
A long string of curses told Lina that Mary was quite pissed off to hear who it was.

"Can you do anything to cut the call?" She asked once she was done cursing.

"I can cut the connection but he's just going to call again." Lina mused out loud. "Let me try something." Lina said. starting to type like crazy on her keyboard.

Launching program after program, Lina knew that she needed to cut the call fast but on the other hand if she made a mistake, it could bite her in the ass real fast. Especially considering who she was hacking. Letting the girl work, Mary was becoming increasingly anxious until she could not hold it anymore.

"How are things going Lina? Talk to me please."

"Anddddd Done!" She shouted excitedly.

"What did you do?" Mary asked curiously.

"I hacked into AT&T, flagged the number of Bones assface at defaulting payment and let their bot cut his phone off." She said happily, busying herself wiping the trace of her hacking away and putting a false trail in case of investigation.

"But you were away for no more than forty second!"

"Yeah I know, I took my time but it was that or risking getting found out. AT&T are notoriously bad at internet security or internet in general, more than once they found themselves hacked to steal personal information. That made the news a year ago I believe."

"Unbelievable." Lina could almost hear the shake of her head on the other side of the phone.

"Well, I cut his phone off but it's just a matter of time before he goes home and uses a landline or borrow someone else's phone. What do you want me to do Madam Lyndon?"

"Just call me Mary, none of that Madam stuff. What can you do to delay him?"

"Well, I could send anonymous information to the cops that he had drugs on him or at his house. That could hold him a while, even more so if he's found with actual drugs on him." She said with humor.

"Even if this is tempting, considering he's one of our shareholders, it could reflect badly on us so no."

"I see. I can hack into his personal computer and dig dirt on him to blackmail him into compliance."

"Hum, no. Since he's on the board, I can have you uncover confidential information on the company. Moreover, his computer should be very well defended as he is a notorious paranoid. Anything else?" Mary asked.

Thinking about it for a moment, Lina got an idea.

"Since we can't go against the Bones douchebag, maybe we should change the target. He was talking with the editor of the Washington Post, if I targeted him and made him incapable of focusing on other things, it could serve our purpose long enough to allow Nathaniel to bring back your father. After that, I don't believe it will matter what the guy does."

"You are right, do it but be stealthy about it, we can't be tied to any of this." Mary warns.

"Don't worry, he will never see it coming. This is going to be so much fun." Lina said excitedly, preparing the program she would need with glee.

"Alright Lina, Have fun. Nathaniel was right about you, you are a very capable and gifted young lady."

"Thank you." Lina said, blushing bright red.

"Carry on Lina, I'm going to sleep. Bye."

"Bye." Lina answered, cutting the line.


Washington. White House. 10/12/2012. 07:35.

Walking in the President's private quarter, Tobias saw that the President was awake and busy putting on a suit. Seeing that Tobias had entered the room in the reflection of the mirror, William did not lose time.

"Good morning Tobias. What brought you so early? Our daily briefing is in an hour I believe."

"It is sir but you asked me to monitor Nathaniel movement in Rome."

"That I did. What the kid is doing right now?"

"I don't know sir, It proved to be extremely difficult to keep up with him. He kept disappearing from our radar periodically." Tobias said.

"I'm not really surprised, so far he always managed to disappear at his will. What is he doing right now?"

"There is no proof of his involvement but I would say he's currently killing people." Tobias said with a serious tone.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" The President was surprised, turning around, his hand froze on his tie.

"Killing people, sir. In the twenty four last hours, more than twenty cops have been found dead in the street of Rome, their bodies showing signs of interrogation and this morning the head of the Rome Police died of a heart attack, the time frame of that particular death is really suspicious sir." Tobias said, knitting his eyebrow.

"More than twenty? But he's alone there! I get that this kid is impossibly skilled but everyone should have a limit."

"To be fair, is not really alone. He did go to Italy with ex Delta Force Scott McCornaig and on the ground linked up with Amal Rockea, ex Mossad."

"What a nice trio. But still three against more than twenty, it's unbelievable."

"Yes. Sir, we need to order Nathaniel to stand down. The body count is too high already, we can't risk having a diplomatic incident with the Italian right now, or the EU in general over this."

"What is the take of the Italian over this situation? If they were suspecting one of our people, their prime minister would have called me already." The President affirmed.

"This is true, so far, they think it is coming from the Casa Nostra, the Italian mafia to retaliate against the arrest of several of their top members but things don't add up. The taking and dumping of the bodies were done in broad daylight and nobody noticed anything, that took some skill and the Cosa Nostra does not fit that description. Italian intelligence doesn't buy that lead and the CIA cell in Rome doesn't either. The person in question has done a report in that sense already to Langley."

"I see but you know better than trying to stop Nathaniel in his tracks, not when his grandfather is still away. I told you how ruthless the Lyndon are when their family is threatened. To be honest, I'm starting to pity the Crooked Moon organization. They had no idea what it's coming their way and I don't believe they will survive the encounter." The President shook his head.

"So, we are just going to let him do what he wants?" Tobias made a grimace.

"For now, yes. Once the situation is resolved, we will summon him quietly and you will have the chance to give him a piece of your mine but in the meantime, let him be." The President ordered.

"At your command, sir." Tobias obeyed respectfully.