
The meeting lasted one hour and a half. The dean did the introduction and after that the teachers started talking about their respective field and what they expected of the students. As first years they would have to attend at least five out of the eight teachers. Even if they will pick their specialisation in the third year they will have to have superficial knowledge on many different fields before that. Once graduated, they will represent Columbia to the world so they need to be brilliant and knowledgeable. That was why the employment rate of the graduates of the first five colleges in the country was almost 100%.

Once the last speech was finished the students left the theater. A portion of them decide to take up on the chance to talk with their future teacher on some topic. While they were all moving out of the room Nathaniel decided to wait. He was not rushing for time and did not want to be trapped among the crowd. From a risk assessments viewpoint that was a poor choice to do so he decided to wait.

Beside him, Na-Yung seemed to have opted to do the same. The football player and his friend had already left the theater while talking to an attractive brunette. He was glad that he managed to avoid that little crisis. Beautiful women were really a magnet for problems, that or men's ego was, or both. It was really hard to tell from an historical point of view.

Seeing the flow of people starting to die down Nathaniel made a move to get up and Na-Yung mirrored him at the same time.

"Where do you plan on going next?" She asked.

"I'm going to look around, and you?" Nathaniel said. It was over for the mandatory meetings for today and he was free to go wherever he wanted to, even home, but it was still encouraged to socialize with the other students.

"I'm going to the archery range, I have an appointment with the coach. In what sport did you engage yourself?" She asked, looking at his body as if searching what he could do based on his musculature.

Even if people could tell that he had a good body Nathaniel was doing the best that he could to hide how ripped he actually was. Even if that was rather counterproductive for a singer or actor, Nathaniel did not want to be known for his body but for his mind. Moreover, if people did not know how muscular he was he could surprise them in a fight. Surprise was infinitely valuable in combat. That was one of the reasons Marc successfully lived past his forties. He had such a normal face and body that none of his targets ever took him seriously until the moment they had died of course. So seeing Na-Yung trying to evaluate him on his body alone was rather funny for him.

"None, why?"

"None? I thought it was mandatory to. Something about contributing to university life. It was sport, art or organisation of events." Na-Yung said, surprised.

"Oh? I didn't read that anywhere. I will look into it, thanks."

Descending the stairs, they kept talking to each other. Passing a few students waiting to talk to their future teachers they were nearing the door when a loud echo resounded in the room.

"Nathaniel Lyndon, I would like a word with you please." The dean exclaimed.

Hearing that name, every conversation died down around him and people started to look for the student in question. At that point everybody knew his name but almost no one knew his face with the exception of the ones who googled him. Smiling bitterly Nathaniel turned to Na-Yung.

"You should go, it will take a while."

"Oh okay, no problem, we will see each other later."

"Alright, later."

Looking at her leave he could not argue the fact that she had a really enticing figure. Shaking his head he started walking to the dean who was looking at him with a smirk. It seemed he was doing that as a form of payback. When he finally arrived in front of the dean almost everyone at that point was looking at him and was trying to evaluate him. Nathaniel by now was impervious to the stares of others after turning his movie and doing more than a couple of interviews in front of an audience of more than one hundred people.

"Yes sir?" Nathaniel asked.

"Ah, good you are here. I wanted you to meet your future teacher in criminal law, John Merick. John, this is Nathaniel Lyndon." The dean introduced the two.

"It's a pleasure, sir." Nathaniel said respectfully.

"Don't call me sir, we are not in the army here. You can call me Professor in the classroom and Mister Merick outside of it." Even if he was rebuking him he was pleased to see a young man with such a good character. "Do you know why I wanted to meet with you?"

"I presume it is to talk about the LSAT test or to tell me that you were the one that my mother replaced in the DA office." Nathaniel answered simply.

"We are lawyers, we don't presume here, we rely on facts for everything." He said sternly.

The professor looked at Nathaniel seemingly waiting for him to apologize but Nathaniel just stood there saying nothing, looking him in the eyes. The silence was starting to become heavy when the stern expression on the professors face turned into a smile.

"Good, you are not easily rattled. You are right, it was about that. I did not expect you to know about it."

"I didn't but my mother told me about you when she saw your name in the admission file."

"Smart woman, your mother, I did go against her a couple of times and that was never a pleasant experience. That is why I chose her to replace me, I wanted someone who would not cower in front of danger. I'm glad to see that you have something of her in you."

"Thank you, mister Merick." Nathaniel kept his answer simple, he knew that he was there for a reason and wanted to say as little as possible before knowing why.

"I saw that you put criminal law as your major, do you want to become a criminal attorney?"

"Indeed sir."

"I read your LSAT text like almost every law professor in the country I believe. You are obviously gifted but gifted does not suffice in this world, you will need to put a lot of work behind it. I summoned you just to tell you that if you are not in the top five grades of this university at the end of each semester, I will sack you. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Professor." Nathaniel said, seemingly unbothered.

"Good. You can go back to what you were doing previously. We will see each other next week." He said before leaving with the dean.

A second later, Joshua took the place of the two leaving with a knowing smile but was surprised to find that Nathaniel was not shocked or even flustered a little bit.

"He's kind of intense, right?"

"Based on what I have heard that could have been much worse. I think he kind of liked me."

"I think so too but that's the thing, you are not supposed to know that. The plan was to keep you on your toes by challenging you to a top 5 place at all times." Joshua said, shaking his head.

"Challenging me?" Nathaniel asked with humor

"Yeah, your mother said something about that to the dean."

"He didn't listen to her very well in that case. If you really wanted to challenge me, you should have made that for the first place. Top 5 is not a challenge at all." Nathaniel shook his head disappointed and walked away.

Leaving a shocked Joshua behind him, his jaw threatening to touch the floor.