Quidditch and Ministry Ball's

AN: For five chapters can't be bad. I would also like to thank everyone who voted for this book enjoy.

Quidditch and Ministry Ball's

As they entered November, the weather turned very cold. The mountains around the school became icy gray and the lake like chilled steel. Every morning the ground was covered in frost. Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs windows defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch field, bundled up in a long moleskin overcoat, rabbit fur gloves, and enormous beaverskin boots.

The Quidditch season had begun. On Saturday, Harry would be playing in his first match after weeks of training: Slytherin versus Gryffindor. If Slytherin won, they would move up into second place in the house championship.

Hardly anyone had seen Harry play because Flint had decided that, as their secret weapon, Harry should be kept, well, secret. But the news that he was playing had leaked out somehow, and Harry was getting sick of people telling him he'd be brilliant or people telling him they'd be running around underneath him holding a mattress. If they didn't shut up Harry was going to put them on a mattress. Permanently.

Harry learned that there were seven hundred ways of committing a Quidditch foul and that all of them had happened during a World Cup match in 1473; that Seekers were usually the smallest and fastest players, and that most serious Quidditch accidents seemed to happen to them; that although people rarely died playing Quidditch, referees had been known to vanish and turn up months later in the Sahara Desert.

The day before Harry's first Quidditch match he, Daphne and Tracy were out in the freezing courtyard during break, he'd conjured them each a bright blue fire that could be carried around in jam jars.

They were standing with their backs to it, getting warm, when Snape crossed the yard. Harry noticed at once that Snape was limping. He, Daphne, and Tracy moved closer together to block the fire's from view; they were sure it wouldn't be allowed. Though Harry was sure that Snape would not take points from them as Harry was his star pupil. He limped over.

"Are you ok Professor, do you want us to help you get to the hospital wing so you can have your leg looked at?" Harry asked when Snape was within earshot, playing the concerned student perfectly.

"That shall not be necessary Mr. Potter, I just twisted my ankle this morning, should be fine in a few days." Snape lied smoothly or so he thought, looking into Potter's icy eyes he got the strangest feeling that Potter knew he was lying. This was saying something since he could lie to Albus Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort and get away with it.

"Very well sir, how may we help you then?" Harry asked seemingly dropping the subject.

"I just came over to wish you luck in tomorrow's game, just in-case I didn't see you before the match." Snape replied honestly.

"Thank you sir, that was very nice of you." Harry replied politely with a slight smirk on his face. Snape and the rest of the school would get a shock at the game tomorrow.

"You're welcome, good luck then." Snape said before he turned around and began limping away wondering what the slight smirk on Harry's face was all about.

"Do you think he was telling the truth about twisting his ankle?" Daphne asked as she watched Snape limp away.

"No he was lying; he was bitten by a three headed dog on the forbidden third floor corridor." Harry replied with that same smirk on his face.

"How do you know that?" Tracy asked at the same time Daphne asked.

"What three headed dog?" Daphne asked in surprise and slight fear at the thought of a three headed dog.

Harry however just smirked at the two before dispelling the three fires and heading back towards the castle for the next lesson. Daphne and Tracy hurrying to catch up with him, asking about the dog the entire way, Harry however just smirked at them, frustrating the two girls to no end.

By eleven o'clock the next morning the whole school seemed to be out in the stands around the Quidditch pitch. Many students had binoculars. The seats might be raised high in the air, but it was still difficult to see what was going on sometimes.

Daphne and Tracy joined Theodore, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode and the rest of their house in the Slytherin section of the stands. As a surprise for Harry, they had painted a large banner. It read "Slytherin's Prince," and Theo, who was good at drawing, had done a large picture of Harry's face underneath the writing and on his head he wore a coiled viper to represent the house mascot, like a crown prince.

"Welcome to Quidditch! I'm your commentator, Lee Jordan! The Quidditch pitch has three goals at each end. The Chasers throw the Quaffle and try to put it through the hoops to score. Watch out for the Bludgers! These are charmed balls that can knock you off your broomstick! Two Beaters on each team try to keep them away. Remember, when the Snitch appears, it is worth one hundred and fifty points to the team whose seeker catches it." Third year Gryffindor Lee Jordan said into the megaphone, letting the gathered students know that the game was about to begin.

"And now introducing the teams, first up is the Gryffindor team led by captain and keeper, Oliver Wood, he's followed by the three chasers, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet, who are followed by the two beaters Fred and George Weasley they are followed by Gryffindor's new seeker, third year Jason King." As Lee introduced the Gryffindor team the players flew out onto the pitch as their names were called, all the while the Gryffindor section of the stands was going wild with cheering and shouting. The Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students clapped politely.

