
It was a long ten hours flight home but luckily Nathaniel passed the whole time sleeping in one of the chairs. Between everything that happened the last few days plus the night he passed in Valentina arms, Nathaniel really needed the sleep. That was maybe why even with the turbulence and the people talking around him, he did not even wake up once.

It was only when the plane touched the ground that Nathaniel finally opened his eyes and straightened in his seat. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Scott who was sitting not far from him realised that his boss finally woke up.

"Good morning sir, it seems you need sleep." He said, smirking.

"Indeed Scott, what's up with the smirk?" He asked, rolling his neck until he heard it pop.

"Let's just say that you and your… friend… were not really quiet last night. There were also a number of complaints made against you for the noise and one of the managers of the hotel came to make you stop. We take care of it of course to not disturb you." Scott said. Nathaniel could see that it was taking anything that he had for him to not explode in laughter.

"Ah. Sorry about that, we got a little carried away." He said, putting his hand on his neck self consciously.

"Don't worry about it but you should know that your grandfather was not really happy to have the room next to yours."

"Great." Nathaniel sighed, he could already picture what was waiting for him.

Looking by the window, he could see that the plane was rolling on the tarmac in the direction of the private hangar they were renting. Unlocking his seat belt, he got up, preparing to exit the plane. Seeing that his grandfather was doing the same, Nathaniel chose to speak.

"Did you manage to sleep grandpa?" He asked.

Robert looked at him unhappily and just grunt without saying a word. It seems that Scott had downplayed the state of mind of his grandfather. Usually, he had not calmed into talking or more often complaining to him but not talking at all was a new one.

It was not long before the plane stopped completely and the co-pilot opened the door. Descending the stairs behind Amal and his grandfather, Nathaniel had the surprise to see his mothers and grandmother here, waiting for them with excited expressions. Smiling brightly, seeing his grandfather being hugged by Diane, Nathaniel was fiercely hugged by his mothers.

"Sweetie! Finally, you are home." Mary cried happily.

"I missed you moms."

It was now that it was in the arms of his mothers that Nathaniel could truly let it go. That did not last long as Mary hugged in turn her father and Diane took possession of her grandson as fiercely as his mothers did a little earlier. He was pleasantly surprised to see his grandfather hugging Karine however. The relation between the two of them has always been tense even if it had started to get better recently.

"My beautiful dear, you did it. You really did bring him back." She said with adoration, taking his face between her hands.

"I told you I would grandma." He smiled back.

"You promise me something else also, I hope you did not forget." She said, looking at him intently.

"No I did not forget, let's just go home and I will tell you both everything, alright?"

"Alright but Robert has a meeting with the board in an hour and a half that he can't miss."

"That's right, I hope whatever you have to tell us is not going to take much time." His grandfather jumped into the conversation.

"Let's just get home before we talk about this." Mary said.

It was at that moment that a black SUV parked in front of the hangar and two people wearing suits that were screaming 'feds' came out. Seeing them, Nathaniel made a step on the side to take place in front of his grandmother to protect her. It was only until they were closer that Nathaniel recognized one of the two men and relaxed slightly. He was the one who had come when he was in the hospital with Scott sometimes ago.

"Nathaniel Lyndon, This is the Secret Service. I'm going to ask you to come with me, sir." The one on the left said, showing his badge.

"What is the meaning of this?" Robert shouted unhappily.

"Grandpa, let me handle this please." Nathaniel said, stopping him in his rant before turning to the two agents. "Guys, come on. I literally just came back."

"We know, sir but we have strict instruction, you need to follow us right now." He answers with an emotionless voice.

Nathaniel was afraid of something like this happening. It was not hard to guess that what he did in two different countries had bothered Tobias and even the President and now they wanted answers. But he had made a promise to his grandmother that he would explain everything once he came back and now they were threatening to take him away before he could do so.

"Can I have twenty minutes with my family alone before I follow you? I have made a promise and I intend to keep it." Nathaniel asks.

"I'm sorry sir but we can't. Our orders are to take you immediately." He said, shaking his head.

"Your orders are coming from Tobias, right? Just tell him if he says anything that I threaten to kill you if you were to go through with your orders, that should get you off the hook."

"But sir, you didn't threaten us." He said seemingly lost.

"I will if you force me to do so." Nathaniel said, his eyes making them shiver. "Scott, Amal, diamond formation around the plane, if these two come close, you are allowed to shoot."

"Yes, sir." Scott and Amal said at the same time, Amal started to give orders to Matthew and Jason to form the perimeter.

"Guys, let's get on the plane, it seems I'm needed elsewhere." Nathaniel sighed.