After spending some more time getting to know the people of midnight society he decided to log back into the game.
Opening his eyes he found himself in a small room were his gear and his items lay spread on the ground. He had managed to take multiple weapons and materials from the invading forces. Loud sounds of hammers and bustling of people sounded outside. He got dressed than grabbed his equipment deciding to check what was going on outside.
The town was bustling with space guards and villagers working on the buildings that were destroyed. A notification popped up onto his screen.
Quest (optional)
Rebuild town- help town to be rebuilt space forces and villagers will eventually finish rebuilding the town if you help you might get some good rewards.
Joker accepted the quest and began to work around town, as he had no carpentry experience or knew any type of forging, he mostly got the job to carry items around. It wasn't too hard for him to carry around heavy equipment as his STR score had improved a lot in the last few days. He spent most of his session helping out than he went fishing again catching more fish for his quest. Eventually he met up with eve at the end of the session and received the trident he gave her to forge.
Trident - Forged Magical
Dmg: 3-4
Lightning attribute: Deals additional 8 lightening damage and reduces opponents' reactions rate by 5%.
"That lighting stone was hard to work with." Eve said "It took a lot of materials to make it so how are you going to thank me." She said eyeing his bag filled with items.
"Well.... I didn't get any new materials this time and no elemental stones either but you should be able to do something with the materials that the Raiders dropped." Joker opened the bag to reveal his haul for the day and the items from yesterday. Eve's eyes shined, Joker could swear that Eve was salivating as soon as she saw all the materials he had gathered.
"How's it going on your end with the forging? Did you manage to get all of your weapons?" Joker asked.
"I do have all my weapons now but not all of them are for forging specifically. I have my hammer here then a neutron cannon at the shop which is almost impossible to move its really heavy. Than these spikes here, a torch and finally my last weapons." Pulling out a pair of fiber gloves with blue lines. "This pair of fiber gloves they help my hands with the heat it makes forging much easier."
"Well I was wondering if you could upgrade my net with the materials you got, I'm going to be logging off for a while and leave my guy on auto before the big launch tomorrow. I'm going to get plenty of rest before the game officially begins it's going to be an interesting day tomorrow." With that he left his Avatar with a good schedule until he logged back in tomorrow and went to sleep.
The next day in the morning he was feeling pretty sore from the workout from the previous day and he began to stretch. Then he went to the gym and got a small workout before he began to work on weapons training. Eventually he was exhausted and went to grab some food. As he left he heard faint whispers saying something two days in a row and he's still going. Maybe they were looking down on him because he wasn't part of a combat guild. He would just have to work harder to make sure he didn't embarrass his cousin.
River took a nap then woke up about an hour before the game's official launch was about to begin. He decided to log in and check out what was going on with the town. He woke up in the small room an item appeared in front of him.
You have gained Collapse Cube Can store up to 250 items. Time until launch 53 minutes please enjoy the game!!!
Nice a storage device he also received rewards from his afk run finding one [Earth Elemental Stone] and a [Jumbo Lure] with multiple stones and a few rare materials.
[Jumbo Lure]- Made to catch large fish in oceans.
He put the items into his Collapse Cube then walked out to see the town completed a notification wrung up.
Congratulations you have helped rebuild the town.
+500 experience
+50 Space forces reputation
+50 Fisherman reputation
Congratulations for fishing within the town. Completion rate: S
+1500 experience
Congratulations you have gained a level please go to the Inn to receive your rewards. Joker placed the cube into a slot that fit right into his armor. Hmmm that's convenient he though as he neared the inn which was now rebuilt. He opened the door hearing laughter and music as he entered the town seemed to have gathered inside the inn feasting their survival. Inside he could see Blue, Eve and Briggs sitting with each of their NPCs. Joker managed to spot the fisherman NPC waiting for him at an empty table. Joker headed over and sat down with him.
"Good Job on getting all those fish and helping us out here in the town. Without you adventurers we would have not been able to protect it so well as we did. Take these with you they will help you on your future adventures." The fisherman said handing over a [Fisherman's Rod] and a [Fairy Unit]
Fisherman's Rod- Magical
Dmg- 4
Reel- Increases strength while reeling in fish +10
Compact- can turn into a small stick making it easy to store.
Fairy unit- Unique
+1% to stats
Synchronize to use. Very knowledgeable about planetary environments, explaining potential dangers that you might face. Can be upgraded, every fairy unit has a unique set of abilities.
Joker Synchronized the Fairy unit to himself.
Synchronization: 45 minutes....
Then he walked over to the Innkeeper to say his goodbyes, the innkeeper smiled, "Sit down my boy i have something to ask of you and your companions."
"What is it?"
"Well we won't be able to protect Nydia in this small town for much longer I don't know how they found out she was here but could you help her get to the settlement. They have a space forces base and they said they would be able to take care of her." The Innkeeper looked at Joker with a hopeful expression.
Protect Nydia and bring her to the Space forces base. Max 4 people
Joker accepted the quest waiting for the rest of the group even though he could do without Briggs once everyone was ready to a large announcement appeared.
You ship has arrived at the settlement Galaxian Frontier has officially begun!!!!