"And now the Slytherin team, they are led onto the pitch by captain and chaser, Marcus Flint, he is followed by seeker Terence Higgs who is followed by beaters Peregrine Derrick and Lucian Bole, followed quickly by keeper Miles Bletchley and the last two chasers Adrian Pucey and HARRY POTTEEEERRR." Just like the Gryffindor's, the Slytherin team flew onto the pitch as their names were called and their house supporters screamed and shouted their support; but when Harry's name was called as the last chaser the Slytherin supporters seemed to become unglued with their cheering, the entire section of the Slytherin stand seemed to tremble under the cheering and stamping students.

As Harry flew onto the pitch, he shot towards the middle before quickly spinning his broom to face the way he'd come whilst doing a handstand on his broom too the roaring approval of the Slytherin supporters. He just couldn't help it, the rush of adrenaline had gotten him pumped up for the game, he quickly joined his team mates on a quick lap around the pitch before they shot at the Gryffindor team, pulling away seconds before they all collided.

"The Slytherin team are all flying on new Nimbus 2000s, curtsey of their new chaser Harry Potter, who bought the house the new brooms, I should point out that Potter bought the brooms two weeks after he made the team and therefore he DID NOT buy his way onto the team." Lee Jordan informed the students as the two teams lined up ready for the game to begin.

"That's why Potter was smirking yesterday." Head of Slytherin Severus Snape thought to himself with his own smirk as he sat with his house in the stands away from the rest of the professors who were all in the box reserved for the staff.

"The teams take their places as Madam Hooch steps out onto the pitch." Lee Jordan said into the megaphone the excitement evident in his voice. "The Bludgers are released, followed by the golden snitch, Hooch reaches into the create and removes the Quaffle ready to release it after she's spoken with the teams." He informed them, he was silent for a moment as Madam Hooch informed the teams that she wanted a nice clean game.

"THE QUAFFLE IS RELEASED AND THE GAME BEGINS." Lee roared into the megaphone. "Potter quickly snatches the Quaffle out from under Katie Bell's fingertips and Potter is off down the pitch, he dodges the Weasley twins and two Bludgers, look at him go, he dodges chasers Johnston and Spinnet. Potter is free as he barrels down the pitch towards the Gryffindor goals manned by Oliver Wood, Potter shoots left, no it was a fake, he shot right AND SCORES THE FIRST GOAL OF THE MATCH, TEN POINTS TO SLYTHERIN." The Slytherin supporters went wild as Harry scored the first goal in the first minute of the game. The Gryffindor team seemed to be slightly stunned by the quick goal but none more so than Oliver Wood who had never had someone score against him so quickly in a match, let-alone a first year student.

"Wood quickly releases the Quaffle back into the game, passing it to chaser Angelina Johnston who quickly begins racing towards the Slytherin goals, she passes to Katie Bell, who quickly passes to Alicia Spinnet, no Potter's there and steals the Quaffle and he's once more racing towards keeper Wood, he dodges a Bludger from one of the Weasley twins, can't tell which one, by Merlin this lad can fly, he shoots, TEN POINTS TO SLYTHERIN." The Slytherin section had barely had time to calm down from Harry's first goal before they were once more cheering their hearts out as the Gryffindor section of the stands groaned.

"Alicia Spinnet takes the Quaffle from Wood and she's off down the pitch, she dodges a Bludger hit by beater Bole, she passes to Angelina Johnston who races down the pitch, she passes to Katie Bell who shoots left, no it was a fake, she shot right TEN; NO, POTTER OUT OF NOWHERE APPEARS BEHIND THE SLYTHERIN GOAL AND PUNCHES HIS HAND THROUGH THE GOAL KNOCKING THE QUAFFLE AWAY BEFORE KATIE CAN SCORE, WHERE THE HELL DID POTTER COME FROM? The Gryffindor's groan once more because off Harry whilst the Slytherin's cheered the save.

"Nice one Potter." Keeper Miles Bletchley shouted at Harry with a laugh as the lad flew off back down the pitch.

"Potter shoots back into the middle of the pitch braking up the Gryffindor chasers formation allowing captain Marcus Flint to steal the Quaffle, Potter spins his broom around and shoots towards Gryffindor seeker Jason King who has no choice but to quickly dodge the incoming first year, BY MERLIN IT SEEMS THAT POTTER CAN DO IT ALL." Lee Jordan may have been a Gryffindor student but he was getting more and more excited the more he watched Harry play.

