Aleksis Makela

Rory was like a true savior for Finland. He faithfully accompanied her until midnight when her contractions became more frequent and longer. Nearing midnight, when Finland's contractions were two minutes apart, he immediately called a doctor.

The doctor and nurses swiftly took Finland to the delivery room. Rory, who was about to enter the delivery room, was stopped by the doctor.

"Are you her husband?" asked Doctor James.

"No, I'm her friend..." Rory answered. "I want to accompany her inside..."

"Please let him enter... I need him..." Finland said, breathing hard. She shuddered at the thought of being in the delivery room without anyone she knew. In her life, she had never felt so vulnerable before, and now she really needed someone by her side... She was very scared.

The doctor finally allowed Rory to enter. He stood next to Finland and held her hand as she pushed and screamed nonstop.