The Morning After

Finland woke up when she heard birds singing outside the window. This was one of the things she liked most about Rose Mansion; its spacious and lush garden was full of life.

When mornings come, animals such as birds and squirrels were already busy with their activities, and their singing had become a natural alarm for Finland to wake up and start the day.

Her head felt a little dizzy, and Finland thought it was probably because of the amount of champagne she had at Moon Restaurant last night. Apart from knowing that the price was very expensive, Finland also drank more because she was irritated and hurt by Noah's actions.

She was deeply moved when Caspar purposely bought Atlas Corp to get back at him and fired the man in front of her. Really, her heart beat faster when she saw Caspar defend her like that...

And oh, he must have spent a lot of money to buy that company...