For the next hour Harry flew around the pitch like a demon. When he wasn't scoring goals or assisting goals, he was either braking up the Gryffindor chasers formations allowing Slytherin to steal the Quaffle or he was tormenting Gryffindor seeker Jason King, who after an hour was a nervous wreck. Slytherin seeker Terrence Higgs had free range as he looked for the Snitch as King was more interested in where Harry was and what he was doing than he was in looking for the Snitch.

It was as Harry scored his twentieth goal that it happened. His broom gave a sudden, frightening lurch. For a split second, he thought he was going to fall. He gripped the broom tightly with both his hands and knees. He'd never felt anything like that.

It happened again. It was as though the broom was trying to buck him off. But Nimbus Two Thousands did not suddenly decide to buck their riders off. Harry tried to turn - he had half a mind to ask Flint to call time-out - and then he realized that his broom was completely out of his control. He couldn't turn it. He couldn't direct it at all. It was zigzagging through the air, and every now and then making violent swishing movements that almost unseated him.

Lee was still commentating.

"Slytherin in possession - Flint with the Quaffle - passes Spinnet - passes Bell - hit hard in the face by a Bludger, hope it broke his nose - only joking, Professor - Slytherin's score - A no..."

The Slytherin's were cheering. No one seemed to have noticed that Harry's broom was behaving strangely. It was carrying him slowly higher, away from the game, jerking and twitching as it went.

"Dunno what Harry thinks he's doing," Theodore mumbled. He stared through his binoculars. "If I didn't know better, I'd say he'd lost control of his broom... but he can't have..." Suddenly, people were pointing up at Harry all over the stands. His broom had started to roll over and over, with him only just managing to hold on. Then the whole crowd gasped. Harry's broom had given a wild jerk and Harry swung off it. He was now dangling from it, holding on with only one hand.

"Did something happen to it when Weasley blocked him earlier?" Susan Bones asked in horror as she and the rest of the school watched Harry cling onto his broom for dear life, Harry was now over one hundred feet up, there was no-way he'd survive a fall from that height.

"Can't have," Hagrid said, his voice shaking. "Can't nothing interfere with a broomstick except powerful Dark magic - no kid could do that to a Nimbus Two Thousand." At these words, Hermione Granger seized Hagrid's binoculars, but instead of looking up at Harry, she started looking frantically at the crowd. She and Hagrid were sat in the Hufflepuff stands with Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott, who she had become friends with after Harry saved her and Susan on Halloween. Most of Hufflepuff house had heard about the troll and Harry's action to save one of their own and that was why they were cheering politely instead of outright supporting either Gryffindor or Slytherin.

"What are you doing." moaned Susan, gray-faced.

"I knew it," Hermione gasped, "Quirrell - look." Susan grabbed the binoculars. Quirrell was in the middle of the stands opposite them. He had his eyes fixed on Harry and was muttering nonstop under his breath. What they didn't see was Snape doing the exact same in the Slytherin stands as he tried to save his student.

"He's doing something - jinxing the broom," said Hermione.

"You've always said there was something off about him." Hannah commented in horror as she winced when Harry was nearly thrown from his broom.

What nobody realised was that Flint had scored five times as everyone's attention was on Harry and Terence Higgs was frantically searching for the snitch hoping to end the game so they could find out what was wrong with Harry's broom.

For the first time in living memory the Slytherin and Gryffindor beaters were working together as they circled under Harry, hoping that, between the four of them they could catch him should he fall.

"What should we do." Susan cried in near hysterics.

"Leave it to me." Before Susan could say another word, Hermione had disappeared. Susan turned the binoculars back on Harry. His broom was vibrating so hard, it was almost impossible for him to hang on much longer. The whole crowd was on its feet, watching, terrified, as the Weasley twins and Derrick and Bole flew up to try and pull Harry safely onto one of their brooms, but it was no good - every time they got near him, the broom would jump higher still. They dropped lower and circled beneath him, obviously hoping to catch him if he fell.

"Come on, Hermione," Susan muttered desperately.

Hermione had fought her way across to the stand where Quirrell stood, and was now racing along the row behind him; she didn't even stop to say sorry as she knocked Professor Sprout headfirst into the row in front.

Upon reaching Quirrell she spotted Daphne Greengrass who had arrived at the same time as she did. The two nodded at each other before they drew their wands and pointed them at Quirrell's robes and whispered a few, well- chosen words. Bright blue flames shot from their wands onto the hem of Quirrell's robes. Seconds later, the Professor was lit up like a blue roman-candle as the flames engulfed the man. Fortunately or unfortunately the flames did not hurt or burn the man or his robes and he was therefore unharmed as the two girls beat a hasty retreat, one thinking they'd gone a little overboard and one whishing that the flames acutely burned.

