Diagon Alley

AN: chapter two of this rewritten and revamped story.Thanks for the reviews. I own nothing but the plot, the rest is J.K.R's…

Diagon Alley

Two hours after McGonagall had left Privet Drive, found Harry walking down the cobblestone Alley. Harry had called into a Muggle clothes shop before entering the leaky cauldron and bought himself a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt and a black turtle neck light-weight jumper and black trainers, using the money he had stolen over the years from his family. As he looked around, Harry spotted a cauldron shop, next to that was the Apothecary potion store. Further, down he saw a Daily Prophet offices, he assumed that was some kind of newspaper printing company or some such, the name sure sounded like that to Harry. Everywhere he looked, there were different shops, from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor to Flourish & Blotts book store, and from Gambol & Japes joke shop to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. He spotted the huge white building McGonagall had described and headed towards it, still looking round at all the various shops and the people bustling from place to place.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs leading up to the front doors of the bank he nodded to the creatures that were bowing him inside; completely missing their surprised looks at his show of respect to them. As he walked through the second set of doors, silver this time Harry nodded to two more creatures bowing him inside and completely ignored the message written upon one of the doors. Looking around the vast marble hall, Harry could not help but be impressed with the splendor, black and white marble square tiles on the floor, light marble walls and a huge long counter where about a hundred more of the strange creatures were stood behind it counting strange gold coins, precious gems and other things. Walking up to a free teller, he stood quietly, respectfully waiting to be acknowledged.

"What can I help you with?" The creature asked him some short time later finally acknowledging him.

"I'd like to make a withdrawal from my vault please." Harry replied in cool polite tone.

"And do you have your key?" The creature asked as he looked down at Harry showing way too many pointy teeth in Harry's opinion.

"I'd look a fool if I didn't." Harry smoothly stated as he slid the key over the counter.

"Indeed." Agreed the creature as he picked up the key to examine closely.

"Pardon the rudeness and I mean no disrespect to yourself, but I was raised by Muggle's and was wondering what type of creature you are?" Harry asked in as polite a tone of voice as he could to try and convey that he meant no disrespect.

"I, like my coworkers are from a race known in the Wizarding world as Goblins." Replied the Goblin before he passed the key back to Harry. "That's all in order Mr. Potter." He then called over his shoulder in a language Harry could not understand before another Goblin came over and motioned for Harry to follow him, which he did after retrieving his vault key.

After what could only be described as a crazy cart ride deep under ground, the cart stopped in front of vault 687. Harry followed the Goblin (who had not even introduced himself) out of the car and towards the huge vault door, with the name Potter written above it in large gold letters.

"Key please." The Goblin held out his long fingered hand. He then unlocked and opened the vault door after Harry had passed him the key. As the door swung open, a large amount of green mist came billowing out. As he looked inside the vault, Harry nearly gasped aloud at the sight of all the gold within, however he managed to keep his emotions in check. From floor to ceiling, the vault was piled with gold coins. Picking up a piece of yellowing parchment, Harry read.

Trust vault for Harry James Potter.

100'000 galleons

50'000 sickles

20'000 Knuts

To be capped off yearly, Harry's school tuition is to come out of this vault also.

"Do I own any other vaults?" Harry asked the Goblin as he read the "to be capped off yearly."

"Of course, you also own the Potter family vault, however you can not take money out of that vault until you reach the age of fifteen, as per stated in your parents will." Replied the Goblin in a neutral tone of voice, wanting to see what kind of mind Harry had.

"I noticed you said nothing about taking out anything else that might be in the vault." Harry commented to the Goblin with a slight smirk on his face.

"Indeed Mr. Potter, shall we visit your family vault after you have removed some money from this one?" The Goblin asked returning Harry's smirk and handing him a bottomless and weightless money pouch.

"Of course, thank you master Goblin." Replied Harry as he turned back to his vault and began filling the pouch, completely missing the Goblin's look of surprise at the show of respect.

After he had pilled, what he felt was enough money into the bag Harry left the vault and the Goblin locked the door before handing Harry the key back. They both jumped back into the cart, which set off for an even longer, crazier ride. Finally the cart screeched to a halt in front of a vault marked number, 05.

"Your family is the oldest living family in Wizarding world, fifth only to the four founders of Hogwarts family which all but one member has died." The Goblin commented in a seemingly offhanded way, as the two stepped out of the cart and approached the door.

"There is no key hole, how do I enter?" Harry asked after looking the vault door over and not spotting anywhere a key could be inserted.

