How Much Did He Hear?

"All right, Billie Yves, Richard Waterston, then there's The Hue." He nodded. Caspar then asked, "How about you... do you know my favorite musicians?"

Finland nodded.

"You don't have a favorite musician. But you like all classical music."

Caspar looked embarrassed because Finland was right. His wife knew his music preferences, but he did not know his wife's music preferences. He promised himself to pay more attention and ask more questions.

Finland sighed, "You're used to getting things easy."

"Is it wrong?" Caspar asked. "I am used to living like this. If you don't want Billie Yves's private concert, I can take you to her concert like a normal person."

"There is nothing wrong with it," Finland said shaking her head slightly, "We are just used to different lifestyles. I don't know if I will ever get used to this lifestyle of yours."