It was enough. Up in the air, Harry was suddenly able to clamber back on to his broom. Over in the Slytherin stand, Snape smirked as he watched Quirrell dance around on fire.

"Shame the flames don't kill the bastard." He thought to himself as he caught a glimpse of bushy hair and straight black hair retreating under the bench that Quirrell had sat on during most of the match.

"Twenty points to Gryffindor and Slytherin." He whispered to himself with a smirk. Nobody would ever know it but Snape had just given points to Gryffindor for the first time since he started teaching at Hogwarts.

"Tracy, you can look!" Theodore said. Tracy had been sobbing into his jacket for the last five minutes.

Suddenly the crowd gasped as they caught sight of Terence Higgs. He was speeding toward the ground when the crowd saw him clap his hand to his mouth as though he was about to be sick - he hit the field on all fours - coughed - and something gold fell into his hand.

"I've got the Snitch!" he shouted, waving it above his head, and the game ended in complete confusion.

Only Severus Snape seemed to see Harry turn towards Professor Quirrell (who was no longer lit up in blue flames.) with a murderous look on his face. As he went to intercept Potter, he was secretly glad that the look had not been directed at him. Hopefully he could get to Potter before he murdered the Professor in front of the entire school; the boy may have been 11 years old but Snape had no doubt that Potter would kill if given good enough reason and if what Quirrell had tried to do was not reason enough, Snape did not know what was.

Headmaster's office, one hour later

"IT WAS QUIRRELL." Snape roared at the Headmaster an hour after the match had ended. He had managed to intercept Potter but only just, Potter had very nearly gotten to Quirrell and Merlin knows what would have happened if he had.

"Yes I had heard that part of your explanation." Dumbledore replied calmly as he watched Snape pace back and forth in front of his desk. "Rest assured I shall keep a closer eye on Quirrell from now on." This how seemed to enrage the potions master further.


Dumbledore who had never heard his potions master rant and rave like he was doing now was very surprised, but when Snape spoke that last sentence, he lost it, he could not help himself, he cracked out laughing, a deep belly laugh.

"What are you laughing at you old fool?" Snape hissed as he glared at the headmaster.

"Albus – ha-ha – I'll – ha-ha – keep - ha-ha- an - ha-ha eye - ha-ha - on – ha-ha - him – ha-ha – Dumbledore." The headmaster was able to gasp out as he continued laughing as Snape dropped into a chair in front of his desk with a scowl on his face. After five minutes the headmaster was able to compose himself and stop laughing.

"I am sorry my boy but that was the funniest thing I've heard you say in years." Dumbledore said with a chuckle.

"You are lucky that I was able to intercept Potter when I did, another minute and you would be searching for a new DADA professor." Snape said ignoring the headmaster's last statement.

"Surely Harry would not have killed Quirrell, he is only 11 years old after all." Dumbledore said gravely as he looked at his potions master with concern. All humour now gone from his face.

"Quirrell tried and very nearly killed him, Potter wants his head on a platter." Snape informed him in a voice that said he clearly agreed with Harry. "However, since I knew that you would have thrown a bitch-fit had that happened I managed to intercept Potter and get him to promise me not to go after Quirrell and to leave me too deal with him." He watched as the headmaster seemed to sag in relief and sadness.

"Thank you my boy, let us hope that Harry keeps his promise." Dumbledore replied minutes later. He seemed to accept the fact that Harry was a cold hearted boy and not the warm, loving boy he'd hoped for when he'd left Harry with his aunt and uncle all those years ago.

"Potter did inform me that he may be ruthless and remorseless when it comes to his enemies but he always keeps his promises when it's within his power to do so." Snape informed the headmaster who seemed to brighten up slightly hearing that.

"Well that is very good then." Dumbledore gave a small smile.

"Maybe." Muttered Snape. "But Potter also informed me that if he's not allowed to take revenge then he would not be attending any more of Quirrell's classes and that if the man should try something else, then all promises are off." He explained with a slight smirk; he almost wished that Quirrell would try something else just to see what Potter would do.

For the month leading up to the Christmas break Harry attended all of his classes, except Quirrell's. In the evenings he would train vigorously with Flint for an hour before he'd spend another hour learning new spells, ranging from offensive spells taught at Hogwarts to the dark arts in his books. He'd come across the killing curse, Avada Kedavra. He practiced the unforgivable for an hour on Saturday's and Sunday's, after a month he had almost mastered the spell. However it would be at least another a month before he mastered it fully as it was one of the hardest dark spells to master, fourth only to the mind control spell, the Imperious curse, the torture spell, the Cruciatus curse and the extremely powerful Fiendfyre.