"A drop of your blood and Goblin magic is required to enter this vault." The Goblin then had Harry place his hand in the dead centre of door, while he ran a long finger from the bottom of Harry's hand all the way down to the very bottom of the vault door. For a few seconds nothing seemed to happen; and then suddenly there was a brilliant flash of magic before the door squeaked open slowly.

"What would happen if anyone but a Potter or a Goblin tried to enter?" Harry asked as he watched the tiny pinprick on his palm heal it's self.

"They would be sucked inside and left there until one of us Goblin's checked for any intruders." The Goblin answered with a feral grin as the door finally swung fully open to reveal its full contents.

"Bloody hell fire." Harry gasped in shock unable to reframe himself from doing so as he saw the enormous pile of gold coins. "H-how much…?"

"Let's see." Muttered the Goblin as he picked up a yellowing scroll of parchment and a leather black folder. "At last count, this was yesterday; your vault contains just over two hundred and fifty million galleons."

"How in the hell did my family get to be so rich?" Harry asked after a full five minutes in which he just stared into the vault.

"You must remember that your family is dated back until before Hogwarts was built over a thousand years ago, this is a very long time for them to build up a lot of wealth and interest." Harry nodded numbly as he walked slowly into the vault and began looking around.

As he reached the back of the vault he found a letter with his name on it, he picked it up thinking and secretly hoping it was a letter to him from his parents. After opening the letter he was very, surprised as he read the contents.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies ..."

"Hi Harry, it your mum here. I'm sorry to have to inform you, but you are destined to kill or be killed by the Dark Lord Voldemort. But don't let this Prophecy rule your life, Harry. You must enjoy your life, make friends, date girls and most importantly, have fun."

Harry, it's your father; my piece of advice is different from your mothers, while it want your to have fun, prank people and woo the girls, I also want you to take care and train for your eventual battle with Voldemort. "Oh and if you have the time, prank Snape and tell him it was for old times sake, from Prongs."

Love always,

James and Lily Potter-nee Evans.

For a half an hour, Harry sat in a dustsheet covered chair, digesting the fact that he had only just put on foot into the Wizarding world and yet he was destined to battle some Dark Lord Voldemort. After a while he came to accept that that was just another part of his life and that if he was to battle this Dark Lord, who was undoubtedly very powerful and skilled. Then he, Harry Potter, would have to become very powerful and skilled also.

"Sod pranks and girls, I've got a Dark Lord to prepare for." He muttered to himself as he stood up and began searching the vault for anything that might help him with that.

He found a full trunk worth of books on magic that he decided he was going to begin learning from, such as. A beginners guide to Ancient Runes, Charms for beginners, an introduction into Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, how they work and guide to becoming a beginner. There were ten books on potions from the guide to becoming a beginner to becoming a master. There were also all the books to becoming a master in DADA, Charms and Ancient Runes; there was also a series of books on Transfiguration and the mind arts and finding your magical centre. For over an hour, Harry searched the vault for books to help become a master in magic, he also searched for wands but no such luck.

Headmasters' office, Hogwarts.

Albus Dumbledore sat behind his desk in his office at Hogwarts, he was currently going over files and papers, making sure that everything was in order for the new school year, that was just over a month away. He was therefore, very surprised when the wards on the staircase leading up to his office alerted him to Professor McGonagall's approach, as he glanced at the grandfather cloak opposite his desk, he frowned, McGonagall should have still been shopping with young Harry Potter for a few more hours yet.

"Come in Minerva." He called before McGonagall could even knock on his door. The door opened to reveal a quiet pale McGonagall.

"Is everything alright my dear?" Dumbledore asked as he shifted papers aside while motioning the Professor into an empty chair in front of his desk.

"Define alright." McGonagall muttered as she dropped almost bonelessly into a chair which was very unlike her. "I've just come back from informing Harry Potter about Hogwarts and his acceptance here." Her voice seemed to tremble slightly as she spoke.

"Is young Harry alright?" Dumbledore asked gently but with slight worry in his voice, wondering just what could have caused this change in behavior in his strict instructor.

"I think you should get your pensive and judge for yourself." McGonagall muttered in a tired sounding voice. "It is hard to put into words my meeting with young Harry."

The Headmaster nodded his head in agreement as he stood from his chair and quickly strode to the cabinet containing his pensive, now very worried about what he might see. Once McGonagall had placed her memory into the device he dived in to watch. When he emerged some time later, McGonagall was worried to note that he was very pale, sweaty and his hands seemed to tremble as he slid bonelessly into his chair, staring blankly at the desk.

"It was almost like watching my own memory." Dumbledore muttered as he began pulling his wits together again. "The meeting you just had was almost exactly how my first meeting with Tom Riddle went when I first informed him about being a wizard, right down to informing you about being able to talk to snakes just before you left."

