Finland found a way out of the castle through a back door and walked aimlessly. She was just going wherever her feet took her. Around the castle there were many beautiful citrus trees – it reminded her of the garden of the Versailles Palace she had seen from a photo that Jean sent. A little to the side there was a small green lake with several canoes.
Finland was attracted to the lake and walked closer. The scenery here was very beautiful. She then sat on the dock, took off her shoes and dipped her feet into the water.
Brr... it was so cold...
She quickly pulled out her feet and wore her shoes again. What was I thinking? She scolded herself.
It was her first time going to Europe, and she never experienced winter before, so she did not know that the water in the lake would be too cold to touch.
She turned around in surprise when she heard a voice calling out to her. She did not see anyone behind her. There was no one on the dock.