Snowfall In Paris

"Uhm... why have we not arrived yet..." she complained on the way. Even the trek to Parc Guell wasn't as hard as this, Finland thought.

Her body did get warmer, but her feet refused to work about halfway to the top. Apparently, she was not accustomed to walking uphill like this, especially in such cold weather. In Singapore, the whole country was almost flat land. The only going up and down she experienced was going on the escalators in a mall or MRT station.

"We are almost there," said Jean comfortably. "Or we can go down again and take the cable car. Walking down will be easier."

"Uhm... no… I don't like to waste my effort, especially if we are already halfway there. You said we are close." Finland stopped and held on to the wall, calming her breath. "Ouch, what a shame... I feel so old like a granny."