"Did he also want to shop for his school supplies alone?" McGonagall knew just who Tom Riddle grew up to be, they were sorted into their houses in the same year after-all.

"He did." Dumbledore answered as he stood from his chair. "I must show this memory and mine to Severus, we can't afford to antagonize Harry Potter, if we do, we could have a Dark Lord on ours hands far more terrible than Voldemort and Grindlewald put together." McGonagall gasped aloud at those words as Dumbledore called Potions master Severus Snape into his office via the Floo-network.

"You wished to see me Headmaster?" Snape asked in his silky smooth voice after he had stepped through the fireplace. Snape was a tall, thin man with sallow skin, a large, hooked nose, his jet-black hair was greasy-looking and reached his shoulders and framed his face, his jet-black eyes were cold and reminded one of tunnels.

"Yes Severus I wished to show you two memories and have a little chat if you don't mind." Dumbledore commented as he placed a memory from his own head into the pensive and motioned for Snape to enter.

"Very well Headmaster." Snape may have been a cold hearted bastard but he trusted Dumbledore with his life and that was why he entered the pensive without question. He emerged sometime later even paler than he normally was.

"That first memory was of the Dark Lord as a boy wasn't it." Snape commented as he took a seat next to McGonagall. "And the second was of Harry Potter." He seemed to deflate as the Headmaster nodded his head confirming his worst fear. He had been expecting the young Potter to arrive at Hogwarts an arrogant, pampered prince just like his father. He had been gearing up to knocking the boy down a few pegs and instead he was faced with possibly of yet another Dark Lord.

"What do you want me to do Headmaster?" He asked finally looking back up at the old wizard.

"I want you and all the other heads of house to keep a very close eye on Harry Potter." Dumbledore replied. "Harry must not be antagonized enough to turn to the Dark Arts, he must see that the "Light-side" is the better path to walk." Both McGonagall and Snape nodded, the later had not expected Harry Potter to end up in his house, but now after watching those memories, even he had to admit that Harry Potter was the Perfect candidate to be a Slytherin.

Diagon Alley,

One of Albus Dumbledore's worst fears had already happened as Harry Potter had just purchased a selection of books on the Dark Arts, in a bookstore in Borgin and Burkes. Harry wanted too learn anything and everything he could about this new world of magic he was entering. And not to mention, if he was to battle a Dark Lord in the future, then he would need more than just Defense against the Dark Arts, he would also need the Dark Arts themselves, so he could fight fire with fire. In Harry's mind, the more magic he knew, the more powerful he would become.

"One day soon, I'll be known as the greatest Sorcerer in the world." He muttered to himself with a smirk before he entered the robe shop, Madam Malkin's and he adopted his blank mask once more.

"Hogwarts dear?" asked a gray haired woman who had come out from the back room upon hearing the shop bell ring.

"Yes Ma'am." Harry answered with a short bow of his head before he followed the woman into the back room at her motioning him too. As he entered the back room he noticed a blonde haired boy with a pale, slightly pointed face stood on a stool and also stood upon a stool was a short, slender, black haired girl. She had sparkling violet eyes and a slight smile on her lips as though she had her own private joke about something.

"Hullo." Said the boy "Hogwarts too?" he asked Harry as he was directed to step onto a stool in-between the boy and girl.

"What gave it away?" Harry asked in a sarcastic voice, causing the girl beside him to giggle.

"Father's next door buying my books." Continued the boy obviously not understanding Harry's sarcastic tone. "And mother's up the street looking at wands." The boy had a drawling voice that was quickly getting on Harry's nerves. "Once I'm done here, I think I'll drag them up to the Quidditch shop to look at racing brooms."

"Well, the very best of luck to you with that then." Harry sarcastically replied to the boy who still did not seam to understand Harry's tone.

"I think I will bully father into buying me a broom and I'll smuggle it in somehow." The boy went on.

"He must be a wuss if a twerp like you can bully him." Harry said to him, however, the blonde wasn't paying any attention to what Harry said as he continued talking.

"Do you play Quidditch?" the blonde asked even as the girl next to Harry was dying not to laugh aloud.

"Yeah on a unicorn." Was Harry's sarcastic reply causing the girl to snort in laughter.

"Know what house you'll be sorted into?" the boy continued.

"Humpty Dumpty's." was Harry's falsely bright reply as the girl beside him burst out laughing and the shop assistants measuring and adjusting their robes giggled, Harry by now had a full blown smirk on his face.

