
New York, The Bunker. 22/12/2012. 18:25.

"Hello Tobias." Nathaniel smiles, looking at the big screen in front of him.

Nathaniel was alone in what would be their meeting room. A huge table with ten seats around it and a large screen in front of the table, two smalls one on each side of the room was completing the TV settings. Right now he was using the camera on the room to video call with Tobias.

"Hello Nathaniel, I see that the place has started to take form." He said, looking at his screen with interest.

"Yes, it's slow going but I like it that way, less chance to screw up like that. In addition, it helps to get my people to interact and work together as a team, like that they feel invested in the project."

"Quite smart of you to do it that way. Why are you calling? I'm sure you are as busy as I am so get to the point." He demanded.

"Nothing in particular. I just wanted to tell you that the team will be ready to work early february. I want to use January to train them before that. I would like to have more time alas the universe decides against it so I'm left to deal with it the best that I can." He shrugged.

"Copy that. In fact it could work out fine. You see there is a training session with the best of the FBI, CIA, SWAT, SEALS and Delta Force who start early february. We also are invited to compete against them but we usually don't because our mission is varely different then theirs, we are not an assault team but a protective one. You could go to represent the Secret Service on that training. It could help straighten your team and our reputation." Tobias said.

"You are right, it could help us a lot and I'm curious to know if we can fight with the best of them. We will go, just send me all the necessary information." Nathaniel nodded in acceptance.

"Good, I will. Do you have anything else you want to talk about before I need to get back to it?" He asked.

"In fact I do have another small thing I would like to talk about with you. Do you know what that is?" Nathaniel asked, putting a tiny looking chip on the table.

Looking at what was on the table, the expression on Tobias face flicker before going back to his usual self. It had flicker for less than a second but Nathaniel was ready for it and so managed to see it.

"It looks like a chip?" He answers with a leveled voice that was too controlled to be genuine.

"Yes it is, in fact since I have the chance to have a really talented engineer in my team, he could tell me that this is a DS-X microchip. You know that this thing is way ahead of what the FBI used to infiltrate a system, in fact it is so top of the line that it's not supposed to exist. Impressive, right?"

"I guess but I still don't know where you are going with this." He answers tentatively.

"I'm getting there. These bad boys are so advanced that beside keeping track of everything that the system it's implanted in does, it could even lock down that system. We found five of them in the bunker so far. Any ideas how it got there by any chance?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Are you accusing me of something?" He asked menacingly.

"No of course not Tobias. The only people who had the opportunity to plant those bugs are the defense company that I hired to install everything, the same one you recommend to me. Now, I'm split between two explanations. One, they did it themselves to keep track of a new secret gouvernementale facility and in this case this is treason. I don't take too well on treason, it means I'm going to involve myself and track them, taking them, interrogating them and then killing them once I have everything I need to track the next one and repeat until I have all the answers I need." He said in a chilling voice, his eyes icy cold.

"You can't do that!" He shouted.

"I can and I will. It's the story of a man who is only gifted at wielding an axe, he transforms every problem he has in wood to cut." He paused a second to make sure his point got across. "Or the second option, they were ordered to plant them by someone high up in the government, someone who had a vested interest in keeping tabs on us."

"That could be everyone, especially after you stole an agent from the CIA, a lot of people are inquiring about your hidden unit." He answers lamely.

"Yes, that's what I thought. It's when I noticed that these chips all have serial numbers on them and it made me think. Since these bugs are so high ends, they must be monitored closely. That's when I got an idea, obviously I do not have the required clearance to know who took it away but then I realized that I don't need it. If I were to plant these bad boys not that well mind you, on the computer of a few senators who are opposed to the White House and maybe one or two Supreme Court Judges, It could make enough noise that I would have to simply sit and watch until I find what I need and to hell with the consequences." He shrugged seemingly unconcerned.

Hearing that Tobias could not control himself this time and paled visibly until he exploded.

"Okay you fu**ing SOB! It was me alright? I did this, just stop whatever your sick mind is coming up with!" He yelled.

"Oh good, we're finally getting somewhere." He said happily.

"What do you want?" He asked in defeat.

"I'm still waiting for the delivery of the weapons I asked for and I still do not have the access I need on the NSA and DOD database. I want those two before christmas or we are going to have an issue."

"It's in two days! That's simply not possible!" He shouted.

"I don't fu**ing care Tobias, you should have thought about it before you try to spy on me. I don't care how you do it but you have two days to get me what I ask. Last word of advice, stay away from my business or I will kill you you insufferable bastard." Nathaniel said coldly before cutting the call.

Picking up the chip on the table, Nathaniel exits the room and walks in Hans' direction.

"So, how did it go?" Hans asked, curiously.

"Like I expected it to be. It was indeed Tobias who wanted to keep tabs on us. Do you know if we have more of them?"

"I don't think so but there are still places I need to check before I can be certain. Just give me two more days, I will be sure then."

"I'm afraid this is not possible Hans. Your flight is leaving in three hours for Germany." Nathaniel said.

"But sir! I still have a lot of work to do here!" Hans shouted.

"The work will still be there when you are going to come back. Just pass the holidays with your family and come back after that." Nathaniel said before adding something when Hans looked like he was going to object. "It's an order Hans!"

"Yes sir." He sighed.