As the Christmas break drew closer Harry was preparing himself for the Ministry ball and also having the dormitory he shared with Theodore all too himself. That was until Tracy came to him one evening.

"Hi Harry." Tracy smiled at him as she took a seat next to him in the common room.

"Ms. Davis." Harry greeted her formally as he always did no matter how much Tracy, Daphne and Theodore asked him to use their first names.

"What are you doing for Christmas break. Are you going spend it with your family?"

"The only family I have left are my aunt, uncle and cousin and I would rather cut out my own spleen and eat it than spend Christmas with them." Harry replied in a bland tone, yet Tracy got the feeling that he was speaking the absolute truth.

"They really that bad?" she asked after a moment. Harry's only reply was a short nod.

"To answer your question I plan to spend Christmas here on my own." Harry said as he finished his book and placed it onto the table before he relaxed back into his chair, closing his eyes as he did so.

"You can't spend Christmas on your own." Tracy informed him as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I've spent the past ten Christmases alone and the rest of the years round, one more is hardly going to kill me." Harry replied without opening his eyes. He was trying to find his centre so he could connect fully with his magical core, he's read in one of his books that any witch or wizard who had connected fully with their magical cores could use magic even easier than they could without been fully connected to it and Harry wanted that almost as badly as he wanted Quirrell's head.

"Well regardless of that, I came over here to invite you to spend Christmas at my home with my family." Tracy informed him after watching him for a moment or two. That got Harry's attention.

"You're inviting me to spend Christmas with you and your family?" Harry asked in surprise though he did not show it. He'd never been invited to spend any day with any one let-alone Christmas day and he was very touched, though he'd never admit that.

"Yes, when I've written home to my parents I've mentioned you once or twice and they informed me that I could invite you to spend Christmas with us if you'd like." Tracy informed him with a smile. A smile that Harry was having a hard time not returning, though he managed to keep his face blank.

"I'll think about it." Harry said after a moment in which he was able to compose himself so his voice wasn't full of choked gratitude at being invited to Christmas. He'd learnt at an early age that showing emotion was weak and could lead to emotional pain. If he didn't show or feel emotion, then he could not be hurt. Harry had lived by that for the last five years and he'd be dammed if he stopped now.

"That's all I ask." Tracy said in a bright voice with a large smile on her face.

"Thank you for the invitation Ms. Davis, now if you will excuse me I have a matter that I must attend too." Harry informed her politely and formally before he got up and left the common room and went up to his dorm before he broke down crying at been invited to spend Christmas like a normal 11 year old boy, something the Dursley's had denied him for the last ten years.

After reaching his dorm, Harry was able to compose himself enough so that only a few tears leaked from his eyes. Once he was composed he began to gather a few belongings into a rucksack, after all he'd been invited to spend Christmas with the Davis family and he'd be damned if he'd miss the chance to spend Christmas like a normal boy, even if it was only once.

Three days later, Christmas Eve

Harry was in the guest bedroom of the Davis Family home getting ready for the Ministry ball that was to take place in an hour. The Davis family home was a modest, four bedroom, Muggle farmhouse that was surrounded by fields and woodlands for as far as the eye could see.

The Davis family home was located in the Welch countryside, the family bred all kinds of animals from the smallest chickens right the way up to the large bulls and every farm animal you could think of. The farm sold its products, milk, cows, sheep, eggs, chickens, wool and dogs they bred to both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds all up and down England. Well they didn't sell so many dogs in the Wizarding world, mainly in the Muggle one.

They also owned wool making factories and they also made leather from the slaughtered cow's skins. As well as producing milk from the milking cows, they also owned a factory that produced various other dairy products, such as cheese, cream and yogurt. They also bred various breeds of horses that they sold at various places. All in all the Davis family empire was worth millions in both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds.

As Harry looked into the floor to ceiling mirror in the corner of the room, he could not help but think that he looked very smart. He was wearing his black dress robes that he had bought in Diagon Alley before term began, his hair was stuck up all over like normal, except the tips , which he kept curled just like the hairdresser had done for him when he'd gone for a trim after he'd finished shopping in both worlds.

"Come in." He called after hearing a light knock at the door.

"Are you ready Harry?" Tracy asked him as she stepped into the room. Tracy was dressed in a black, full length dress. She had curled her normally straight Brunette hair so that it now cascaded down her back and over her shoulders in elegant curls, making Tracy looked very grown up for her young age.

