
Exchanging a concerned look with Scott, Nathaniel refocused on the pilot who said that.

"Did they say why they are looking for him?" Scott asks.

"No, they did not. They were too busy beating Matthew up and were not in the mood to have a conversation with us." He answered dryly.

"How are you Matthew by the way?" Nathaniel asked, looking at the bloody security guard.

"I'm good, sir. if it were not for the fact that they got a jump on us and the fact that they had our two pilots at gunpoint, I would have fu**ed them up real bad. Don't mind my face, I had two oldest brothers growing up and this guy was hitting like a ten years old girl." He said with a smirk.

Nathaniel had to chuckle at that and even Scott laughed. Jean was choosing wisely when picking security and then turned them into a little bit of lunatic. But despite the man's bravado, Nathaniel could see that he was still leaning heavily into Scott's shoulder.

"I'm still going to call you a medic Matthew."

"That would be nice, sir. I would not say no to painkillers right now." He smiled painfully.

"Hang in there."

"Sir, what do you want to do with the bodies?" Scott asked.

"There is an incinerator on the main wing basement, let's burn them. We are keeping their guns and ammo however. I believe we are going to need them."

"How do you know that?" He asked, surprised.

"I saw it on a map of the building while we were walking." Nathaniel said, kneeling near the cop that he killed and picking up his weapon. Scott made Matthew sit near the plane and start doing the same thing, picking up the gun and putting it on his hips.

"That was written in Italian!" Scott shouted, remembering the map that Nathaniel and him had passed while walking here.

"Yeah, I told you I learn fast." Nathaniel answered simply like it was not even worth mentioning.

"Unbelievable." Scott shook his head bitterly. "How do you plan to move those two into the burning room without bringing down the whole airport on us and without appearing on any camera surveillance or getting stopped by someone?"

"Let me think for a second." Nathaniel said, looking around him thoughtfully until he spotted something that made him smile creepily.

"I don't like that smile, like, at all." Scott said, making a grimace.

"I have an idea, I think you will like it." Nathaniel's smile got even wider.

"I'm sure I won't." Scott answered dryly.

Nathaniel then started telling him what he wanted to do, the frown on Scott's face deepening the more that he heard.

"This is crazy." He said.

"I know, right? This is going to be so much fun." Nathaniel said happily.


"I need a shower or ten." Scott grumbles after finishing burning the bodies of the two dirty cops and exiting the incinerator room.

"Me too." Nathaniel admitted taking a whiff at himself.

"I can't believe it works. Like they saw us walking with a giant teddy bear and nobody even stopped us."

"Well, in their defense, we were wearing cops uniforms so it's not that surprising but I admit, seeing two cops lifting a giant teddy bear in an airport should be an immediate red flag on any circonstance."

Nathaniel had the idea to fit the bodies of the two dead cops inside the giant teddy bear that he found in the hangar, full of dust and a little bit dirty. Someone in the past had maybe forgotten it or just got rid of it here and it had taken dust the whole time until today. Fitting the two bodies inside was a messy affair and they had to break or even dislocate many members for the two bodies to fit inside. Luckily, Nathaniel had made sure to tell the two pilots to get inside the plane and put Matthew on a chair for him to rest and drink something. He then made the two of them keep an eye on the beaten security guard while they were busy with their sordid affair.

"I can definitely agree with that."

Hearing his phone ring, Nathaniel picked it up and recognized the number that was calling him was from Italy itself. Knitting his brows, he accepted the call.


"Nathaniel Lyndon?" A female voice said in english over the phone with a slight accent.

"Yes, speaking. Who is it?"

"Valentina Lombardi. I'm the lawyer your mother, Karine Lyndon hired to help you sort the mess your company is currently in. We should meet."

"Ah yes, we should but to tell you the truth, I would love to take a shower before we meet. The flight was long."

"It's understandable, where is your hotel located?" She asked.

Nathaniel told her the place where he was scheduled to stay while they stayed in Rome with Scott.

"I know the place, there is a café on the ground floor of that hotel, we should meet here in one hour if that's okay with you?"

"It would be perfect. Miss Lombardi. By the way, do you know a good doctor on call? Someone who can keep his mouth shut and gifted in what he does?" Nathaniel asked.

"I do know someone like that, I can give you his contact info if you want. I'm warning you, he will not be cheap." Not bothered in the slightest by this curious inquiry, Nathaniel was not surprised as he was sure she was asked worst in the past.

"I think you know I'm good for the money. Can you send him to the airport? I will text you the exact location. One of my people got beat up and I just want him checked out."

"Yes, I do know money is not an issue. I will take care of it. Let's see each other in one hour Mister Lyndon."

"Yeah, let's. See you later Miss Lombardi." Nathaniel said before hanging up.