
Chuckling softly Nathaniel could not forget the shocked faces of his fellow students when he pulled the trick. It's like they saw a ghost or something. It was so funny that he was going to laugh about it for a long time. He had just taken one of the simplest tricks that he knew to not gather too much attention and it still dazzled them. Magic was about misdirection and the closer you looked, the less you saw. That was the core of the trick.

Replacing the two jacks with queens was easy when he was moving around as it only required hand agility and speed. The thing that awed them was how he replaced the three queens with the queen of heart. The truth was that the queen of heart was glued to the queen of spades. And when the crowd thought he was going to put the queen down with the hand that struck the pile, it was with the other that he removed the three queens. It was simple really, we see with our brain not our eyes. When they were focused on his right hand, their brains ignored everything else and that's why they never understood how he did it.

Continuing his walk, he was idly moving around, going from stand to stand without a worry. He knew that he was currently being spied on by three people. They thought they were stealthy but they were not. Nathaniel spotted them easily and could see the people following him. They were not hitmen or spies, these three individuals were much worse than that. They were sorority girls.

"Wow, He is hot." Said a sexy looking brunette.

"I agree and everything that he wears is expensive. I believe his shirt is a Louis Vuitton." Observed the platinum blonde on the right.

"You are right, I saw it in their shop the other day with Ethan, almost 2 thousand dollars." The cute brunette said.

"Dibs!" Shot called the sexy looking brunette.

"Oh come on, Madison!" The blonde objected.

"Yeah stop it Madison! Hayley is right, we already talked about it!"

"Pfff no fun!" Madison pouted.

"We are sorority sisters, at most we can have fun with him together." The cute brunette said lewdly.

"You are incorrigible Emma!" Hayley said, laughing.

"None of you have seen that guy before? He looks familiar to me." Madison interrupted. Surprised by the interruption, the two girls stopped their banter and started examining Nathaniel closely.

"Now that you mention it, yes, I have seen him before." Hayley affirmed.

"No, I never met that guy before but I want to now." Emma added.

"What about Ethan? You know, the football running back who is your boyfriend?" Madison questioned.

"We are not exclusive!"

"Since when?" Hayley asked, surprised.

"Since now." Emma said, laughing alongside her sisters.

"Let's go talk to him and Emma be good." Madison said.

"I'm always good!" Emma rebelled, following her friends.

Spying them coming his way, Nathaniel could not help but sigh inwardly. Every sophomore man here including some womens would be elated to see three very hot sorority girls coming their way. If they could hear his thoughts at that moment they would curse him for not appreciating his luck.

"Hi there, I'm Madison, the cute blonde here is Hayley and the misleading kind looking brunette is Emma. We belong to the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority."

"Hi, I'm Nathaniel, nice to meet you." Nathaniel welcomed with a slight smile.

"You are Nathaniel Lyndon!" Hayley exclaimed.

His face was familiar to her and she was looking at him intently since coming closer but could not find out where she had seen him before. But hearing his name she immediately remembered. Madison also quickly recalled where she had seen him before. These two were Taylor Swift fans, not hardcore fans but fans nonetheless and they had listen to the song with Nathaniel at least ten times if not more.

"You really are Nathaniel Lyndon, the singer? We loved your song with Taylor!!" Maddison added.

"Yes, I am and thanks. I don't have the right to call myself a singer just yet with only one song but yeah I'm trying." He answered humbly.

"Are you dating Taylor?" Emma asked offhandedly making Nathaniel laugh. He could understand now why Madison referred to her with the term 'misleading kind looking'.

"No no, we are only friends. I'm single."

"Oh good… well I mean I understand." Madison hastily corrected herself, flustered. "We came because we are organizing a party Saturday night to welcome our new sisters into the sorority. It would be a social event so we would like to invite you."

"It would be my pleasure." Nathaniel answered with a smile. Since they were nice to him, he would treat them the same way.

"Awesome!" Madison exclaimed joyfully. Taking a flyer from her purse, she hastily wrote something on the back before giving it to him. "I added my phone number on the back in case you have trouble finding our house." She explained with a flirtatious smile.

"Oh thanks, I will." He said taking the flyer from her hand, looking at the time he realized he needed to go. "I'm sorry but I need to go. I have dinner scheduled with my mother and I don't want her to wait."

"Of course, you should go, don't leave her waiting. We will maybe see each other this week and if not, we will on saturday."

"Yes we will. I hope you have a good day ladies. Bye." He said with a handwave before leaving.

Seeing him leave and paying a decent amount of attention on his ass, they wait for him to be far enough before talking again.

"'Here my phone number in case you don't find our house' That's why we put the address on the flyer. Nicely done Madison" Emma mocked laughingly.

"What? He is hot and he sings like an angel, I had to do it."

"Did you notice?" Hayley asked suddenly.

"Yeah, I did. He never even looked at our body, just at our face."

"My boobs are feeling wronged right now." Emma grumbled, making her sisters laugh.

The three of them were currently wearing her sorority t-shirt and it was complimenting their form quite nicely. The one that Emma was wearing was even tighter than that of her sisters and it displayed her ample bosom for everyone to see. As beautiful girls they were good at spotting people ogling them and that's why they all realized that Nathaniel did not.

"Maybe he's gay?" Hayley asked.

"No he is not. My gay radar did not activate while we were talking. He is hundred percent straight I'm sure of it." Madison confirmed.

"Dibs!" The three of them exclaimed at the same time.