
New York. 22/10/2012. 16:00.

Nathaniel was working on his next assignment in his room when he heard the front door being opened with way too much force than it used to be and then he heard his mother yell.

"NATHANIEL ABRAHAM LYNDON" Karine yelled in the appartement, slamming the front door shut.

Hearing that voice, Nathaniel felt a shiver run down his spine. That was the second time in his entire life that his mother used his complete name to call him. Thinking back to the first time that she used it, he was eleven years old at the time when he had inadvertently spilled his glass of milk on her folder containing a weeks worth of work on a case, ruining it completely. He ended up so traumatized that he stopped drinking milk.

The thing that was not reassuring by any means was that she was looking even angrier now than back then. Steeling himself for what was to come he got up from his chair and exited his room. She was so red that she seemed to explode and was about to yell when she appeared to remember something. Taking her phone out, she tried to take it apart but losing her patience she just smashed it on the ground to use all of her pent up anger. Seeing her lose her temper like that, Nathaniel gulped.

"I'm going to ask you this only once." She started, chewing on each word. "Did you break into One PP, hacked into my friend James personal server and used a CIA software to erase the camera footage of the Droski case present in it?"

"Euh, yes?" He answered in a little voice.

"ARE YOU FUCK**G STUPID?" She yelled before forcing herself to quiet down. "Do you have any idea of what you triggered? James called the commissioner who called the mayor who ended up calling the governor. The FBI was there too and they put a joint formal complaint to the congress against the CIA. You triggered a political incident like nothing I have ever seen and a lot of important people are pissed off."

"I'm sorry mom but I needed to do this. The less evidence there is against me, the better." He apologized.

"You do not understand! What do you think will happen when the CIA is going to say they have nothing to do with it? We are going to be put under scrutiny. You just put a huge target on our back!" She said angrily, tears threatening to spill over.

"No mom, you are wrong. You think the CIA is one block but it is not. On the contrary, they work in the form of independent cells for security purposes. Yes, the CIA will say they have nothing to do with it but realistically who is going to believe them? They say that every time they are accused of something and the case ends up buried alongside someones career each time. They will do an internal investigation to appease the congress to find out from which cell it came from and they will come up empty handed. Like every investigation made against the CIA. The agency can not be monitored because their whole existence is created that way." Nathaniel explained.

Thinking about this she could see that her son's reasoning was not without merit but she was still too angry to give it up that easily.

"This is still not okay! You can't keep doing what you are doing, creating havoc everywhere you go." Karine continued but a lot calmer now.

"I had to. When I looked into the personnel files of your friend James, he was still convinced that the man that attacked the compound of Drosky was sent by us. That's why I used that particular program to erase the evidence. I created a way bigger culprit than us. A culprit that can't be linked to our family by any means."

"You created a false trail." Realised Karine, the last bit of her anger leaving her.

She was not surprised to find out that she did not succeed in soothing her friends' suspicions. James was a very experienced officer and was used to people lying to him. He also had that particular cop instinct who made him troublesome to deal with.

"Yes, against an organisation who is adept with this kind of operation and who had access to the kind of highly trained people who could do this. Especially now that they do not have the video they will have to follow the research with what Jonathan and his team saw, a six foot, two hundred pound and at a minimum thirty five year old man." Nathaniel added, shrugging.

"You put much thought into this but please do not do that ever again. You can't imagine what I felt like when I heard about this. I almost lost it in front of everyone." Karine slumped down on the chair.

"I'm sorry mom, I won't."

"Good. At least now I know that I'm done with that." She said, tiredly.

"Well, about that…" Nathaniel said uncomfortably.

"Come on! Are you kidding me? What did you do again?"

"I sneaked into One PP a couple of weeks after that. I did not hack into anything I promise, I just stole the access code to one of the directors. I just put fake addresses for us, even if they notice they will just think of it as a typing error. After what happened the last time with the Droski case I will not trust the NYPD to keep us safe." He said with steel in his voice.

"Nathaniel just please, no more breaking into One PP." She said weakly.

"I promise mom, it was the last time." He said, truthfully.

"Alright, now about punishment. Effective today, you are on grossery duty, dusting chore and laundry for a month! Do not even try to argue against this or it will be two months." She warned.

"I know better than to argue against a New York prosecutor." Nathaniel answered respectfully.

"You also owe me a new phone." She added, looking at the pieces of her old one on the ground.

"Of course, I will take care of it." Nathaniel said, relieved that it was finally over.

"Not so fast, I need a drink right now."

"Yes Ma'am."