"You look wonderful Ms. Davis." Harry said in a formal charming voice. "Not that you don't normally but you look exceptionally so this evening." He finished in a light tone instead of his normal cold tone.

"You look very handsome yourself Mr. Potter." Tracy replied with a faint blush at Harry's words.

"And too answer your question, yes I am ready." Harry said as he walked towards and out the door followed by Tracy who closed his door as she left the room.

"Good, Daphne has just arrived." She informed him as they began walking down the stairs. Harry and Daphne had agreed to meet at the Davis home, then go to the Ministry with the Davis's, though of course Harry and Daphne would not be dining with them as they had not been invited to sit at the Ministers table like Harry had.

"Good evening Ms. Greengrass, may I say you look exceptionally beautiful this evening." Harry said as he and Tracy reached the family room moments later. Daphne was dressed in a dress similar to Tracy's except Daphne's was navy blue, she too had curled her hair.

"Thank you Mr. Potter." Daphne blushed as Harry took her hand in his own before he bent his head to kiss the back of her hand.

"The perfect little gentleman." Lady Annabel Davis spoke with a large smile on her face. Lady Davis was a very beautiful woman with her high cheekbones, strong jaw, large smiling eyes and brunette locks, just looking at her Harry could tell where Tracy got her looks from. Annabel was dressed in a red, strapless, floor length evening gown.

"Well then shall we get going?" Lord Michael Davis asked them. Michael was a tall, broad man who closely resembled the Black family members in looks as his family were cousins of the dark family. However where the Black side of the family were dark and known Muggle haters, the Davis side were a neutral family that operated their family empire in both worlds. Lord Davis was dressed in very expensive dark green dress robes and looked very much the part of a Wizarding lord.

Ten minutes later found the five of them reaching the door in the Ministry that led into the ballroom. Standing in front of the door were four Auror's who all had their wands out ready for anything.

"Ah Lord Davis, you and your family are seated on the right, two tables down from the Ministers table." The door attendant informed Michael after the Auror's had done a sweep of them all with their wands and the attendant had looked at their invitation.

"Ah Mr. Potter, you and your guest are of course seated at the Ministers table." The attendant smiled at Harry and Daphne once he'd read the invitation. "The Ministers table is the largest table, situated in the middle of the room." he pointed towards the largest table in the room after which Harry thanked the man before he led Daphne over.

"Ah Harry my boy, lovely to see you again, and you Ms. Greengrass." Albus Dumbledore smiled at the two when they reached the table that the attendant directed them towards.

"Good evening Headmaster Dumbledore, I hope I find you well?" Harry asked in his perfectly polite and charming voice, his public mask firmly in place.

"Very well thank you for asking and yourself?" Dumbledore asked with a smile. He was very happy that so far, Harry had kept his promise and had not gone after Quirrell seeking retribution. Yet.

"Yes very well thank you sir." Harry replied before introducing Daphne properly even though Dumbledore knew who she was.

"Well Harry shall I introduce you to the Minister?" Dumbledore asked Harry after exchanging pleasantries with Daphne.

"If it is no trouble then that would be most welcome as I would like to thank the Minister for inviting me this evening." Harry replied politely.

"It is no trouble at all my boy." Dumbledore smiled as he began leading Harry and Daphne towards a short man who was stood talking with who could only be Draco Malfoy's mother and father. Draco himself was stood behind his father silently with his hands at his side and his back ramrod straight.

"Ah good evening Albus." The short wizard said to Dumbledore with a large smile as he spotted Dumbledore.

"Good evening Cornelius, May I introduce Mr. Harry Potter." Dumbledore greeted before gesturing at Harry. Fudge's eyes lit up as they landed on Harry's face.

"Ah Harry Potter, a pleasure to finally meet you." Fudge greeted as he held out his hand to Harry.

"No Minister, the pleasure and honour is all mine." Harry replied in that same charming voice as he shook Fudge's hand. He then produced a bottle from the inside of his robes, which he passed to Fudge.

"A token of my gratitude for being invited to such an event." He informed the portly man with a short bow.

"That is very generous of you Mr. Potter, thank you." Fudge said a large smile on his face as he took the aged bottle of Ogden's Firewhiskey.

"You are welcome Minister, may I introduce my date for this evening Ms. Daphne Greengrass." As Harry introduced Daphne he saw from the corner of his eye that Mr. Malfoy scowled ever so slightly as he looked at Daphne.

"A pleasure to meet you Ms. Greengrass." Fudge smiled as he kissed the back of Daphne's hand.

"The pleasure is all mine Minister." Daphne smiled as she held in a giggle at Mr. Malfoy's face.

