All three of them asked with excited eyes

"Yes." Luther nodded

"That's good enough I guess." Sariell widely smiled

"Now I can't wait." Stewell said with a wider smile

Ivery felt like she did all she could do for the students of Crescent academy, she couldn't fully change the rules that the school had for years, at least now the students had a higher chance of surviving the evaluations.

"Hey princess, have you ever killed anyone?" Sariell excitedly asked

"I haven't, why?" Ivery raised an eyebrow

"Oh..." Sariell's excited expression dropped

"As his fiance, we thought you were the same as him..." Piere disappointedly sighed

"I'm the one that won't let her kill." Luther added in

"Why?!" Stewell exclaimed

"She doesn't need to unnecessarily bloody her hands." Luther told him with a cold glance

"How boring..." Stewell frowned and looked out the window


After 20 minutes of riding in the carriage, they arrived at the academy. The carriage door opened, Luther stepped out first and held his hand out for Ivery. She took his hand and he helped her down. Sariell, Piere, and Stewell stepped out after Ivery.

Just as they began walking closer to the academy, a crowd of students rushed out of the school and screamed as they only saw the four handsome guys around Ivery.

The four men walked uncaringly through the screaming students, Ivery looked at the students around them and felt their intense stares. Ivery walked closer to Luther and her eyes continued to look at the swarm of students gawking at them.

Even as they walked up the stairs they were followed. Luther grabbed Ivery's hand and led her to the academy.


They then walked down the halls, receiving even more stares from the wandering students.

"The evaluations start in an hour, let's go eat." Luther headed toward the cafeteria

"Okay." Ivery held his hand slightly tighter as he led her to the caferia


