
"What do you want to do now?" Robert asked his grandson.

"For the foreseeable future, take some rest and have Christmas holiday, I think it will be good for all of us here." Nathaniel said.

"I agree, I was going to insist on it in fact." Diane said, Mary and Karine nodding along, proof that they had discussed it beforehand.

After the stress that they all had, some holiday was exactly what they all needed, especially Robert. He was still tired after his three day of being locked down on the other side of the globe.

"And after that?"

"After that we are going to need to hire more security personnel, ex-military preferably. After what I did in Saudi Arabia, some people are going to hold grudges and are going to want revenge. When they will, I want all of you to be well protected. Moms, I know that you do not like to be followed around but in this case I will not give you the choice, I want you to be safe."

"Are you sure it's really necessary?" Mary asked.

"Yes." He answers seriously.

"Alright, I will accept it but only for you sweetie." Mary finally decided, seeing the concern look into her son's eyes.

"If they don't stop me from doing my work, I will too." Karine answers.

"They won't. I will recruit them myself, trust me." Nathaniel nodded.

"And who is going to pay for their salary? After all you are the reason all of this happened." Robert said offhandedly.

"Yeah, you are right. It was me that got kidnapped in Rome." Nathaniel frowned at him.

"We could have paid their ransom and be done with it. You choose to kill them all and bomb two building in the Saudi Arabia capital." Robert frowned back at him.

"I didn't know we were ready to fund terrorists to save our skin in this family. I could pay them but I know you are bluffing grandpa so just don't bother." Nathaniel smiled at him.

Surprise flash in the eyes of his grandfather before the hint of a proud smile flashes on his face before he turns back to his usual stern expression.

"You are certainly sure of yourself grandson, why?"

"Because even you know that you need more and better security around you. You also know that I'm good at finding talents in people and even if I'm your grandson, you will never allow someone to follow you around if they are not on your payroll." He added with a crafty smile that made his grandmother smile. His grandfather on his side grunt but did not say he was wrong.

"How many people do you want in addition to our current security? After all, if I have to believe what you told us, you are more competent in this kind of thing than me."

"I am. I would say we need ten to twelve more people. Starting now, I want grandpa to be escorted with six armed personnel at any times and three for the rest of you. I want the house in the Hamptons equipped with a top of the line security system and ten mens in eight hours rotation every day. For the Lyndon Tower, we will keep our current security as it is already on par with what I want, not mentioning that the headquarters of my team will be there, that should boster our security quite a bit." Nathaniel explained.

"How much time do you need to recruit these people?"

"I already have a list of names, people with impressive skills but did not make the cut for my team. For our purpose now, they will be perfect on the other hand. I will go recruit them next week to have them start early next year."

"But sweetie, you said that we will all rest until Christmas." Karine said.

"Mom, I will don't worry but keeping you safe is of utmost importance to me. Moreover, I will recruit my team in the meantime too. I called Maggie earlier and she confirmed that the movie is going to start early february, the script has to be modified to suit me better. I want at least a month with my team to train them to bring them to my standart, I would have liked more time with them but hey, I'll make it work." Nathaniel sighed.

"And how Maggie took the fact that you will be away the week after the release of your album and movie?" Mary smirked.

"Well, she was not thrilled that's for sure. I told her I had the flu so she did not bother me too much about it and had kept me updated on the movie result at the box office by text. So far it's more than the studio had projected which is good, the movie is also very well received in Europe with great scores in Germany and France. I did not have the time to look at my twitter account recently but I believe I won a lot of followers."

"Are you not even curious about the sales of your own album?" His grandmother asked with a smile.

"I am actually but I simply did not have the time to look as Maggie focused on the movie part of my life right now. Do you have the numbers?" Nathaniel asked curiously.

"I do in fact, you just passed the one hundred and fifty thousand album sold this afternoon." She said with a smile.

Hearing that number, Nathaniel was shocked, his mouth wide open.