Finland's Smile

After 20 minutes Finland was finally done with her checkups. She just received her receipt from the receptionist when she remembered to do something. She went back to Caspar's consultation room and upon knocking the door, she overheard the conversation happening inside.

"Doctor, you will really stay in Singapore for 6 months? Wow... The hospital management will definitely be very happy," exclaimed the nurse.

"Yes, I decided to become a guest professor for one semester at NUS," replied Caspar.

"Wow ... This year's students are very lucky."

Caspar laughed softly.

"Hopefully they can appreciate this opportunity. OK, please get my schedule for today."

"Aren't you going to receive another patient?" asked the nurse in a teasing tone. Finland couldn't hear the answer. She only heard Caspar clearing his throat and the nurse's apology.

"Oh... yes, sorry for being presumptuous. I'll immediately get your schedule for today".

The door suddenly opened and the nurse walked out hurriedly. She looked at Finland in surprise but said nothing.

"Errr... Doctor..." Finland knocked on the door and entered. Caspar looked up and immediately smiled.

"What is wrong?"

"Err... umm... I'm really sorry for my carelessness last night... I feel very guilty. I promise I won't ever do that again. I can't imagine what would have happened if your hand was hurt yesterday... Then you won't be able to work as a surgeon anymore... "

Tears started forming on her eyes, and she could not say anything else.

Caspar was stunned. He got up and tried to calm Finland down. He held the girl to his chest while gently patting her back.

"Sshhh... It was an accident. Stop blaming yourself. I'm fine. The important thing is that you realized your mistake and won't do it again."

"But if your hands were damaged, your career could be destroyed..." Finland was horrified when she realized she could have destroyed someone's life by her recklessness... just to save money on transport.

"Who said so? I can do many other things. I can be a farmer, lawyer, researcher, businessman, model, even designer. I have a lot of interests. Please, don't worry about me."

He walked Finland to the nearest chair and gave her a glass of water to calm her down.

"Finland, look here..." he said. Finland wiped her wet eyes and looked at Caspar with a questioning look.


Caspar suddenly took a picture of Finland's sad face with a polaroid camera and showed her the results.

"Look at this, I have never seen such sad eyes in my life before. It looks as if you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulder. I have lived for a very long time and I have never seen such deep sadness. It breaks my heart to see you sad. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Finland was stunned. Was this why Caspar was nice to her since they met last night? He was feeling sorry for her?

"I'll tell you what... I want to make a small project for the next 6 months I am in Singapore. The project is about you, Finland. Every time we meet I will take a photo of you and I will do something to turn that frown into a smile. How does that sound? "

Finland looked surprised to hear that. Did this mean... they will meet often?

Her heart pounded faster and her face turned red.

"Err... thank you… and goodbye, Doc."

Finland rushed out to calm her rushing emotions.

She sat on a bench in the hospital garden and took a deep breath. It seemed like her luck had turned since she bumped into Caspar last night.

She looked at the time. Jean must already be awake now, she thought to herself. Jean was in France and his current time zone was 7 hours behind Singapore. Finland didn't like to wake him up with the sound of a phone because she knew how important a good night's sleep was for her friend.

[Good news! I just got a job and the salary is decent. After I get my first paycheck next month I can hopefully move to my own place.]

[Congratulations! Great! Uh, but you don't need to rush to find a new place. I barely live there so you can stay in my apartment and save your money.]

Finland paused for a moment... Jean knew that Finland was saving money to one day travel to Finland to see the country for herself and hopefully understand why her mother named her after that country. It would be a very expensive journey and she needed to save every dollar and cent she could get.

[I don't want to trouble you further. When will you come home to Singapore?]

[Next week I will be in Singapore before continuing my trip to Korea. You don't need to get out of the apartment, I am only staying for one week. I can sleep on the couch. Ha ha.]

[Oops... Don't! I will sleep on the couch.]

[Don't be ridiculous. You're a girl.]

[I'm just a freeloader.]

[By the way, do you want anything from France? Pierre Herme Macarons as usual? Or Sephora make up? You are employed now so you need to start wearing makeup.]

[Hahaha... Surprise me. OK, I won't bother you anymore. You must be super busy. Take care of your health. I miss you!]



Finland looked up when she heard the camera. Caspar stood in front of her, examining Finland's picture he just took.

"You were smiling, and you looked so beautiful. I couldn't help but take a picture. Sorry if you don't like being photographed."

"Eh... Umm... that's not it. I didn't expect you to come here".

"It's a coincidence. I am on my way to the next building," Caspar said, pointing to a glass building on the right, "and happened to see you here. What are you doing?"

"Oh... I was talking to Jean about my new job. He's very happy for me."

"Who is Jean?"

"Jean is my best friend and I am currently staying in his apartment."

"Oh... don't you want to find your own apartment that isn't as masculine? You would be able to design it to match your personality. Since you have a job, you will get a salary, right?"

Finland laughed a little, "Ahaha... My salary is only minimum wage. I will probably be able to rent a room on the outskirts of the city. I won't have enough money to rent a full apartment. I am planning to find a rental room and move out of Jean's apartment. I'm not picky about the design as long as it is habitable. "

Caspar was quiet for a while.

"Mmm… There is a nice empty room in my house that is decent enough for you. You can rent it for 500 dollars per month. Just come and see it. Later you can decide for yourself if you want to stay there or not."

He took the polaroid picture he just took of Finland out and showed it to her, "Look, your face started to show a smile here. If you come and see the room I offered, your smile will definitely be even wider."

Finland blushed.

"Thank you. I'll think about it."

"Don't think for too long. It might not be available later."

Caspar continued his journey to the next building, leaving Finland dazed.