Jean And Finland

Jean arrived outside the gate breathing heavily. He looked around and asked everyone if they saw a girl who had been waiting by the gate for hours.

"Oh, yes... there was one girl. She waited for you since noon," said James, the assistant director. "Maybe she finally went home."

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Jean asked quickly.

"We didn't want to bother you. You know how crazy fans are these days..." James answered, shrugging. Jean couldn't blame him. Things like that often happened before.

"Finland... !!!" He finally walked around the block while calling Finland's name. Maybe the girl was still around and heard him. "Finlaaaand...!!"

After some time searching without any results, he finally decided to return to the set. He paused in front of the gate and studied the music box in his hand. With a sigh, he placed the music box in his coat pocket.

Jean was about to walk in when suddenly his waist was hugged from behind.