"Well no-one really knows until we get there, but I'll be in Slytherin since my entire family has been there for hundreds of years." The boy seemed oblivious to the fact that everyone was laughing at him.

"Not with an IQ less than a worms you won't." The girl and the shop assistants laughed once more at Harry's words to the idiot boy.

"There you're all done." Giggled a shop assistant to the boy.

"I am so going to enjoy tormenting the shit out of him for seven years." Harry said seemingly to himself as the girl broke about laughing again.

"What material would you like for your robes, Nylon, Cotton or Silk?" Malkin asked Harry once the blonde boy had left.

"Silk Ma'am." Harry replied in a respectful tone his blank mask slipping back into place once more.

"What type of silk?"

"The best you have, Ma'am." Answered Harry who did not know there were different types, so went for the best. After he had been measured, Harry asked for everyday robes in blacks, dark silver, dark reds and two in dark almost black purples, he also ordered two dress robes, one black, and one dark green. Malkin told him his purchases would be ready in three hours, so Harry left the shop and headed off to do the rest of his shopping. At the potions store he purchased his ingredients, veils and stirring rods. At the cauldron shop, he bought the very best cauldrons on sale. At the Eeylops Owl Emporium, he purchased a snowy white, amber-eyed owl that he would pick up after he had finished with his shopping and was ready to head home. At the stationery store, he purchased enough ink, quills, and parchment to last over a year so he could have some to practice on before heading to Hogwarts. At the trunk store he bought a four compartment trunk, that the shop owner keyed him into, meaning that only he could open it or move it, if someone who was not the owner or keyed into the trunks wards tried to open or move it, they would receive a shock and be thrown three feet away.

As he finished buying his schoolbooks in Flourish & Blotts, he decided to ask the owner for more books for people like him.

"What books would you recommend for someone just entering the Wizarding world?" Harry asked the owner.

"I'll be right back with the best books for guidance when entering the Wizarding world." Smiled the owner before he came out from behind the counter and began browsing the shelves. Ten minutes later, he returned with a stack of books.

"First we have an introduction into the world of wizardry, next we have Hogwarts classes explained, next Hogwarts A. history and Wizarding history, the Ministry of Magic and their laws, magical races and finally we have a beginners guide to Wizarding sports and games." The owner explained each book as he showed them to Harry.

"Perfect sir, I'll take them all." Harry gave the same charming smile to the old shop-keeper that he had given to every other shop-keeper he had purchased from today.

"If you'd like I could shrink down your trunk after you've placed your books inside making them much more manageable." Offered the shop-keeper kindly.

"Thank you sir, that is most kind and very welcome." Harry watched with a slightly greedy expression as the shop-keeper shrunk his trunk after he's placed his books inside.

After leaving the store, Harry made his way over to Ollivander's wand shop. As he entered, he noticed the shop was narrow, shabby and quite dusty, with shelves filled to the brim with long, thin boxes.

"Shop." Harry called when he noticed that there was nobody behind the counter.

"Ah, I wondered when I would be seeing you in here Mr. Potter." Said a white haired, silvery-eyed old man as he came out from the backroom. "You look so like your father when he first stepped into my shop, but you have your mother's eyes."

"It seams only yesterday that they were in here buying their first wands." Commented the old man whom Harry presumed was Ollivander. "Your mother favored a ten and a quarter inches, long, swishy, made of willow wand; an excellent wand for charms work." He continued talking after a short pause.

"Your father, on the other hand, favored a mahogany wand. Eleven inches. Pliable. A little more power and excellent for transfiguration." He then continued his voice growing softer with each word he spoke.

"It's really the wand that chooses the wizard, of course." Ollivander continued as he came round the counter and walked closer to Harry. "And that's where…"

He touched a long, white finger to the lightning bolt scar on Harry's forehead, even though the scar was very well hidden under Harry's long black hair "I'm sorry to say I sold the wand that did it." He said softly. "Thirteen and a half inches. Yew. Powerful wand, very powerful, and in the wrong hands… well if I'd known what that wand was going out into the world to do…" he shook his head as he removed a tape measure from his robe pocket and set it to measuring Harry. "Which is your wand arm?"

"I'm Ambidextrous sir." Harry answered his expression not changing even through Ollivander's talk about his parents or the wand that had given him his lightening bolt scar.

Ollivander nodded before he continued speaking. "Every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance, Mr. Potter. We use Unicorn hairs, Phoenix tail feathers and the heartstrings of Dragons. No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two Unicorns, Dragons or Phoenixes are quite the same. And of course you will never get such good results with another wizard's wand." He then went back into the backroom for a few moments before he returned carrying an armful of long, slender boxes.