"Well Mr. Potter may I introduce you to Lord Lucius Malfoy." Fudge said turning towards the Malfoy lord.

"A pleasure to meet you Lord Malfoy." Harry said with a smirk on his face that only Lucius saw as they shook hands.

"A pleasure to meet you also Mr. Potter." Malfoy said stiffly forcing himself not to sneer in front of the Minister. "May I introduce my wife, Lady Narcissa Malfoy." Lucius said formally as he indicated towards a very beautiful platinum blonde woman, dressed in very elegant blue dress robes.

"A pleasure to meet you Lady Malfoy." Harry murmured as he took Lady Malfoy's outstretched hand which he bent over and kissed ever so lightly. What no one saw was that Harry had his hand behind his back.

"A beautiful rose, for a beautiful lady." Harry said as he produced a red rose from behind his back which he then passed over to Narcissa, who took it with a large, warm smile. He had of course already given Daphne a rose before they came to the Ministry. He smirked slightly as he heard Lucius growl at him.

"Thank you Mr. Potter." Narcissa smiled at Harry as she attached the rose to her robes like Daphne had done. "It is a pleasure to meet such a gentleman." She gave Draco a look before smiling at Harry once more.

"I wonder if she'd smile so warmly at me if she knew I'd given Draco his scar." Harry wondered to himself as Lucius very stiffly introduced Draco, after which Harry introduced Daphne to the three.

For the next ten minutes or so, Fudge introduced him to a horde of people, from Madam Amelia Bones who thanked him for saving Susan to Lady Longbottom and her grandson Neville. He was also introduced to Head Auror Rufus Scrimgeour, Bartemius Crouch, Albert Runcorn, Pius Thicknesse and a very short, ugly little witch dressed in pink robes named Dolores Umbridge, she reminded Harry and Daphne of a toad and her sickly sweat voice made Harry want to take a very hot shower, in fact he almost visibly cringed when he kissed the back of her hand. If he could, he would have ripped his own lips off and burned them after that.

"I need a long hot shower and new lips after that." Harry muttered to Daphne as they took their seats, Harry beside the Minister. Daphne giggled slightly as she sat in the seat that Harry had of course pulled out for her.

"Before we begin this excellent meal I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming this evening." Fudge said as he stood in front of the room looking around at everyone. He then spent the next five minutes waffling on before the meal began.

Throughout the meal Harry spoke with the Minister, Daphne and Narcissa. Every time he spoke with Narcissa he would compliment her, from her robes to her smile. This of course had Narcissa smiling largely as Lucius sat besides her doing his upmost not to scowl at Harry. By the time the meal finished, Lucius looked as though he was going to burst a vessel before strangling Harry, who kept smirking at him whenever Narcissa wasn't looking. It was clear that the Lord Malfoy very rarely, if ever paid his wife compliments and here Harry was showering her with them, showing him up.

Harry of course complimented Daphne as much as he did Narcissa and therefore by the time the meal finished both of them were smiling widely, whilst everyone in hearing range thought that Harry was the most charming 11 year old boy they had ever met.

"May I have this dance Ms. Greengrass." Harry asked once the meal was finished and the tables had been pushed to the sides to make way for the guests to dance.

"You may Mr. Potter." Daphne smiled at Harry as she allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor.

As they slowly waltzed around the dance floor, Harry was for the first time in his life thankful for aunt Petunia for forcing him to take dance classes for the last three years. The pair spoke of unimportant things as they danced. Harry danced with Daphne for another two songs before the pair went to get drinks.

"Do you mind if I dance with a few other ladies this evening?" Harry asked Daphne as they sipped their drinks and watched the dancers.

"Of course not Harry." Daphne replied with a smile. She knew that Harry was going eventually ask Narcissa for a dance to get under Lucius and Draco's skins but she was fine with that as long as she had a good time herself.

Harry then danced with Susan and Amelia Bones, Tracy and Annabel Davis and Lady Longbottom before he finally spotted Narcissa sitting by herself looking very bored as Lucius was talking with the Minister, Draco beside them. He made his way over.

"Lady Malfoy, May I have this dance?" Harry asked her with a short bow before he stretched his hand towards her.

"Of course Mr. Potter." Narcissa smiled at him as she placed her hand into Harry's allowing him to pull her from her seat and lead her onto the dance floor. Harry led her around the floor in a slow waltz. Ever so slowly and slyly, Harry steered them over near where Lucius and Draco stood.

