
Walking outside of the hallway, Brunhilde and her two bodyguards march through the ballroom. A couple of very influential people recognized her and made their way through her but she just ignored them and continued to walk. It was not long before they were out of the ballroom and the moment they passed the door outside, a BMW stopped in front of the doors. one of her bodyguards hurriedly walked in front of her to open the passengers door and closed it after she got in, the one who opened the door for her sat in the front while the others one walked around the car and sat beside her.

The car started rolling immediately after everyone was inside without one word needing to be spoken. None of the three mens inside the car were surprised by this, they were long used to the fact that their boss seldomly talked. Even now, she was just looking at the window, still tapping on it. It was a habit that she developed while she was in deep thought. In her mind, she was reviewing the fight with Nathaniel again and again, trying to figure out why she lost the fight. Of course, with the gown and the heels that she was wearing tonight, she wasn't at her top fighting strength but it should have been easy for her to beat one cocky youth.

The reality proved her wrong. She could tell that she was the best fighter while they were fighting, in terms of experienced combat technique, she was far above him and she still lost. He was a really competent fighter, there was no doubt in her mind about it but what made him dangerous was his imaginativity and his intelligence. He had also an adaptability to everything that she threw at him like she never seen before and considering her vast experience, it was really saying something.

He was also so darn fast! She always thought that she was the fastest and now someone even more young than her proved that she was wrong. She could not understand how he does it at the end, she was sure that she saw the knife was held in a reverse grip, her dodging the blow to the side for the blade to pass harmlessly to her right cheek but the next second, his knife was in his palm, the tip of it pressing on her throat. She also did not know how he managed to pass the Secret Service security with two knives on him while they had metal detectors at each entrance.

There was also what happened when they met. That electrical current that passed through her, the way that she got conscious of him in a way that she never experienced in her entire life. Even her oldest memories could not find any occurrence of something like that ever happening to a member of the Five. There were just too many things that were special about him for her to not get curious.

"Nathaniel Abraham Lyndon." She said slowly, almost like she was tasting each word. "Find if it's his real name and then call our best genealogist. Go back five hundred years in the past and find if he has any link to the Five. I want to know everything there is to know about him, you have one hour." She ordered.

"At your command, Duchess." Her two protectors said in unison before taking their phones out.


"What were you doing in there? The rest of the Hotel is off limits tonight, you of all people should know that."

A voice ambushed him the moment that he got back inside the ballroom. It was not a surprise for him at all as he expected something like that already.

"Tobias, why are you so cranky all the time? I had a wardrobe malfunction so I got in there to change. Would you have liked it better if I had changed in front of everyone here?"

"Wardrobe malfunction heh?" Tobias asked doubtfully.

"Yes. Come on Tobias, I know you are still pissed that we miss the training exercise with the different special force units but we had no other choice. The time was too short to simply wait, we would have lost the hostages." Nathaniel said.

"I know that but it was annoying all the same. I hate their arrogance and they just used the fact that we missed it again to ridicule us."

"I'm sure they did but it's not a reason to put it on me. Just organize another one in three month and we will be there. I'm sure if you goad them, they will accept. They will never miss an occasion to make fun of you after all." Nathaniel advises.

"Alright, I will do that but you better win or I'm going to be pissed." Tobias warned.

"I can't guarantee that we will win but I can guarantee that even if we lose, we are going to win their respect. Now, I assume that if you are here, William and Linda have also arrived and they asked you to get me. So, what is this all about?"

"Yes, the President and the First Lady have indeed arrived." He corrected, looking at him with a severe expression.

"They asked me to call them by their first name and I would never call them like that if there are other people present."

"Yeah and you should have respectfully turned them down before getting back to calling them with their title."

"This is nonsense and I hate nonsense the most. Are you going to tell me what's going on or not?" Nathaniel asks.

"You have a case." Tobias said simply.

"Ok, tell me about it."

"I can't." He answers, not meeting his eyes.

"Why? Isn't this supposed to be your job to brief me when I have a case?" Nathaniel asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Usually, it would but in this particular case, it isn't. I don't know what this is about, the only thing that the President told me is that he wanted to brief you himself on this particular issue. Just follow me."

"Alright, I'm intrigued, lead on."

Following Tobias to the side, they exit the ballroom again using another door and then pass the main hall before stopping in front of a door where two Secret Service agents were posted. Nodding to them, Tobias knocks on the door and waits to get acknowledged before entering inside, Nathaniel following along. Once inside, Tobias excused himself, saying that he had work to do and leave Nathaniel alone with the President and the First Lady.

"Hello William, hello Linda. Can I say that you look amazing tonight?" Nathaniel said with a big smile directed at her.

"Come on Nathaniel, someone as handsome as you shouldn't encourage an old lady like me." Linda reprimanded him nicely.

"I'm just saying it like I see it." Nathaniel doubled down shamelessly, making her smile.

"Well, if you are done flirting with my wife, I have work for you Nathaniel." William said, dryly.

"Of course sir, I'm curious to know what this job is."

"I'm sure you are. Almost ten days ago, two daughters of one of our Senators got kidnapped in Mexico while they were busy Spring Breaking. Their two bodyguards were found in Cancun where the girls were last seen, their throat slit." William explained.

"Ten days? Why wait that long to ask for help?" Nathaniel frowned.

"The Senator chose not to involve the government and call a team of negotiators with ample experience to handle this crisis. A ransom was quickly agreed between the ravissor and the Senator and was paid but something went wrong in the middle of the exchange. The negotiator team was wiped out and now they asked for ten times more money than they did initially or they are going to kill the girls."

"Yes, it was certainly scheduled that way for the very beginning by the ravissors. Demanding more money while conserving the moral high ground, I'm sure they said that they were attacked or something like that, I've seen it happen more times than that I could count." Nathaniel nodded.

"I didn't know that you had such an intensive experience in hostage negotiation Nathaniel." William said casually, lifting an eyebrow.

"Maybe because I never told you about it William. What I want to know is why, for the second time, you made sure to omit the Senator family name. What are you hiding William?"

Looking at each other bitterly, the Presidential couple turned back to him.

"Nathaniel, the Senator in question is John Livingston, his two taken daughters are Elisabeth and Madison." Linda explained.

Hearing that, Nathaniel's face abruptly closes down and his eyes turn cold.