"That will do." He said and the tape measure crumbled into a heap on the floor as Ollivander opened the boxes. "Right then, Mr. Potter. Try this one. Beechwood and Dragon heartstring. Nine inches. Nice and flexible, Just take it and give it a wave."

Harry took the wand and gave it a wave, but Ollivander snatched it back muttering "no, no." before he passed him another wand. "Maple and Phoenix feather." However, that too was snatched back. Wand after wand was snatched back from him. Harry was getting more and more frustrated, while Ollivander seemed to get more and more excited.

"Tricky customer eh." Ollivander beamed. "I wonder." He whispered before going into the backroom, returning minutes later holding a very dusty box. "Holly and Phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple, perfect for all types of magic. Unusual combination." He passed Harry the wand.

Harry waved the wand but that too was snatched from his hand and for once Ollivander seemed surprised that the wand did not match with Harry.

"Well I have a very special wand that may choose you." Ollivander muttered as he once more vanished into his back room for a full two minutes before he returned carrying a very dusty and warn box. "This wand is perhaps the most unusual and most powerful wand I have ever come into possession of." He was whispering now as he removed the lid from the box.

"15 inches in length, made from two different woods, Elder and Holly, with two different wand cores, Thestral tail hair and Dragon heartstring, unyielding and very powerful, excellent for all types of magic." Ollivander explained in a whisper as he passed the long, dark brown wand to Harry.

As soon as Harry's fingers wrapped around the wand he felt an intoxicating rush of power run throughout his entire body. His whole body seemed to be surrounded in power as a strong wind began rushing around him, for a full minute Ollivander watched this spectacle as Harry glowed with never before seen power, not with any eleven year old he had seen anyway, maybe the Dark Lord and Albus Dumbledore when they were at the heights of their power but never on one so young.

"Who owned this wand originally?" Harry asked once the power rush had finished. He had noticed that Ollivander said came into possession of, meaning he did not make it himself.

"That wand believe it or not was the original wand Phineas Nigellus Black." Ollivander answered in a whisper. "He was a Headmaster of Hogwarts; the Black family is distantly related to the Slytherin and Potter families, he had the wand custom made for himself when he was unable to find one of my father's wands that suited him." He explained to an apparently unimpressed Harry Potter

"How much?" Harry asked seemingly not caring about the family ties of his wands' original owner. However he was very excited to have been chosen by such an obviously powerful wand.

"Thirty five galleons." Ollivander wondered if Harry would be willing to pay such a high price for a wand and was mildly surprised when he did not even blink as he handed the money over; the boy either really wanted the wand and did not care how much it cost or he already knew how wealthy he was and therefore saw thirty five galleons as nothing.

After paying for his wand, purchasing, an Auror standard wrist holster Harry left the shop and made his way to the Leaky Cauldron, were he had a quick lunch of egg and chips and a glass of orange juice, Harry made his way out into Muggle London and into a huge shopping centre.

Using the money he had stolen from his family he purchased a whole new wardrobe; he bought four pairs of jeans in black, six t-shirts all black, five turtle neck jumpers all black. In fact every item of clothing he bought was black except for the white shirt of the suit that he bought, he only bought the suit on a whim and just in case as you never know what the future may hold and he might one day find himself in need of a suit. He also bought himself a light weight summer jacket and also a winter coat. He also bought two pairs of trainers, a pair of steal toe-cap boots and a pair of dress shoes to go with his suit. Once he had bought an assortment of boxers and socks, he left the shop and went into Specsavers, where he had his first eye-test in six years and he got a new prescription and a pair of black framed, square glasses, the optician had advised him to wait a year until his eyes adjusted to the new prescription before he began wearing contact lenses.

Once finished buying his new glasses Harry entered a jewelry store and purchased his first ever watch along with a matching bracelet and a necklace, all silver. After that he visited a hairdresser and had his hair tidied up a bit and also had the woman curl his hair at the tips just to be different. Once finished he made his way back to Diagon Alley and picked up his robes and Owl before making his way back to the Leaky Cauldron were he had his dinner and found out he could rent a room until September 1st which he happily did.

End of chapter

AN: I'll end it here as the next chapter will be Harry going to Hogwarts. About the wand he bought, nearly every story I read Harry were Harry gets a new wand it's either, Gryffindors or another founders, his mother or father's or even the elder wand; I thought I'd be different and given him the old Slytherin headmasters wand. And if you'll notice I took out all the brand names from the clothing I had Harry buy in the original as I remember one reviewer commenting about how that just degraded the story or some such like that.

Review please, next stop Hogwarts…