When Lucius spotted Harry dancing near him, he sneered at him. However, the sneer had nothing on the glare he sent Harry when Harry spun Narcissa around in 360 turn so Lucius could get a quick glimpse of just who Harry was dancing with. When Malfoy realised that Harry was dancing with his wife he almost blew a gasket on the spot as he glared his hardest at Harry, who just smirked in reply as he drew Narcissa even closer to him.

"I'm going to kill him." Lucius growled darkly to himself as he watched Harry's hand slide down Narcissa's back to rest dangerously close to his wife's ass. He watched as Harry's eyes glanced at his wife before looking back to him and Potter stuck his tongue out ever so slightly and he wagged it up and down quickly before replacing it back into his mouth. He growled once more as he got Potter's message as clear as day.

"Are you enjoying yourself Lady Malfoy." Harry asked her, whispering in her ear as they were almost the same size, Narcissa just an inch a so taller. He was looking Lucius in the eyes and smirking as he did, who was by now shaking in rage but Harry knew the Malfoy lord could do nothing about it.

"Very much so Mr. Potter." Narcissa whispered back as she closed her eyes while Harry led them in small circles around the dance floor, never leaving Lucius's sight and making sure the Malfoy lord could see the look of happiness on his wife's face.

"Please Lady Malfoy, call me Harry." He told her in a whisper, his hand now rested at the very top of her ass, two fingers actually resting on her ass cheek. Lucius's face was now red with rage as he completely ignored the minister and his son who had just spotted who Harry was dancing with.

Once the song ended Narcissa kissed Harry's cheek and thanked him before moving off to get a drink. Harry then turned to smirk at Lucius and Draco, giving them a quick middle finger salute before he moved off to find his date.

For the rest of the night Harry danced with Daphne, Tracy, Susan and Narcissa. Every time he danced with Lady Malfoy he always made sure either Lucius or Draco could see and he always made sure to keep his hand dangerously close to her ass, most times with a finger or two actually resting on it. The last dance he shared with Narcissa he placed his full hand on her ass as the song finished all the while smirking at Lucius, Lady Malfoy didn't seem to mind either or she was so absorbed in enjoying herself she just didn't notice.

Harry of course danced the last dance of the evening with Daphne before the two made their way to the exit. As they reached the door leading from the ballroom, Harry spotted the three Malfoy's stood there with the Minister.

"Good night Mr Potter, Ms. Greengrass." Fudge smiled at Harry and Daphne completely unaware of the glares Lucius and Draco were sending Harry.

"Good night Minister thank you for inviting me." Replied with a smile before he turned to look at the approaching Lady Malfoy.

"Harry, thank you for the dances tonight." Narcissa smiled at him as Lucius glared even harder at Harry.

"The Pleasure was all mine Narcissa." Harry replied with a smile and a short bow to the woman. Narcissa then moved towards him and went to kiss Harry on the cheek, Harry however moved his head ever so slightly that Narcissa ended up kissing the corner of Harry's mouth instead in plain view of the Malfoy males.

"You're a very bad boy Harry, winding my husband up all night." Narcissa whispered in his ear before kissing his cheek once more. It seemed that Narcissa had been well aware of what Harry had been doing all evening.

"That I am." Harry whispered back, Narcissa may have been aware of what he had been up to but it was well worth it. He had done exactly what he set out to do.

"Goodbye Lord Malfoy, Draco." Harry smirked as he and Daphne passed the two growling Malfoy males. Harry was in their heads and they all knew it.

Harry then led Daphne to the fireplaces so she could Floo home.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening Ms. Greengrass." Harry said as he bowed over Daphne's hand kissing the back as he did so.

"Thank you Mr. Potter, not only did I get to have a wonderful time dancing but I also got to watch you torment the Malfoy males and get inside their heads." Daphne replied with a large smile. She had watched Harry's every dance with Lady Malfoy, she's seen everything he'd done and Lucius and Draco's reactions, she could not wait to tell her father in the morning, she was sure he'd have a good laugh at Harry's antics.

Goodnight Harry." Daphne said before she kissed him on the cheek a slight blush on her face.

"Goodnight Ms. Greengrass." Harry watched as Daphne Floo'd home before he Floo'd back to the Davis Family home (The Davis's had gone home an hour ago) Harry James Potter may have been 11 years old but he knew exactly how to get inside someone's head.

End of chapter

AN: well what do you all think? How was the Quidditch match, it was my first time writing one. What did you think of the Ministry ball and Harry getting inside Lucius's head? The reason I say that the killing curse is not as powerful as the other three is because a wizard fires one shot of magic from his wand for the killing curse, whilst with the other three you need to constantly pour magic into the spells to keep them going and thus they would take a lot more power and a powerful wizard to maintain them. Please review.