The First Snow This Year

"Well... you newlyweds, please take a rest. In a few hours, we will have a grand dinner to celebrate. Tomorrow, we will announce to everyone that there has been a wedding," Aldebar said.

Caspar did not wait for Finland to reply. He carried the girl out of the chapel, into the elevator, and up to the 3rd floor. He followed the traditional method of carrying his wife into their bedroom; bridal style.

Jadeith and Famke, who were waiting in front of the elevator on the 3rd floor, immediately opened the large wooden door so that Caspar could enter with Finland in his arms. The door was then closed behind them.

"Finally... you won't be able to change your mind now," Caspar said happily. He carefully laid Finland on the bed. Their room was decorated with beautiful flowers and romantic candles. "You are bound to me for life."

He sat next to Finland and hugged her waist.